
Uvodna izjava 98

Recital 98

(98) Združenja ali druga telesa, ki predstavljajo vrste upravljavcev ali obdelovalcev, bi bilo treba spodbujati, da v okviru omejitev iz te uredbe in ob upoštevanju posebnih značilnosti obdelave, ki se izvaja na nekaterih področjih, ter posebnih potreb mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij, pripravijo kodekse ravnanja za pospeševanje učinkovite uporabe te uredbe.

S takimi kodeksi ravnanja bi lahko določili obveznosti upravljavcev in obdelovalcev ob upoštevanju tveganja za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, ki bo verjetno izhajalo iz obdelave.

(98) Associations or other bodies representing categories of controllers or processors should be encouraged to draw up codes of conduct, within the limits of this Regulation, so as to facilitate the effective application of this Regulation, taking account of the specific characteristics of the processing carried out in certain sectors and the specific needs of micro, small and medium enterprises.

In particular, such codes of conduct could calibrate the obligations of controllers and processors, taking into account the risk likely to result from the processing for the rights and freedoms of natural persons.