GDPR > Uvodna izjava 2
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Uvodna izjava 2

Recital 2

(2) Načela in pravila o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi njihovih osebnih podatkov bi morala ne glede na njihovo državljanstvo ali prebivališče zagotavljati spoštovanje temeljnih pravic in svoboščin posameznikov, zlasti njihovo pravico do varstva osebnih podatkov.

Namen te uredbe je prispevati k dokončnemu oblikovanju območja svobode, varnosti in pravice ter ekonomske unije, gospodarskemu in socialnemu napredku, krepitvi in uskladitvi gospodarstev na notranjem trgu ter blaginji posameznikov.

(2) The principles of, and rules on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data should, whatever their nationality or residence, respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular their right to the protection of personal data.

This Regulation is intended to contribute to the accomplishment of an area of freedom, security and justice and of an economic union, to economic and social progress, to the strengthening and the convergence of the economies within the internal market, and to the well-being of natural persons.