GDPR > Člen 77. Pravica do vložitve pritožbe pri nadzornem organu
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Člen 77 SUVP (GDPR). Pravica do vložitve pritožbe pri nadzornem organu

Article 77 GDPR. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

1. Brez poseganja v katero koli drugo upravno ali pravno sredstvo ima vsak posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, pravico, da vloži pritožbo pri nadzornem organu, zlasti v državi članici, v kateri ima običajno prebivališče, v kateri je njegov kraj dela ali v kateri je domnevno prišlo do kršitve, če meni, da obdelava osebnih podatkov v zvezi z njim krši to uredbo.

1. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to him or her infringes this Regulation.

2. Nadzorni organ, pri katerem je vložena pritožba, obvesti pritožnika o stanju zadeve in odločitvi o pritožbi, vključno z možnostjo pravnega sredstva na podlagi člena 78.

2. The supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant on the progress and the outcome of the complaint including the possibility of a judicial remedy pursuant to Article 78.

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(141) Vsak posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, bi moral imeti pravico, da vloži pritožbo pri enem nadzornem organu, zlasti v državi članici svojega običajnega prebivališča, in pravico do učinkovitega pravnega sredstva v skladu s členom 47 Listine, kadar meni, da so njegove pravice iz te uredbe kršene, ali če nadzorni organ ne obravnava pritožbe, jo v celoti ali deloma zavrže ali zavrne ali ne ukrepa, kadar je tak ukrep potreben za zaščito pravic posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki. Preiskavo na podlagi pritožbe bi bilo treba izvesti v obsegu, ki je v posamezni zadevi ustrezen, saj je lahko odločitev nadzornega organa predmet sodne presoje. Nadzorni organ bi moral posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, v ustreznem roku obvestiti o stanju zadeve in odločitvi o pritožbi. Če mora nadzorni organ zadevo podrobneje preučiti ali se uskladiti z drugim nadzornim organom, bi bilo treba posamezniku, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, posredovati informacije o stanju zadeve med postopkom. Za poenostavitev postopka vložitve pritožbe bi moral vsak nadzorni organ sprejeti ukrepe, na primer za zagotovitev obrazca za vložitev pritožbe, ki se lahko izpolni tudi elektronsko, pri čemer niso izključena druga komunikacijska sredstva.

(141) Every data subject should have the right to lodge a complaint with a single supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, and the right to an effective judicial remedy in accordance with Article 47 of the Charter if the data subject considers that his or her rights under this Regulation are infringed or where the supervisory authority does not act on a complaint, partially or wholly rejects or dismisses a complaint or does not act where such action is necessary to protect the rights of the data subject. The investigation following a complaint should be carried out, subject to judicial review, to the extent that is appropriate in the specific case. The supervisory authority should inform the data subject of the progress and the outcome of the complaint within a reasonable period. If the case requires further investigation or coordination with another supervisory authority, intermediate information should be given to the data subject. In order to facilitate the submission of complaints, each supervisory authority should take measures such as providing a complaint submission form which can also be completed electronically, without excluding other means of communication.

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