1. Tabharfaidh na Ballstáit, na húdaráis mhaoirseachta, an Bord agus an Coimisiún spreagadh, go háirithe ar leibhéal an Aontais, chun sásraí deimhniúcháin um chosaint sonraí agus séalaí agus marcanna cosanta sonraí a bhunú, ionas go bhféadfar a thaispeáint go bhfuil an Rialachán seo á chomhlíonadh ag oibríochtaí próiseála a dhéanann rialaitheoirí agus próiseálaithe. Cuirfear na riachtanais shonracha a bheidh ag micrifhiontar agus ag fiontair bheaga agus meánmhéide san áireamh.
1. The Member States, the supervisory authorities, the Board and the Commission shall encourage, in particular at Union level, the establishment of data protection certification mechanisms and of data protection seals and marks, for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with this Regulation of processing operations by controllers and processors. The specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises shall be taken into account.
2. De bhreis ar rialaitheoirí nó próiseálaithe atá faoi réir an Rialachain seo do chloí le sásraí deimhniúcháin um chosaint soraí, séalaí nó marcanna cosanta sonraí arna bhformheas de bhun mhír 5 den Airteagal seo, féadfaidh rialaitheoirí nó próiseálaithe nach bhfuil faoi réir an Rialacháin seo de bhun Airteagal 3 faoi chuimsiú aistrithe sonraí pearsanta go tríú tíortha agus go heagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta faoi na téarmaí dá dtagraítear i bpointe (f) d’Airteagal 46(2) iad a bhunú chun a thaispeáint go bhfuil coimircí iomchuí arna soláthar acu. Déanfaidh rialaitheoirí nó próiseálaithe den sórt sin gealltanais cheangailteacha in-fhorfheidhmithe, trí ionstraimí conarthacha nó trí ionstraimí eile atá ceangailteach ó thaobh an dlí de, chun na coimircí iomchuí sin a chur i bhfeidhm, lena n-áirítear i ndáil le cearta na n-ábhar sonraí do na sonraí.
2. In addition to adherence by controllers or processors subject to this Regulation, data protection certification mechanisms, seals or marks approved pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article may be established for the purpose of demonstrating the existence of appropriate safeguards provided by controllers or processors that are not subject to this Regulation pursuant to Article 3 within the framework of personal data transfers to third countries or international organisations under the terms referred to in point (f) of Article 46(2). Such controllers or processors shall make binding and enforceable commitments, via contractual or other legally binding instruments, to apply those appropriate safeguards, including with regard to the rights of data subjects.
3. Is deimhniú deonach a bheidh i gceist agus beidh sé ar fáil trí phróiseas atá trédhearcach.
3. The certification shall be voluntary and available via a process that is transparent.
4. Le deimhniú de bhun an Airteagail seo, ní laghdaítear an fhreagracht atá ar an rialaitheoir ná ar an bpróiseálaí an Rialachán seo a chomhlíonadh agus is gan dochar é do chúraimí agus do chumhachtaí na n-údarás maoirseachta atá inniúil de bhun Airteagal 55 nó 56.
4. A certification pursuant to this Article does not reduce the responsibility of the controller or the processor for compliance with this Regulation and is without prejudice to the tasks and powers of the supervisory authorities which are competent pursuant to Article 55 or 56.
5. Maidir le deimhniú de bhun an Airteagail seo, is iad na comhlachtaí deimhniúcháin dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 43 a eiseoidh é, nó is é an t-údarás maoirseachta a eiseoidh é, ar bhonn na gcritéar arna bhformheas ag an údarás inniúil maoirseachta sin de bhun Airteagal 58(3) nó ag an mBord de bhun Airteagal 63. I gcás ina bhformheasann an Bord na critéir, féadfaidh sé go dtiocfaidh comhdheimhniú, an Séala Eorpach Cosanta Sonraí, mar thoradh air sin.
5. A certification pursuant to this Article shall be issued by the certification bodies referred to in Article 43 or by the competent supervisory authority, on the basis of criteria approved by that competent supervisory authority pursuant to Article 58(3) or by the Board pursuant to Article 63. Where the criteria are approved by the Board, this may result in a common certification, the European Data Protection Seal.
6. An rialaitheoir nó an próiseálaí a chuireann an phróiseáil a dhéanann sé faoi bhráid an tsásra deimhniúcháin, cuirfidh sé an fhaisnéis go léir is gá maidir lena ghníomhaíochtaí próiseála ar fáil don chomhlacht deimhniúcháin dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 43, nó nuair is infheidhme, don údarás inniúil maoirseachta agus tabharfaidh sé gach rochtain dóibh ar a ghníomhaíochtaí próiseála d’fhonn dul i mbun an nós imeachta deimhniúcháin.
6. The controller or processor which submits its processing to the certification mechanism shall provide the certification body referred to in Article 43, or where applicable, the competent supervisory authority, with all information and access to its processing activities which are necessary to conduct the certification procedure.
7. Eiseofar deimhniú don rialaitheoir nó do phróiseálaí ar feadh uastréimhse trí bliana agus féadfar é a athnuachan, faoi na coinníollacha céanna, fad a leanfar de na ceanglais ábhartha a chomhlíonadh. I gcás inarb infheidhme, tarraingeoidh na comhlachtaí deimhniúcháin dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 43 deimhniú siar, nó tarraingeoidh an t-údarás inniúil maoirseachta siar é i gcás nach bhfuil na ceanglais le haghaidh deimhniúcháin á gcomhlíonadh nó nach bhfuil siad á gcomhlíonadh a thuilleadh.
7. Certification shall be issued to a controller or processor for a maximum period of three years and may be renewed, under the same conditions, provided that the relevant criteria continue to be met. Certification shall be withdrawn, as applicable, by the certification bodies referred to in Article 43 or by the competent supervisory authority where the criteria for the certification are not or are no longer met.
8. Déanfaidh an Bord na sásraí deimhniúcháin um chosaint sonraí ar fad agus na séalaí agus marcanna cosanta sonraí ar fad a thiomsú i gclár agus cuirfidh sé ar fáil don phobal iad trí aon bhealach iomchuí.
8. The Board shall collate all certification mechanisms and data protection seals and marks in a register and shall make them publicly available by any appropriate means.
The latest consolidated version of the Regulation with corrections by Corrigendum, OJ L 127, 23.5.2018, p. 2 ((EU) 2016/679). Source: EUR-lex.
(100) Chun trédhearcacht agus comhlíonadh an Rialacháin seo a fheabhsú, ba cheart spreagadh a thabhairt chun sásraí deimhniúcháin um chosaint sonraí agus séalaí agus marcanna cosanta sonraí a bhunú, a fhágann go bhféadfadh ábhair sonraí measúnú a dhéanamh go gasta ar an leibhéal cosanta sonraí a bhaineann le táirgí agus seirbhísí ábhartha.
EDPB, Opinion 1/2022on the draft decision of the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority regarding the GDPR – CARPA certification criteria (2022).
(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 4.1.
Here is the relevant paragraph to article 42 GDPR:
5.2.1 Understanding the organization and its context
The organization shall include among its interested parties (see ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 4.2), those parties having interests or responsibilities associated with the processing of PII, including the PII principals.
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