WP29, Update of Opinion on applicable law in light of the CJEU judgement in Google Spain (2010).
Case Law
CJEU, Google Spain SL/Agencia española de protección de datos, C-131/12 (2014):
55. In the light of that objective of Directive 95/46 and of the wording of Article 4(1)(a), it must be held that the processing of personal data for the purposes of the service of a search engine such as Google Search, which is operated by an undertaking that has its seat in a third State but has an establishment in a Member State, is carried out ‘in the context of the activities’ of that establishment if the latter is intended to promote and sell, in that Member State, advertising space offered by the search engine which serves to make the service offered by that engine profitable.
56. In such circumstances, the activities of the operator of the search engine and those of its establishment situated in the Member State concerned are inextricably linked since the activities relating to the advertising space constitute the means of rendering the search engine at issue economically profitable and that engine is, at the same time, the means enabling those activities to be performed. (page 14)
CJEU, Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein/Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, C-210/16 (2018):
… where an undertaking established outside the European Union has several establishments in different Member States, the supervisory authority of a Member State is entitled to exercise the powers conferred on it by Article 28(3) of that directive with respect to an establishment of that undertaking situated in the territory of that Member State even if, as a result of the division of tasks within the group, first, that establishment is responsible solely for the sale of advertising space and other marketing activities in the territory of that Member State and, second, exclusive responsibility for collecting and processing personal data belongs, for the entire territory of the European Union, to an establishment situated in another Member State. (page 14)
(22) Qualsiasi trattamento di dati personali effettuato nell'ambito delle attività di uno stabilimento di un titolare del trattamento o responsabile del trattamento nel territorio dell'Unione dovrebbe essere conforme al presente regolamento, indipendentemente dal fatto che il trattamento avvenga all'interno dell'Unione. Lo stabilimento implica l'effettivo e reale svolgimento di attività nel quadro di un'organizzazione stabile. A tale riguardo, non è determinante la forma giuridica assunta, sia essa una succursale o una filiale dotata di personalità giuridica.
(14) È opportuno che la protezione prevista dal presente regolamento si applichi alle persone fisiche, a prescindere dalla nazionalità o dal luogo di residenza, in relazione al trattamento dei loro dati personali. Il presente regolamento non disciplina il trattamento dei dati personali relativi a persone giuridiche, in particolare imprese dotate di personalità giuridica, compresi il nome e la forma della persona giuridica e i suoi dati di contatto.
“Попадает ли наша компания под действие Регламента GDPR?” — это один из самых частых вопросов. И связан он, в том числе, с определением территории действия этого европейского документа.
Вот вам небольшой тест для самопроверки:
Применяется ли GDPR в данных ситуациях?
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Схема «Территория действия GDPR»
3 случая, когда необходимо соблюдать Регламент:
1. Если обработка данных ведется в контексте деятельности организационной единицы в ЕС. Другими словами, если офис физически находится в любой из стран Евросоюза, и в этом офисе производится обработка данных, то GDPR обязателен. Поэтому правильный ответ на 3-й вопрос, про итальянский отель в Киеве, — да, GDPR необходим.
К слову, этот пункт распространяется не только на физический офис или зарегистрированное юрлицо. Есть много других неочевидных примеров того, что следует считать “контекстом деятельности организационной единицы”. Мы рассказали о них подробнее на видео.
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