GDPR > Članak 27.. Predstavnici voditeljâ obrade ili izvršitelja obrade koji nemaju poslovni nastan u Uniji
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Članak 27. GDPR. Predstavnici voditeljâ obrade ili izvršitelja obrade koji nemaju poslovni nastan u Uniji

Article 27 GDPR. Representatives of controllers or processors not established in the Union

1. Ako se primjenjuje članak 3. stavak 2., voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade pisanim putem imenuju predstavnika u Uniji.

1. Where Article 3(2) applies, the controller or the processor shall designate in writing a representative in the Union.

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2. Ova se obveza iz stavka 1. ovog članka ne primjenjuje na:

2. The obligation laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to:

(a) obradu koja je povremena, ne uključuje u velikoj mjeri obradu posebnih kategorija podataka iz članka 9. stavka 1. ili obradu osobnih podataka u vezi s kaznenim osudama i kažnjivim djelima iz članka 10. te za koju nije vjerojatno da će prouzročiti rizik za prava i slobode pojedinaca uzimajući u obzir prirodu, kontekst, opseg i svrhe obrade; ili

(a) processing which is occasional, does not include, on a large scale, processing of special categories of data as referred to in Article 9(1) or processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10, and is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, taking into account the nature, context, scope and purposes of the processing; or

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(b) tijelo javne vlasti ili javno tijelo.

(b) a public authority or body.

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3. Predstavnik mora imati poslovni nastan u jednoj od država članica u kojoj se nalaze ispitanici čiji se osobni podaci obrađuju u vezi s robom ili uslugama koje im se nude ili čije se ponašanje prati.

3. The representative shall be established in one of the Member States where the data subjects, whose personal data are processed in relation to the offering of goods or services to them, or whose behaviour is monitored, are.

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4. Voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade ovlašćuju predstavnika kako bi se, uz obraćanje voditelju obrade ili izvršitelju obrade ili umjesto obraćanja njima, njemu obraćali osobito nadzorna tijela i ispitanici u pogledu svih pitanja u vezi s obradom za potrebe osiguravanja sukladnosti s ovom Uredbom.

4. The representative shall be mandated by the controller or processor to be addressed in addition to or instead of the controller or the processor by, in particular, supervisory authorities and data subjects, on all issues related to processing, for the purposes of ensuring compliance with this Regulation.

5. Imenovanje predstavnika voditelja obrade ili izvršitelja obrade ne utječe na pravne zahtjeve koji bi mogle biti postavljeni protiv samog voditelja obrade ili izvršitelja obrade.

5. The designation of a representative by the controller or processor shall be without prejudice to legal actions which could be initiated against the controller or the processor themselves.

ISO 27701 Uvodne izjave Ostavite komentar
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 6.1.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 27 GDPR: Information security roles and responsibilities

Implementation guidance

The organization should designate a point of contact for use by the customer regarding the processing of PII. When the organization is a PII controller, designate a point of contact for PII principals regarding the processing of their PII (see 7.3.2).

The organization should appoint one or more persons responsible for developing, implementing, maintaining and monitoring an organization-wide governance and privacy program, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the processing of PII.

(EN) […]

to read the full text

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(80) Ako voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade koji nema poslovni nastan u Uniji obrađuje osobne podatke ispitanikâ u Uniji čije su aktivnosti obrade povezane s ponudom robe ili usluga, bez obzira na to je li potrebno plaćanje ispitanika, za takve bi ispitanike u Uniji, ili za praćenje njihova ponašanja dok se ono odvija unutar Unije, voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade trebali bi imenovati predstavnika, osim ako se obrada obavlja povremeno, ne uključuje opsežnu obradu posebnih kategorija osobnih podataka ili je obrada osobnih podataka povezana s kaznenim presudama i kažnjivim djelima te vjerojatno neće dovesti do rizika za prava i slobode pojedinaca, uzimajući u obzir prirodu, kontekst, opseg i svrhe obrade ili ako je voditelj obrade tijelo javne vlasti ili javno tijelo. Predstavnik bi trebao djelovati u ime voditelja obrade ili izvršitelja obrade i može mu se obratiti svako nadzorno tijelo. Voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade trebao bi izričito, pisanim ovlaštenjem imenovati predstavnika da djeluje u njegovo ime s obzirom na obveze voditelja obrade i izvršitelja obrade na temelju ove Uredbe. Imenovanje takvog predstavnika ne utječe na dužnost ili odgovornost voditelja obrade ili izvršitelja obrade na temelju ove Uredbe. Takav bi predstavnik svoje zadaće trebao obavljati u skladu s mandatom dobivenim od voditelja obrade ili izvršitelja obrade, uključujući suradnju s nadležnim nadzornim tijelima u vezi sa svakom radnjom poduzetom za osiguravanje poštovanja ove Uredbe. U slučaju da voditelj obrade ili izvršitelj obrade krši pravila, imenovani bi predstavnik trebao podlijegati postupku izvršavanja zakonodavstva.

(80) Where a controller or a processor not established in the Union is processing personal data of data subjects who are in the Union whose processing activities are related to the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union, or to the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the Union, the controller or the processor should designate a representative, unless the processing is occasional, does not include processing, on a large scale, of special categories of personal data or the processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences, and is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, taking into account the nature, context, scope and purposes of the processing or if the controller is a public authority or body. The representative should act on behalf of the controller or the processor and may be addressed by any supervisory authority. The representative should be explicitly designated by a written mandate of the controller or of the processor to act on its behalf with regard to its obligations under this Regulation. The designation of such a representative does not affect the responsibility or liability of the controller or of the processor under this Regulation. Such a representative should perform its tasks according to the mandate received from the controller or processor, including cooperating with the competent supervisory authorities with regard to any action taken to ensure compliance with this Regulation. The designated representative should be subject to enforcement proceedings in the event of non-compliance by the controller or processor.

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