AVG (GDPR) > Uvodna izjava 119
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Uvodna izjava 119

Recital 119

(119) Kadar država članica ustanovi več nadzornih organov, bi morala z zakonom vzpostaviti mehanizme za zagotavljanje učinkovite udeležbe teh nadzornih organov v mehanizmu za skladnost.

Za zagotovitev hitrega in neoviranega sodelovanja z drugimi nadzornimi organi, odborom in Komisijo bi morala ta država članica imenovati zlasti nadzorni organ, ki deluje kot enotna kontaktna točka za učinkovito udeležbo teh organov v mehanizmu.

(119) Where a Member State establishes several supervisory authorities, it should establish by law mechanisms for ensuring the effective participation of those supervisory authorities in the consistency mechanism.

That Member State should in particular designate the supervisory authority which functions as a single contact point for the effective participation of those authorities in the mechanism, to ensure swift and smooth cooperation with other supervisory authorities, the Board and the Commission.