1. Is-suġġett tad-data għandu d-dritt li jikseb mingħand il-kontrollur konferma dwar jekk id-data personali li tikkonċerna lilu hijiex qiegħda tiġi proċessata jew le, u, fejn dan ikun il-każ, l-aċċess għad-data personali u l-informazzjoni li ġejja:
1. The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information:
(c) ir-riċevituri jew il-kategoriji ta’ riċevituri li lilhom tkun ġiet żvelata jew ser tiġi żvelata d-data personali, b’mod partikolari riċevituri f’pajjiżi terzi jew organizzazzjonijiet internazzjonali;
(c) the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations;
(d) fejn possibbli, il-perijodu mbassar li matulu d-data personali tkun ser tinħażen, jew jekk mhux possibbli, il-kriterji użati biex jiġi ddeterminat dak il-perijodu;
(d) where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
(e) l-eżistenza tad-dritt li jitlob mingħand il-kontrollur rettifika jew tħassir tad-data personali jew restrizzjoni tal-ipproċessar tad-data personali rigward is-suġġett tad-data jew li joġġezzjona għal tali pproċessar;
(e) the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;
(f) id-dritt li jitressaq ilment quddiem awtorità superviżorja;
(f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
(g) fejn id-data personali ma tinġabarx mis-suġġett tad-data, kwalunkwe informazzjoni disponibbli rigward is-sors tagħhom;
(g) where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;
(h) l-eżistenza ta’ teħid awtomatizzat ta’ deċiżjonijiet, inkluż it-tfassil ta’ profili, imsemmi fl-Artikolu 22(1) u (4) u, għall-inqas f’dawk il-każijiet, l-informazzjoni importanti dwar il-loġika involuta, kif ukoll is-sinifikat u l-konsegwenzi previsti ta’ tali pproċessar għas-suġġett tad-data.
(h) the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.
2. Fejn id-data personali tkun trasferita lil pajjiż terz jew lil organizzazzjoni internazzjonali, is-suġġett tad-data għandu d-dritt li jiġi informat rigward is-salvagwardji adatti skont l-Artikolu 46 rigward it-trasferiment.
2. Where personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46 relating to the transfer.
(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.
Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 15(2) GDPR:
7.3.2 Determining information for PII principals
The organization should determine and document the information to be provided to PII principals regarding the processing of their PII and the timing of such a provision.
Implementation guidance
The organization should determine the legal, regulatory and/or business requirements for when information is to be provided to the PII principal (e.g. prior to processing, within a certain time from when it is requested, etc.) and for the type of information to be provided.
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3. Il-kontrollur għandu jipprovdi kopja tad-data personali li tkun qiegħda tiġi pproċessata. Għal aktar kopji mitluba mis-suġġett tad-data, il-kontrollur jista’ jimponi tariffa raġonevoli bbażata fuq l-ispejjeż amministrattivi. Fejn is-suġġett tad-data jagħmel it-talba b’mezzi elettroniċi, u sakemm ma jkunx mitlub mod ieħor mis-suġġett tad-data, l-informazzjoni għandha tiġi pprovduta f’forma elettronika użata b’mod komuni.
3. The controller shall provide a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. For any further copies requested by the data subject, the controller may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. Where the data subject makes the request by electronic means, and unless otherwise requested by the data subject, the information shall be provided in a commonly used electronic form.
ISO/IEC 27701, принятый в 2019, добавил дополнительное руководство к ISO/IEC 27002 для контролеров персональных данных (ПИИ).
Приводим соответствующий параграф к статье 15(3) GDPR:
8.3.1 Обязательства по отношению к субъектам ПИИ
Средство управления
Организация должна обеспечить клиента механизмами выполнения своих обязательств, связанных с принципами ПИИ.
Руководство по внедрению
Обязанности контролера ПИИ могут быть определены законодательством, регламентом и / или договором.
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4. Id-dritt li tinkiseb kopja msemmija fil-paragrafu 3 ma għandux jaffettwa b’mod negattiv id-drittijiet u l-libertajiet ta’ oħrajn.
4. The right to obtain a copy referred to in paragraph 3 shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
(EN) This paragraph emphasizes that while individuals have the right to obtain a copy of their personal data (as outlined in paragraph 3 of Article 15), this right should not harm or infringe upon the rights and freedoms of other individuals. In other words, when fulfilling a data subject’s request for a copy of their data, the data controllers must strike a balance. They should ensure that providing this access does not negatively impact the privacy, rights, or freedoms of other individuals whose data may be intertwined with the requester’s data.
The latest consolidated version of the Regulation with corrections by Corrigendum, OJ L 127, 23.5.2018, p. 2 ((EU) 2016/679). Source: EUR-lex.
Concern: Request to access my personal data
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
I would like to know if you have any data concerning me, processed manually or by automated means, whether stored in digital databases or paper files…
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(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.
Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 15 GDPR:
7.3.2 Determining information for PII principals
The organization should determine and document the information to be provided to PII principals regarding the processing of their PII and the timing of such a provision.
Implementation guidance
The organization should determine the legal, regulatory and/or business requirements for when information is to be provided to the PII principal (e.g. prior to processing, within a certain time from when it is requested, etc.) and for the type of information to be provided.
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(63) Suġġett tad-data għandu jkollu d-dritt ta' aċċess għal data li tkun inġabret dwaru, u li jeżerċita dak id-dritt faċilment u f'intervalli raġonevoli, sabiex ikun jaf dwar, u jivverifika, il-legalità tal-ipproċessar. Dan jinkludi d-dritt tas-suġġetti tad-data li jkollhom aċċess għad-data dwar saħħithom, pereżempju d-data fir-reġistri mediċi tagħhom li jkun fihom informazzjoni bħal dijanjosi, riżultati ta' eżamijiet, valutazzjonijiet mit-tobba li qed jittrattawhom u kwalunkwe kura jew intervent ipprovdut. Kull suġġett tad-data għandu għalhekk ikollu d-dritt li jkun jaf u jikseb komunikazzjoni b'mod partikolari fir-rigward tal-għanijiet li għalihom tkun qiegħda tiġi pproċessata d-data personali, fejn possibbli il-perijodu li għalih id-data personali tiġi pproċessata, ir-riċevituri tad-data personali, il-loġika involuta fi kwalunkwe pproċessar awtomatiku tad-data personali u, għallinqas meta bbażata fuq it-tfassil ta' profili, il-konsegwenzi ta' dan l-ipproċessar. Fejn possibbli, il-kontrollur għandu jkun jista' jipprovdi aċċess mill-bogħod għal sistema sikura li tipprovdi lis-suġġett tad-data b'aċċess dirett għad-data personali tiegħu. Dak id-dritt ma għandux jaffettwa negattivament id-drittijiet jew il-libertajiet ta' persuni oħrajn, inklużi sigrieti tan-negozju jew proprjetà intellettwali u b'mod partikolari d-dritt tal-awtur li jipproteġi s-software. Madankollu, ir-riżultat ta' dawn il-kunsiderazzjonijiet m'għandux ikun rifjut li tiġi provduta l-informazzjoni kollha lis-suġġett tad-data. Fejn il-kontrollur jipproċessa kwantità kbira ta' informazzjoni rigward is-suġġett tad-data, il-kontrollur għandu jkun jista' jitlob li qabel ma tingħata din l-informazzjoni, is-suġġett tad-data jispeċifika l-informazzjoni jew l-attivitajiet ta' pproċessar li għalihom tkun tirreferi t-talba.
(63) A data subject should have the right of access to personal data which have been collected concerning him or her, and to exercise that right easily and at reasonable intervals, in order to be aware of, and verify, the lawfulness of the processing. This includes the right for data subjects to have access to data concerning their health, for example the data in their medical records containing information such as diagnoses, examination results, assessments by treating physicians and any treatment or interventions provided. Every data subject should therefore have the right to know and obtain communication in particular with regard to the purposes for which the personal data are processed, where possible the period for which the personal data are processed, the recipients of the personal data, the logic involved in any automatic personal data processing and, at least when based on profiling, the consequences of such processing. Where possible, the controller should be able to provide remote access to a secure system which would provide the data subject with direct access to his or her personal data. That right should not adversely affect the rights or freedoms of others, including trade secrets or intellectual property and in particular the copyright protecting the software. However, the result of those considerations should not be a refusal to provide all information to the data subject. Where the controller processes a large quantity of information concerning the data subject, the controller should be able to request that, before the information is delivered, the data subject specify the information or processing activities to which the request relates.
(64) Il-kontrollur għandu juża l-miżuri kollha raġonevoli sabiex jivverifika l-identità ta' suġġett tad-data li jitlob aċċess, b'mod partikolari fil-kuntest ta' servizzi online u identifikaturi online. Il-kontrollur m'għandux iżomm id-data personali għall-għan uniku li jkun jista' jirreaġixxi għal talbiet potenzjali.
(64) The controller should use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of a data subject who requests access, in particular in the context of online services and online identifiers. A controller should not retain personal data for the sole purpose of being able to react to potential requests.
Information Commissioner’s Office, Right of Access (2020).
EDPB, Guidelines 8/2020 on the targeting of social media users (2020).
EDPB, Guidelines 3/2019 on Processing of Personal Data through Video Devices (2020).
EDPB, Guidelines 02/2021 on Virtual Voice Assistants (2021).
EDPB, Guidelines 01/2022on data subject rights — Right of access (2022).
CJEU, College van burgemeester en wethouders van Rotterdam/Rijkeboer, C-553/07 (2009).
CJEU, Nowak/Data Protection Commissioner, C-434/16 (2017).