GDPR > Člen 37. Imenovanje pooblaščene osebe za varstvo podatkov

Člen 37 SUVP (GDPR). Imenovanje pooblaščene osebe za varstvo podatkov

Article 37 GDPR. Designation of the data protection officer

1. Upravljavec in obdelovalec imenujeta pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo podatkov vedno, kadar:

1. The controller and the processor shall designate a data protection officer in any case where:

(a) obdelavo opravlja javni organ ali telo, razen sodišč, kadar delujejo kot sodni organ;

(a) the processing is carried out by a public authority or body, except for courts acting in their judicial capacity;


(b) temeljne dejavnosti upravljavca ali obdelovalca zajemajo dejanja obdelave, pri katerih je treba zaradi njihove narave, obsega in/ali namenov posameznike, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, redno in sistematično obsežno spremljati, ali

(b) the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing operations which, by virtue of their nature, their scope and/or their purposes, require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale; or


(c) temeljne dejavnosti upravljavca ali obdelovalca zajemajo obsežno obdelavo posebnih vrst podatkov v skladu s členom 9 in osebnih podatkov v zvezi s kazenskimi obsodbami in prekrški iz člena 10.

(c) the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing on a large scale of special categories of data pursuant to Article 9 or personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10.


2. Povezana družba lahko imenuje eno pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo podatkov, če je ta pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov lahko dostopna iz vsake enote.

2. A group of undertakings may appoint a single data protection officer provided that a data protection officer is easily accessible from each establishment.


3. Kadar je upravljavec ali obdelovalec javni organ ali telo, se lahko za več takšnih organov ali teles ob upoštevanju njihove organizacijske strukture in velikosti imenuje ena sama pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov.

3. Where the controller or the processor is a public authority or body, a single data protection officer may be designated for several such authorities or bodies, taking account of their organisational structure and size.


4. V primerih, ki niso navedeni v odstavku 1, upravljavec ali obdelovalec ali združenja in druga telesa, ki predstavljajo vrste upravljavcev ali obdelovalcev, smejo imenovati ali, kadar tako zahteva pravo Unije ali pravo države članice, imenujejo pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo podatkov. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov lahko deluje v imenu teh združenj in drugih teles, ki predstavljajo upravljavce ali obdelovalce.

4. In cases other than those referred to in paragraph 1, the controller or processor or associations and other bodies representing categories of controllers or processors may or, where required by Union or Member State law shall, designate a data protection officer. The data protection officer may act for such associations and other bodies representing controllers or processors.

5. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov se imenuje na podlagi poklicnih odlik in zlasti strokovnega znanja o zakonodaji in praksi na področju varstva podatkov ter zmožnosti za izpolnjevanje nalog iz člena 39.

5. The data protection officer shall be designated on the basis of professional qualities and, in particular, expert knowledge of data protection law and practices and the ability to fulfil the tasks referred to in Article 39.


6. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov je lahko član osebja upravljavca ali obdelovalca ali pa naloge opravlja na podlagi pogodbe o storitvah.

6. The data protection officer may be a staff member of the controller or processor, or fulfil the tasks on the basis of a service contract.

7. Upravljavec ali obdelovalec objavi kontaktne podatke pooblaščene osebe za varstvo podatkov in jih sporoči nadzornemu organu.

7. The controller or the processor shall publish the contact details of the data protection officer and communicate them to the supervisory authority.

Ekspertide kommentaar ISO 27701 Põhjendustes Suunised & Case Law Jäta kommentaar
Ekspertide kommentaar

(EN) The article explains when and under what conditions a Data Protection Officer (DPO) should be appointed or hired. In most cases, at least one of the following conditions is sufficient for the company to be required to have a DPO:

  • if data processing is performed by state authorities (except for courts)

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 6.1.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 37 GDPR: Information security roles and responsibilities

Implementation guidance

The organization should designate a point of contact for use by the customer regarding the processing of PII. When the organization is a PII controller, designate a point of contact for PII principals regarding the processing of their PII (see 7.3.2).

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks


(97) Kadar obdelavo izvaja javni organ, razen sodišč ali neodvisnih pravosodnih organov, kadar delujejo kot sodni organi, ali kadar v zasebnem sektorju obdelavo izvaja upravljavec, katerega temeljne dejavnosti obsegajo dejanja obdelave, ki zahtevajo obsežno redno in sistematično spremljanje posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, ali kadar temeljne dejavnosti upravljavca ali obdelovalca zajemajo obsežno obdelavo posebnih vrst osebnih podatkov in podatkov v zvezi s kazenskimi obsodbami in prekrški, bi morala upravljavcu ali obdelovalcu pri spremljanju notranje skladnosti s to uredbo pomagati oseba s strokovnim znanjem s področja prava o varstvu podatkov in poznavanjem zadevnih praks. V zasebnem sektorju se temeljne dejavnosti upravljavca nanašajo na njegove osnovne dejavnosti in ne na obdelavo osebnih podatkov kot postranske dejavnosti. Določiti bi bilo treba stopnjo potrebnega strokovnega znanja, zlasti glede na izvedena dejanja obdelave podatkov in varstvo, ki je potrebno pri osebnih podatkih, obdelanih s strani upravljavca ali obdelovalca. Taka pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov bi morala svoje dolžnosti in naloge izvajati neodvisno, ne glede na to, ali je pri upravljavcu zaposlena ali ne.

(97) Where the processing is carried out by a public authority, except for courts or independent judicial authorities when acting in their judicial capacity, where, in the private sector, processing is carried out by a controller whose core activities consist of processing operations that require regular and systematic monitoring of the data subjects on a large scale, or where the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing on a large scale of special categories of personal data and data relating to criminal convictions and offences, a person with expert knowledge of data protection law and practices should assist the controller or processor to monitor internal compliance with this Regulation. In the private sector, the core activities of a controller relate to its primary activities and do not relate to the processing of personal data as ancillary activities. The necessary level of expert knowledge should be determined in particular according to the data processing operations carried out and the protection required for the personal data processed by the controller or the processor. Such data protection officers, whether or not they are an employee of the controller, should be in a position to perform their duties and tasks in an independent manner.

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