GDPR > Člen 63. Mehanizem za skladnost
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Člen 63 SUVP (GDPR). Mehanizem za skladnost

Article 63 GDPR. Consistency mechanism

Da bi prispevali k dosledni uporabi te uredbe v vsej Uniji, nadzorni organi sodelujejo med seboj in po potrebi s Komisijo, in sicer prek mehanizma za skladnost, kakor je določen v tem oddelku.

In order to contribute to the consistent application of this Regulation throughout the Union, the supervisory authorities shall cooperate with each other and, where relevant, with the Commission, through the consistency mechanism as set out in this Section.

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(135) Za zagotovitev dosledne uporabe te uredbe v vsej Uniji bi bilo treba vzpostaviti mehanizem za skladnost za sodelovanje med nadzornimi organi. Ta mehanizem bi bilo treba uporabljati zlasti v primerih, ko namerava nadzorni organ sprejeti ukrep, katerega namen je doseči pravne učinke v zvezi z dejanji obdelave, ki bistveno vplivajo na veliko število posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, v več državah članicah. Uporabljati bi se moral tudi, kadar kateri koli zadevni nadzorni organ ali Komisija zahteva, naj se taka zadeva obravnava v mehanizmu za skladnost. Ta mehanizem ne bi smel posegati v noben ukrep, ki ga lahko Komisija sprejme pri izvajanju svojih pooblastil na podlagi Pogodb.

(135) In order to ensure the consistent application of this Regulation throughout the Union, a consistency mechanism for cooperation between the supervisory authorities should be established. That mechanism should in particular apply where a supervisory authority intends to adopt a measure intended to produce legal effects as regards processing operations which substantially affect a significant number of data subjects in several Member States. It should also apply where any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission requests that such matter should be handled in the consistency mechanism. That mechanism should be without prejudice to any measures that the Commission may take in the exercise of its powers under the Treaties.

(138) Uporaba takega mehanizma bi morala biti pogoj za zakonitost ukrepa, katerega namen je doseči pravne učinke, ki ga sprejme nadzorni organ v primerih, v katerih je uporaba tega mehanizma obvezna. V drugih primerih čezmejnega pomena bi bilo treba uporabiti mehanizem sodelovanja med vodilnim nadzornim organom in zadevnimi nadzornimi organi, med zadevnimi nadzornimi organi pa bi se lahko izvajala medsebojna pomoč in skupno ukrepanje na dvostranski ali večstranski podlagi, ne da bi pri tem sprožili mehanizem za skladnost.

(138) The application of such mechanism should be a condition for the lawfulness of a measure intended to produce legal effects by a supervisory authority in those cases where its application is mandatory. In other cases of cross-border relevance, the cooperation mechanism between the lead supervisory authority and supervisory authorities concerned should be applied and mutual assistance and joint operations might be carried out between the supervisory authorities concerned on a bilateral or multilateral basis without triggering the consistency mechanism.

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