GDPR > Članak 17.. Pravo na brisanje („pravo na zaborav”)
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Članak 17. GDPR. Pravo na brisanje („pravo na zaborav”)

Article 17 GDPR. Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

1. Ispitanik ima pravo od voditelja obrade ishoditi brisanje osobnih podataka koji se na njega odnose bez nepotrebnog odgađanja te voditelj obrade ima obvezu obrisati osobne podatke bez nepotrebnog odgađanja ako je ispunjen jedan od sljedećih uvjeta:

1. The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

Expert commentary
Siarhei Varankevich
Siarhei Varankevich CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, MBA, FIP
Co-Founder & CEO of Data Privacy Office LLC. Data Protection Trainer and Principal Consultant

(a) osobni podaci više nisu nužni u odnosu na svrhe za koje su prikupljeni ili na drugi način obrađeni;

(a) the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

(b) ispitanik povuče privolu na kojoj se obrada temelji u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. točkom (a) ili člankom 9. stavkom 2. točkom (a) i ako ne postoji druga pravna osnova za obradu;

(b) the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1), or point (a) of Article 9(2), and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;


(c) ispitanik uloži prigovor na obradu u skladu s člankom 21. stavkom 1. te ne postoje jači legitimni razlozi za obradu, ili ispitanik uloži prigovor na obradu u skladu s člankom 21. stavkom 2.;

(c) the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(2);


(d) osobni podaci nezakonito su obrađeni;

(d) the personal data have been unlawfully processed;

(e) osobni podaci moraju se brisati radi poštovanja pravne obveze iz prava Unije ili prava države članice kojem podliježe voditelj obrade;

(e) the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject;

(f) osobni podaci prikupljeni su u vezi s ponudom usluga informacijskog društva iz članka 8. stavka 1.

(f) the personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1).


2. Ako je voditelj obrade javno objavio osobne podatke i dužan je u skladu sa stavkom 1. obrisati te osobne podatke, uzimajući u obzir dostupnu tehnologiju i trošak provedbe, voditelj obrade poduzima razumne mjere, uključujući tehničke mjere, kako bi informirao voditelje obrade koji obrađuju osobne podatke da je ispitanik zatražio od tih voditelja obrade da izbrišu sve poveznice do njih ili kopiju ili rekonstrukciju tih osobnih podataka.

2. Where the controller has made the personal data public and is obliged pursuant to paragraph 1 to erase the personal data, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform controllers which are processing the personal data that the data subject has requested the erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data.

ISO 27701

ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 17(2) GDPR:

8.3.1 Obligations to PII principals


The organization should provide the customer with the means to comply with its obligations related to PII principals.

Implementation guidance

A PII controller’s obligations can be defined by legislation, by regulation and/or by contract.


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3. Stavci 1. i 2. ne primjenjuju se u mjeri u kojoj je obrada nužna:

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the extent that processing is necessary:

ISO 27701

ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 17(3) GDPR:

7.2.2 Identify lawful basis


The organization should determine, document and comply with the relevant lawful basis for the processing of PII for the identified purposes.

Implementation guidance

Some jurisdictions require the organization to be able to demonstrate that the lawfulness of processing was duly established before the processing.


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(a) radi ostvarivanja prava na slobodu izražavanja i informiranja;

(a) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;

(b) radi poštovanja pravne obveze kojom se zahtijeva obrada u pravu Unije ili pravu države članice kojem podliježe voditelj obrade ili za izvršavanje zadaće od javnog interesa ili pri izvršavanju službene ovlasti voditelja obrade;

(b) for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;

(c) zbog javnog interesa u području javnog zdravlja u skladu s člankom 9. stavkom 2. točkama (h) i (i) kao i člankom 9. stavkom 3.;

(c) for reasons of public interest in the area of public health in accordance with points (h) and (i) of Article 9(2) as well as Article 9(3);


(d) u svrhe arhiviranja u javnom interesu, u svrhe znanstvenog ili povijesnog istraživanja ili u statističke svrhe u skladu s člankom 89. stavkom 1. u mjeri u kojoj je vjerojatno da se pravom iz stavka 1. može onemogućiti ili ozbiljno ugroziti postizanje ciljeva te obrade; ili

(d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) in so far as the right referred to in paragraph 1 is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of that processing; or


(e) radi postavljanja, ostvarivanja ili obrane pravnih zahtjeva.

(e) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

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Expert commentary

The so-called “right to be forgotten” was hailed as a breakthrough with the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation, even though it existed in a limited form before. Article 17 provides for a broader “right to erasure”, to take into account the exact wording of the provision. European Union residents have a right to ask for the deletion of their personal data, and the organization that holds the data has a corresponding obligation to erase them “without undue delay” under a certain number of circumstances.


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Louis-Philippe Gratton
Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
Privacy Expert

Data Subject Request Letter Sample

Concern: Request to erase my personal data

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

You have data concerning me that I am asking you to delete…


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ISO 27701

ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 17 GDPR:

7.3.6 Access, correction and/or erasure


The organization should implement policies, procedures and/or mechanisms to meet their obligations to PII principals to access, correct and/or erase their PII.

Implementation guidance

The organization should implement policies, procedures and/or mechanisms for enabling PII principals to obtain access to, correct and erase of their PII, if requested and without undue delay.


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(65) Ispitanik bi trebao imati pravo na ispravak osobnih podataka koji se na njega odnose te „pravo na zaborav” ako zadržavanje takvih podataka krši ovu Uredbu ili pravo Unije ili pravo države članice koje se primjenjuje na voditelja obrade. Ispitanici bi osobito trebali imati pravo da se njihovi osobni podaci brišu i više ne obrađuju ako ti osobni podaci više nisu potrebni s obzirom na svrhu u koju su prikupljeni ili na druge načine obrađivani, ako su ispitanici povukli svoju privolu ili ako daju prigovor na obradu osobnih podataka koji se odnose na njih ili ako obrada njihovih osobnih podataka na druge načine nije u skladu s ovom Uredbom. Ovo je pravo osobito bitno ako je ispitanik dao svoju privolu dok je bio dijete i nije bio u potpunosti svjestan rizika obrade, a kasnije želi ukloniti takve osobne podatke, osobito na internetu. Ispitanik bi trebao biti u mogućnosti ostvariti to pravo neovisno o činjenici da više nije dijete. No daljnja pohrana osobnih podataka trebala bi biti zakonita ako je nužna za ostvarivanje prava na slobodu izražavanja i na slobodu informiranja, radi poštovanja pravnih obveza, za izvršavanje zadaće od javnog interesa ili izvršavanje službene ovlasti voditelja obrade, na temelju javnog interesa u području javnog zdravlja, u svrhe arhiviranja od javnog interesa, u svrhe znanstvenih ili povijesnih istraživanja, u statističke svrhe ili za postavljanje, ostvarivanje ili obranu pravnih zahtjeva.

(65) A data subject should have the right to have personal data concerning him or her rectified and a ‘right to be forgotten’ where the retention of such data infringes this Regulation or Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject. In particular, a data subject should have the right to have his or her personal data erased and no longer processed where the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are collected or otherwise processed, where a data subject has withdrawn his or her consent or objects to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, or where the processing of his or her personal data does not otherwise comply with this Regulation. That right is relevant in particular where the data subject has given his or her consent as a child and is not fully aware of the risks involved by the processing, and later wants to remove such personal data, especially on the internet. The data subject should be able to exercise that right notwithstanding the fact that he or she is no longer a child. However, the further retention of the personal data should be lawful where it is necessary, for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller, on the grounds of public interest in the area of public health, for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

(66) Kako bi se ojačalo „pravo na zaborav” u internetskom okruženju, pravo na brisanje također bi trebalo proširiti tako da bi voditelj obrade koji je objavio osobne podatke bio obvezan obavijestiti voditelje obrade koji takve osobne podatke obrađuju da obrišu sve poveznice s tim osobnim podacima ili kopijama ili replikama tih osobnih podataka. Pritom bi voditelj obrade trebao poduzeti razumne mjere, uzimajući u obzir dostupnu tehnologiju i sredstva dostupna voditelju obrade, uključujući tehničke mjere da obavijesti voditelje obrade, koji obrađuju osobne podatke, o zahtjevu ispitanika.

(66) To strengthen the right to be forgotten in the online environment, the right to erasure should also be extended in such a way that a controller who has made the personal data public should be obliged to inform the controllers which are processing such personal data to erase any links to, or copies or replications of those personal data. In doing so, that controller should take reasonable steps, taking into account available technology and the means available to the controller, including technical measures, to inform the controllers which are processing the personal data of the data subject's request.

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