1. I gcás ina gcinneann dhá rialaitheoir nó níos mó go comhpháirteach críocha agus bealaí na próiseála, beidh siad ina rialaitheoirí comhpháirteacha. Cinnfidh siad, ar bhealach trédhearcach, na freagrachtaí a bheidh orthu faoi seach maidir leis na hoibleagáidí faoin Rialachán seo a chomhlíonadh, go háirithe maidir le feidhmiú chearta na n-ábhar sonraí agus na dualgais a bheidh orthu faoi seach an fhaisnéis dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 13 agus in Airteagal 14 a chur ar fáil, trí chomhshocrú eatarthu, murar rud é gur le dlí an Aontais nó le dlí Ballstáit a chinntear na freagrachtaí atá ar na rialaitheoirí faoi seach, nó a mhéid ar leis na dlíthe sin a chinntear na freagrachtaí atá orthu, agus ar faoina réir atá na rialaitheoirí. Faoin gcomhshocrú, féadfar pointe teagmhála a ainmniú do na hábhair sonraí.
ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.
Here is the relevant paragraph to articles 26(1), 26(2), and 26(3) GDPR:
7.2.7 Joint PII controller
The organization should determine respective roles and responsibilities for the processing of PII (including PII protection and security requirements) with any joint PII controller.
Implementation guidance
Roles and responsibilities for the processing of PII should be determined in a transparent manner.
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(79) Le cosaint ceart agus saoirsí ábhar sonraí agus freagracht agus dliteanas rialaitheoirí agus próiseálaithe, agus a mhéid a bhaineann le faireachán agus bearta a dhéanann na húdaráis mhaoirseachta, ceanglaítear go leithroinntear na freagrachtaí faoin Rialachán seo go soiléir, lena n-áirítear i gcás ina gcinneann rialaitheoir críocha agus modhanna na próiseála i gcomhpháirt le rialaitheoirí eile nó i gcás ina ndéantar an phróiseáil thar ceann rialaitheora.
Article 29 Working Party, Opinion 1/2010 on the concepts of “controller” and “processor” (2010).
EDPS, Guidelines on the Concepts of Controller, Processor and Joint Controllership Under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (2019).
EDPB, Guidelines 7/2020 on the Concepts of Controller and Processor in the GDPR (2021).
EDPB, Guidelines 8/2020 on the targeting of social media users (2020).
ICO, Right of Access (2020).
ICO, Data sharing: a code of practice (2020).
EDPB, Guidelines 02/2021 on Virtual Voice Assistants (2021).
CJEU, Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein/Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, C-210/16 (2018).
CJEU, Tietosuojavaltuutettu v Jehovan todistajat, C-25/17 (2018):
The existence of joint responsibility does not necessarily imply equal responsibility of the various operators involved in the processing of personal data. On the contrary, those operators may be involved at different stages of that processing of personal data and to different degrees, so that the level of responsibility of each of them must be assessed with regard to all the relevant circumstances of the particular case. Actual access to personal data is not a prerequisite for joint responsibility (p. 68-72).
CJEU, Fashion ID GmbH & Co. KG/Verbraucherzentrale NRW eV, C-40/17 (2019).
The expression “joint controller” is one of the most difficult to grasp in practice. It is nonetheless essential to delimit the role of the parties involved in the processing of personal data to determine their responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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