
Uvodna izjava 13

Recital 13

(13) Da se zagotovi skladna raven varstva posameznikov v vsej Uniji in prepreči, da bi razlike ovirale prosti pretok osebnih podatkov na notranjem trgu, je potrebna uredba, ki bo gospodarskim subjektom, tudi mikro, malim in srednjim podjetjem, zagotovila pravno varnost in preglednost, posameznikom v vseh državah članicah zagotovila enako raven pravno izvršljivih pravic ter obveznosti in odgovornosti upravljavcev in obdelovalcev, zagotovila dosledno spremljanje obdelave osebnih podatkov, enakovredne sankcije v vseh državah članicah in učinkovito sodelovanje nadzornih organov različnih držav članic.

Za pravilno delovanje notranjega trga prosti pretok osebnih podatkov v Uniji ne sme biti niti omejen niti prepovedan iz razlogov, povezanih z varstvom posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov.

Za upoštevanje posebnega položaja mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij ta uredba vsebuje odstopanja glede vodenja evidenc za organizacije, ki zaposlujejo manj kot 250 oseb.

Poleg tega se institucije in organe Unije ter države članice in njihove nadzorne organe spodbuja, da posebne potrebe mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij upoštevajo pri uporabi te uredbe.

Pojem mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij bi moral temeljiti na členu 2 Priloge k Priporočilu Komisije 2003/361/ES (5).

(13) In order to ensure a consistent level of protection for natural persons throughout the Union and to prevent divergences hampering the free movement of personal data within the internal market, a Regulation is necessary to provide legal certainty and transparency for economic operators, including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and to provide natural persons in all Member States with the same level of legally enforceable rights and obligations and responsibilities for controllers and processors, to ensure consistent monitoring of the processing of personal data, and equivalent sanctions in all Member States as well as effective cooperation between the supervisory authorities of different Member States.

The proper functioning of the internal market requires that the free movement of personal data within the Union is not restricted or prohibited for reasons connected with the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

To take account of the specific situation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, this Regulation includes a derogation for organisations with fewer than 250 employees with regard to record-keeping.

In addition, the Union institutions and bodies, and Member States and their supervisory authorities, are encouraged to take account of the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the application of this Regulation.

The notion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises should draw from Article 2 of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC [5].

(5) Priporočilo Komisije z dne 6. maja 2003 o opredelitvi mikro, malih in srednje velikih podjetij (C(2003) 1422) (UL L 124, 20.5.2003, str. 36).

[5] Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (C(2003) 1422) (OJ L 124, 20.5.2003, p. 36).