AVG (GDPR) > Člen 69. Neodvisnost
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Člen 69 SUVP (GDPR). Neodvisnost

Article 69 GDPR. Independence

1. Odbor pri opravljanju nalog ali izvajanju pooblastil na podlagi členov 70 in 71 deluje neodvisno.

1. The Board shall act independently when performing its tasks or exercising its powers pursuant to Articles 70 and 71.


2. Brez poseganja v zahteve Komisije iz točke (b) člena 70(1) in člena 70(2) odbor pri opravljanju svojih nalog ali izvajanju svojih pooblastil nikogar ne prosi za navodila niti jih od nikogar ne sprejema.

2. Without prejudice to requests by the Commission referred to in Article 70(1) and (2), the Board shall, in the performance of its tasks or the exercise of its powers, neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.
