GDPR > Artikolu 69. Indipendenza
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Artikolu 69 RĠPD (GDPR). Indipendenza

Article 69 GDPR. Independence

1. Il-Bord għandu jaġixxi b’mod indipendenti meta jwettaq il-kompiti tiegħu jew jeżerċita s-setgħat tiegħu skont l-Artikoli 70 u 71.

1. The Board shall act independently when performing its tasks or exercising its powers pursuant to Articles 70 and 71.


2. Mingħajr preġudizzju għat-talbiet mill-Kummissjoni msemmija fil-punt (b) tal-Artikolu 70(1) fl-Artikolu 70(2), il-Bord, fit-twettiq tal-kompiti tiegħu jew fl-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat tiegħu, la għandu jfittex u lanqas jieħu istruzzjonijiet mingħand ħadd.

2. Without prejudice to requests by the Commission referred to in Article 70(1) and (2), the Board shall, in the performance of its tasks or the exercise of its powers, neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.
