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Članak 65. (EN) GDPR | Rješavanje sporova pri Odboru

... 5. Predsjednik Odbora obavješćuje bez odlaganja zainteresirana nadzorna tijela o odluci iz stavka 1. O njoj obavješćuje Komisiju. Odluka se bez odlaganja objavljuje na internetskim stranicama Odbora nakon što je nadzorno tijelo priopćilo konačnu odluku iz stavka 7. ...

Article 65 (EN) GDPR | Dispute resolution by the Board

... 5. The Chair of the Board shall notify, without undue delay, the decision referred to in paragraph 1 to the supervisory authorities concerned. It shall inform the Commission thereof. The decision shall be published on the website of the Board without delay after the supervisory authority has notified the final decision referred to in paragraph 6. ...

Članak 65. (EN) GDPR | Rješavanje sporova pri Odboru

... 6. Vodeće nadzorno tijelo ili, ovisno o slučaju, nadzorno tijelo koje je zaprimilo pritužbu svoju konačnu odluku donosi na temelju odluke iz stavka 1. ovog članka bez nepotrebnog odlaganja i najkasnije mjesec dana nakon što je Odbor priopćio svoju odluku. Vodeće nadzorno tijelo ili, ovisno o slučaju, nadzorno tijelo koje je zaprimilo pritužbu, obavješćuje Odbor kojeg je dana svoju konačnu odluku priopćilo voditelju obrade ili izvršitelju obrade odnosno ispitaniku. Konačna odluka predmetnih nadzornih tijela donosi se pod uvjetima iz članka 60. stavaka 7., 8. i 9. U konačnoj odluci poziva se na odluku iz stavka 1. ovog članka i u njoj se navodi da se odluka iz tog stavka objavljuje na internetskim stranicama Odbora u skladu sa stavkom 5. ovog članka. Konačnoj odluci prilaže se odluka iz stavka 1. ovog članka. ...

Article 65 (EN) GDPR | Dispute resolution by the Board

... 6. The lead supervisory authority or, as the case may be, the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged shall adopt its final decision on the basis of the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, without undue delay and at the latest by one month after the Board has notified its decision. The lead supervisory authority or, as the case may be, the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged, shall inform the Board of the date when its final decision is notified respectively to the controller or the processor and to the data subject. The final decision of the supervisory authorities concerned shall be adopted under the terms of Article 60(7), (8) and (9). The final decision shall refer to the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and shall specify that the decision referred to in that paragraph will be published on the website of the Board in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article. The final decision shall attach the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. ...

Članak 45. (EN) GDPR | Prijenosi na temelju odluke o primjerenosti

... 8. U Službenom listu Europske unije i na svojoj internetskoj stranici Komisija objavljuje popis trećih zemalja, područja i određenih sektora unutar treće zemlje i međunarodnih organizacija u pogledu kojih je donijela odluku da ne osiguravaju odgovarajuću razinu zaštite ili da je više ne osiguravaju. ...

Article 45 (EN) GDPR | Transfers on the basis of an adequacy decision

... 8. The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Union and on its website a list of the third countries, territories and specified sectors within a third country and international organisations for which it has decided that an adequate level of protection is or is no longer ensured. ...

(EN) GDPR | Uvodna izjava 58

... (58) Načelom transparentnosti zahtijeva se da svaka informacija namijenjena javnosti ili ispitaniku bude sažeta, lako dostupna i razumljiva, da se upotrebljava jasan i jednostavan jezik te da se usto, prema potrebi, koristi vizualizacijom. Takva bi se informacija također mogla dati u elektroničkom obliku, na primjer na internetskim stranicama, kada je namijenjena javnosti. To je osobito bitno u situacijama u kojima zbog velikog broja sudionika i tehnološke složenosti prakse ispitaniku nije lako prepoznati i razumjeti prikupljaju li se osobni podaci o njemu, tko ih prikuplja i u koju svrhu, kao što je slučaj internetskog oglašavanja. Imajući u vidu da djeca zaslužuju posebnu zaštitu, svaka informacija i komunikacija, u slučaju da je obrada usmjerena prema djetetu, trebale bi biti na jasnom i jednostavnom jeziku koji dijete lako može razumjeti. ...

(EN) GDPR | Recital 58

... (58) The principle of transparency requires that any information addressed to the public or to the data subject be concise, easily accessible and easy to understand, and that clear and plain language and, additionally, where appropriate, visualisation be used. Such information could be provided in electronic form, for example, when addressed to the public, through a website. This is of particular relevance in situations where the proliferation of actors and the technological complexity of practice make it difficult for the data subject to know and understand whether, by whom and for what purpose personal data relating to him or her are being collected, such as in the case of online advertising. Given that children merit specific protection, any information and communication, where processing is addressed to a child, should be in such a clear and plain language that the child can easily understand. ...

(EN) GDPR | Uvodna izjava 143

... (143) Svaka fizička ili pravna osoba ima pravo pokrenuti postupak za poništenje odluka Odbora pred Sudom u skladu s uvjetima iz članka 263. UFEU-a. Kao primatelji takvih odluka, predmetna nadzorna tijela koja ih žele osporiti moraju pokrenuti postupak u roku od dva mjeseca od zaprimanja obavijesti o njima, u skladu s člankom 263. UFEU-a. Kada se odluke Odbora izravno odnose na pojedinog voditelja obrade, izvršitelja obrade ili podnositelja pritužbe, ta osoba može pokrenuti postupak za poništenje tih odluka u roku od dva mjeseca od njihove objave na internetskim stranicama Odbora, u skladu s člankom 263. UFEU-a. Ne dovodeći u pitanje to pravo u skladu s člankom 263. UFEU-a, svaka fizička ili pravna osoba trebala bi imati učinkovit pravni lijek pred nadležnim nacionalnim sudom protiv odluke nadzornog tijela koja proizvodi pravne učinke prema toj osobi. Takva odluka posebno se odnosi na provedbu istražnih, korektivnih i autorizacijskih ovlasti nadzornog tijela ili odbacivanje ili odbijanje pritužbi. Pravo na učinkovit pravni lijek međutim ne obuhvaća mjere nadzornih tijela koje nisu pravno obvezujuće poput mišljenja ili savjeta koja je dalo nadzorno tijelo. Postupci protiv nadzornog tijela trebali bi se pokrenuti pred sudovima države članice u kojoj nadzorno tijelo ima poslovni nastan te bi se trebali voditi u skladu s postupovnim pravom te države članice. Ti bi sudovi trebali imati punu nadležnost koja bi trebala obuhvaćati nadležnost za ispitivanje svih činjeničnih i pravnih pitanja bitnih za konkretni spor. ...

(EN) GDPR | Recital 143

... (143) Any natural or legal person has the right to bring an action for annulment of decisions of the Board before the Court of Justice under the conditions provided for in Article 263 TFEU. As addressees of such decisions, the supervisory authorities concerned which wish to challenge them have to bring action within two months of being notified of them, in accordance with Article 263 TFEU. Where decisions of the Board are of direct and individual concern to a controller, processor or complainant, the latter may bring an action for annulment against those decisions within two months of their publication on the website of the Board, in accordance with Article 263 TFEU. Without prejudice to this right under Article 263 TFEU, each natural or legal person should have an effective judicial remedy before the competent national court against a decision of a supervisory authority which produces legal effects concerning that person. Such a decision concerns in particular the exercise of investigative, corrective and authorisation powers by the supervisory authority or the dismissal or rejection of complaints. However, the right to an effective judicial remedy does not encompass measures taken by supervisory authorities which are not legally binding, such as opinions issued by or advice provided by the supervisory authority. Proceedings against a supervisory authority should be brought before the courts of the Member State where the supervisory authority is established and should be conducted in accordance with that Member State's procedural law. Those courts should exercise full jurisdiction, which should include jurisdiction to examine all questions of fact and law relevant to the dispute before them. ...


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Smjernice Guidelines 4/2019 on Article 25 Data Protection by Design and by Default Version 2.0.

... Moreover, necessary information should also be provided in the right context, at the appropriate time. Since the controller carries out many processing operations using the data collected on the website, a general privacy policy on the website alone is not sufficient for the controller to meet the requirements of transparency. The controller therefore designs an information flow, presenting the data subject with relevant information within the appropriate contexts using e.g. informational snippets or pop-ups. For example, when asking the data subject to enter personal data, the controller informs the data subject of how the personal data will be processed and why that personal data is necessary for the processing. ...


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Smjernice Article 29 Working Party Guidelines on transparency under Regulation 2016/679

... Example Every organisation that maintains a website should publish a privacy statement/ notice on the website. A direct link to this privacy statement/ notice should be clearly visible on each page of this website under a commonly used term (such as “Privacy”, “Privacy Policy” or “Data Protection Notice”). Positioning or colour schemes that make a text or link less noticeable, or hard to find on a webpage, are not considered easily accessible. For apps, the necessary information should also be made available from an online store prior to download. Once the app is installed, the information still needs to be easily accessible from within the app. One way to meet this requirement is to ensure that the information is never more than “two taps away” (e.g. by including a “Privacy”/ “Data Protection” option in the menu functionality of the app). Additionally, the privacy information in question should be specific to the particular app and should not merely be the generic privacy policy of the company that owns the app or makes it available to the public. WP29 recommends as a best practice that at the point of collection of the personal data in an online context a link to the privacy statement/ notice is provided or that this information is made available on the same page on which the personal data is collected. ...


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Smjernice Guidelines 3/2018 on the territorial scope of the GDPR (Article 3)

... Example 24: The website referred to in example 12, based and managed in Turkey, offers services for the creation, edition, printing and shipping of personalised family photo albums. The website is available in English, French, Dutch and German and payments can be made in Euros or Sterling. The website indicates that photo albums can only be delivered by post mail in the France, Benelux countries and Germany. This website being subject to the GDPR, as per its Article 3(2)(a), the data controller must designate a representative in the Union. ...


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Smjernice Guidelines 4/2019 on Article 25 Data Protection by Design and by Default Version 2.0.

... 90. When a processing operation by a controller or processor is certified according to Article 42, the elements that contribute to demonstrating compliance with Article 25(1) and (2) are the design processes, i.e. the process of determining the means of processing, the governance and the technical and organizational measures to implement the data protection principles The data protection certification criteria are determined by the certification bodies or certification scheme owners and then approved by the competent supervisory authority or by the EDPB. For further information about certification mechanisms, we refer the reader to the EDPB Guideline on Certification[42] and other relevant guidance, as published on the EDPB website. ...


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Smjernice Article 29 Working Party Guidelines on transparency under Regulation 2016/679

... [46] “Such information could be provided in electronic form, for example, when addressed to the public, through a website. This is of particular relevance in situations where the proliferation of actors and the technological complexity of practice make it difficult for the data subject to know and understand whether, by whom and for what purpose personal data relating to him or her are being collected, such as in the case of online advertising.” ...