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Skäl 125

Recital 125

(125) Den ansvariga myndigheten bör ha behörighet att anta bindande beslut om åtgärder inom ramen för de befogenheter som den tilldelats i enlighet med denna förordning.

I egenskap av ansvarig myndighet bör tillsynsmyndigheten nära involvera och samordna de berörda tillsynsmyndigheterna i beslutsfattandet.

Om man beslutar att helt eller delvis avslå den registrerades klagomål, bör detta beslut antas av den tillsynsmyndighet som klagomålet har lämnats in till.

(125) The lead authority should be competent to adopt binding decisions regarding measures applying the powers conferred on it in accordance with this Regulation.

In its capacity as lead authority, the supervisory authority should closely involve and coordinate the supervisory authorities concerned in the decision-making process.

Where the decision is to reject the complaint by the data subject in whole or in part, that decision should be adopted by the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged.