AVG (GDPR) > Člen 64. Mnenje odbora
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Člen 64 SUVP (GDPR). Mnenje odbora

Article 64 GDPR. Opinion of the Board

1. Odbor izda mnenje, kadar pristojni nadzorni organ namerava sprejeti katerega koli od ukrepov v nadaljevanju. V ta namen pristojni nadzorni organ posreduje osnutek odločitve odboru, ko:

1. The Board shall issue an opinion where a competent supervisory authority intends to adopt any of the measures below. To that end, the competent supervisory authority shall communicate the draft decision to the Board, when it:

(a) je namenjen sprejetju seznama dejanj obdelave, za katere velja zahteva po oceni učinka v zvezi z varstvom podatkov v skladu s členom 35(4);

(a) aims to adopt a list of the processing operations subject to the requirement for a data protection impact assessment pursuant to Article 35(4);


(b) zadeva vprašanje v skladu s členom 40(7), in sicer, ali je osnutek kodeksa ravnanja oziroma sprememba ali razširitev v skladu s to uredbo;

(b) concerns a matter pursuant to Article 40(7) whether a draft code of conduct or an amendment or extension to a code of conduct complies with this Regulation;


(c) je namenjen odobritvi meril za pooblastitev organa v skladu s členom 41(3) ali organa za potrjevanje v skladu s členom 43(3);

(c) aims to approve the requirements for accreditation of a body pursuant to Article 41(3), of a certification body pursuant to Article 43(3) or the criteria for certification referred to in Article 42(5);


(d) je namenjen določitvi standardnih določil o varstvu podatkov iz točke (d) člena 46(2) in iz člena 28(8);

(d) aims to determine standard data protection clauses referred to in point (d) of Article 46(2) and in Article 28(8);


(e) je namenjen odobritvi pogodbenih določil iz točke (a) člena 46(3), ali

(e) aims to authorise contractual clauses referred to in point (a) of Article 46(3); or


(f) je namenjen odobritvi zavezujočih poslovnih pravil v smislu člena 47.

(f) aims to approve binding corporate rules within the meaning of Article 47.


2. Kateri koli nadzorni organ, predsednik odbora ali Komisija lahko zahteva, da katero koli zadevo splošne uporabe ali z učinkom v več kot eni državi članici preuči odbor, ki da mnenje, zlasti kadar pristojni nadzorni organ ne izpolni obveznosti glede medsebojne pomoči v skladu s členom 61 ali glede skupnega ukrepanja v skladu s členom 62.

2. Any supervisory authority, the Chair of the Board or the Commission may request that any matter of general application or producing effects in more than one Member State be examined by the Board with a view to obtaining an opinion, in particular where a competent supervisory authority does not comply with the obligations for mutual assistance in accordance with Article 61 or for joint operations in accordance with Article 62.


3. V primerih iz odstavkov 1 in 2 odbor izda mnenje o vsebini, ki mu je predložena, če o isti zadevi ni že izdal mnenja. To mnenje se sprejme v osmih tednih z navadno večino članov odbora. To obdobje se lahko glede na kompleksnost vsebine podaljša za šest tednov. Kar zadeva osnutek odločitve iz odstavka 5, razposlan članom odbora v skladu z odstavkom 6, velja, da se član, ki ne izrazi nasprotovanja v razumnem roku, ki ga določi predsednik, strinja z osnutkom odločitve.

3. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Board shall issue an opinion on the matter submitted to it provided that it has not already issued an opinion on the same matter. That opinion shall be adopted within eight weeks by simple majority of the members of the Board. That period may be extended by a further six weeks, taking into account the complexity of the subject matter. Regarding the draft decision referred to in paragraph 1 circulated to the members of the Board in accordance with paragraph 5, a member which has not objected within a reasonable period indicated by the Chair, shall be deemed to be in agreement with the draft decision.

4. Nadzorni organi in Komisija odboru brez nepotrebnega odlašanja z elektronskimi sredstvi v standardizirani obliki sporočijo vse zadevne informacije, po potrebi vključno s povzetkom dejstev, osnutkom odločitve, razlogi, zaradi katerih je sprejetje takšnega ukrepa potrebno, in mnenji drugih zadevnih nadzornih organov.

4. Supervisory authorities and the Commission shall, without undue delay, communicate by electronic means to the Board, using a standardised format any relevant information, including as the case may be a summary of the facts, the draft decision, the grounds which make the enactment of such measure necessary, and the views of other supervisory authorities concerned.

5. Predsednik odbora brez nepotrebnega odlašanja z elektronskimi sredstvi obvesti:

5. The Chair of the Board shall, without undue, delay inform by electronic means:

(a) člane odbora in Komisijo o vseh zadevnih informacijah, ki jih je prejel v standardizirani obliki. Sekretariat odbora po potrebi zagotovi prevode pomembnih informacij, in

(a) the members of the Board and the Commission of any relevant information which has been communicated to it using a standardised format. The secretariat of the Board shall, where necessary, provide translations of relevant information; and

(b) nadzorni organ iz odstavka 1 oziroma 2 in Komisijo o mnenju, ki ga tudi objavi.

(b) the supervisory authority referred to, as the case may be, in paragraphs 1 and 2, and the Commission of the opinion and make it public.

6. Pristojni nadzorni organ v roku iz odstavka 3 ne sprejme osnutka odločitve iz odstavka 1.

6. The competent supervisory authority referred to in paragraph 1 shall not adopt its draft decision referred to in paragraph 1 within the period referred to in paragraph 3.

7. Nadzorni organ iz odstavka 1 čim bolj upošteva mnenje odbora in v dveh tednih po prejemu mnenja predsednika odbora z elektronskimi sredstvi v standardizirani obliki obvesti, ali bo ohranil ali spremenil svoj osnutek odločitve in spremenjeni osnutek odločitve, če obstaja.

7. The competent supervisory authority referred to in paragraph 1 shall take utmost account of the opinion of the Board and shall, within two weeks after receiving the opinion, communicate to the Chair of the Board by electronic means whether it will maintain or amend its draft decision and, if any, the amended draft decision, using a standardised format.

8. Kadar zadevni nadzorni organ v obdobju iz odstavka 7 tega člena obvesti predsednika odbora, da v celoti ali deloma ne namerava upoštevati mnenja odbora, in to ustrezno utemelji, se uporabi člen 65(1).

8. Where the competent supervisory authority referred to in paragraph 1 informs the Chair of the Board within the period referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article that it does not intend to follow the opinion of the Board, in whole or in part, providing the relevant grounds, Article 65(1) shall apply.

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(136) Pri uporabi mehanizma za skladnost bi moral odbor v določenem roku podati mnenje, če tako odloči večina članov ali če to zahteva kateri koli zadevni nadzorni organ ali Komisija. Odbor bi moral biti tudi pooblaščen za sprejemanje pravno zavezujočih odločitev v primeru sporov med nadzornimi organi. V ta namen bi moral načeloma z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov izdajati pravno zavezujoče odločitve v jasno določenih primerih, ko pride med nadzornimi organi, zlasti v mehanizmu sodelovanja med vodilnim nadzornim organom in zadevnimi nadzornimi organi, do nasprotujočih si stališč glede vsebine zadeve, predvsem glede tega, ali je bila uredba kršena.

(136) In applying the consistency mechanism, the Board should, within a determined period of time, issue an opinion, if a majority of its members so decides or if so requested by any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission. The Board should also be empowered to adopt legally binding decisions where there are disputes between supervisory authorities. For that purpose, it should issue, in principle by a two-thirds majority of its members, legally binding decisions in clearly specified cases where there are conflicting views among supervisory authorities, in particular in the cooperation mechanism between the lead supervisory authority and supervisory authorities concerned on the merits of the case, in particular whether there is an infringement of this Regulation.

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