GDPR > 第 70 條. 委員會之任務
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第 70 條 GDPR. 委員會之任務

Article 70 GDPR. Tasks of the Board

1. 委員會應確保本規則之一致適用。為此目的,委員會特別應主動 或斟酌情形在執委會之要求下為下列行為:

1. The Board shall ensure the consistent application of this Regulation. To that end, the Board shall, on its own initiative or, where relevant, at the request of the Commission, in particular:

(a) 監督並確保本規則在第 64 條及第 65 條規定情形之正確適用,但 不妨礙國家監管機關之任務;

(a) monitor and ensure the correct application of this Regulation in the cases provided for in Articles 64 and 65 without prejudice to the tasks of national supervisory authorities;

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(b) 就與歐盟境內個人資料保護之任何議題,包括就本規則之任何建 議修訂,向執委會提供意見;

(b) advise the Commission on any issue related to the protection of personal data in the Union, including on any proposed amendment of this Regulation;

(c) 就控管者、處理者及監管機關對於有拘束力之企業守則的資訊交 換格式及程序,向委員會提供意見;

(c) advise the Commission on the format and procedures for the exchange of information between controllers, processors and supervisory authorities for binding corporate rules;

(d) 發布第 17 條第 2 項所述自公開通訊服務刪除個人資料連結、複 製或仿製之指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(d) issue guidelines, recommendations, and best practices on procedures for erasing links, copies or replications of personal data from publicly available communication services as referred to in Article 17(2);

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(e) 主動或依其一名成員或執委會之請求,審查涵蓋本規則適用之任 何問題並發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法以鼓勵本規則之一致適用。

(e) examine, on its own initiative, on request of one of its members or on request of the Commission, any question covering the application of this Regulation and issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in order to encourage consistent application of this Regulation;

(f) 為進一步規範根據第 22 條第 2 項建檔之標準與條件,依本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(f) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph for further specifying the criteria and conditions for decisions based on profiling pursuant to Article 22(2);

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(g) 就確定個人資料侵害並決定第 33 條第 1 項及第 2 項所述之無故 遲延,以及控管者或處理者被要求通知該個人資料侵害之特定情況, 依本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(g) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph for establishing the personal data breaches and determining the undue delay referred to in Article 33(1) and (2) and for the particular circumstances in which a controller or a processor is required to notify the personal data breach;

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(h) 在第 34 條第 1 項所述就個人資料侵害可能導致對當事人權利及 自由之高風險之情形,依本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做 法。

(h) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph as to the circumstances in which a personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the natural persons referred to in Article 34(1).

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(i) 基於控管者遵循之有拘束力之企業守則及處理者遵循之有拘束力 之企業守則,並基於進一步必要之要求,為進一步規範個人資料移轉 之標準及依第 47 條之要求以確保相關資料主體個人資料之保護,依 本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(i) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph for the purpose of further specifying the criteria and requirements for personal data transfers based on binding corporate rules adhered to by controllers and binding corporate rules adhered to by processors and on further necessary requirements to ensure the protection of personal data of the data subjects concerned referred to in Article 47;

(j) 為根據第 49 條第 1 項進一步規範個人資料移轉之標準及要求,依 本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(j) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph for the purpose of further specifying the criteria and requirements for the personal data transfers on the basis of Article 49(1);

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(k) 就第 58 條第 1 項、第 2 項及第 3 項所述措施之適用,以及第 83 條罰鍰之訂定,為監管機關制定指導原則;

(k) draw up guidelines for supervisory authorities concerning the application of measures referred to in Article 58(1), (2) and (3) and the setting of administrative fines pursuant to Article 83;

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(l) 審查第 e點及第 f點所述指導原則、建議及最佳做法之實際適用;

(l) review the practical application of the guidelines, recommendations and best practices;

(m) 就第 54 條第 2 項當事人報告本規則侵害之一般程序之建立,依 本項第 e 點發布指導原則、建議及最佳做法;

(m) issue guidelines, recommendations and best practices in accordance with point (e) of this paragraph for establishing common procedures for reporting by natural persons of infringements of this Regulation pursuant to Article 54(2);

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(n) 依第 40 條及第 42 條鼓勵行為守則之訂定及資料保護認證機制、 資料保護標章及標誌之建立;

(n) encourage the drawing-up of codes of conduct and the establishment of data protection certification mechanisms and data protection seals and marks pursuant to Articles 40 and 42;

(o) 依第 43 條進行認證機構之委託及其定期檢驗,並維護依第 43 條 第 6 項受託機關及依 42 條第 7 項設立於第三國之受託控管者或處理 者的公共紀錄;

(o) approve the criteria of certification pursuant to Article 42(5) and maintain a public register of certification mechanisms and data protection seals and marks pursuant to Article 42(8) and of the certified controllers or processors established in third countries pursuant to Article 42(7);

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(p) 為第 42 條認證機構之委託,具體化規範第 43 條第 3 項所述之要 求;

(p) approve the requirements referred to in Article 43(3) with a view to the accreditation of certification bodies referred to in Article 43;

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(q) 提供執委會關於第 43 條第 8 項所述認證要求之意見;

(q) provide the Commission with an opinion on the certification requirements referred to in Article 43(8);

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(r) 提供執委會關於第 12 條第 7 項所述標誌方式之意見;

(r) provide the Commission with an opinion on the icons referred to in Article 12(7);

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(s) 提供執委會關於第三國或國際組織保護程度適當性之評估,包括 評估第三國、第三國內之領域或特定部門、或國際組織是否不再確保 適當程度之保護。為此,執委會應提供委員會所有必要之文件,包括 與第三國政府關於第三國、第三國內之領域或部門,或與國際組織之 通信。

(s) provide the Commission with an opinion for the assessment of the adequacy of the level of protection in a third country or international organisation, including for the assessment whether a third country, a territory or one or more specified sectors within that third country, or an international organisation no longer ensures an adequate level of protection. To that end, the Commission shall provide the Board with all necessary documentation, including correspondence with the government of the third country, with regard to that third country, territory or specified sector, or with the international organisation.

(t) 依據第 64條第 1項所述之一致性機制發布對監管機關裁決草案之 意見,發布對第 64 條第 2 項提交事項之意見,以及依第 65 條發布有 拘束力之裁決,包括第 66 條所述之情形;

(t) issue opinions on draft decisions of supervisory authorities pursuant to the consistency mechanism referred to in Article 64(1), on matters submitted pursuant to Article 64(2) and to issue binding decisions pursuant to Article 65, including in cases referred to in Article 66;

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(u) 促進監管機關間之合作、有效之雙邊及多邊資訊交換及最佳做 法;

(u) promote the cooperation and the effective bilateral and multilateral exchange of information and best practices between the supervisory authorities;

(v) 促進一般培訓方案並促進監管機關間及在適當時與第三國之監 管機關或國際組織之人員交換;

(v) promote common training programmes and facilitate personnel exchanges between the supervisory authorities and, where appropriate, with the supervisory authorities of third countries or with international organisations;

(w) 促進與全世界之資料保護監管機關間資料保護立法及實踐知識 及文件之交換。

(w) promote the exchange of knowledge and documentation on data protection legislation and practice with data protection supervisory authorities worldwide.

(x) 發布對根據第 40 條第 9 項以歐盟層級起草之行為守則的意見; 及

(x) issue opinions on codes of conduct drawn up at Union level pursuant to Article 40(9); and

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(y) 維護一大眾得接近使用之電子紀錄,紀錄監管機構及法院於一致 性機制中處理之議題所做之裁決。

(y) maintain a publicly accessible electronic register of decisions taken by supervisory authorities and courts on issues handled in the consistency mechanism.

2. 若執委會要求委員會提供建議,考量該事項之急迫性,得指定一 定之時限。

2. Where the Commission requests advice from the Board, it may indicate a time limit, taking into account the urgency of the matter.

3. 委員會應將其意見、指導原則、建議及最佳做法轉呈執委會及第 93 條所述之委員會,並將其公開。

3. The Board shall forward its opinions, guidelines, recommendations, and best practices to the Commission and to the committee referred to in Article 93 and make them public.

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4. 委員會應在適當時諮詢利害關係人,並給予其等在合理期間內陳 述意見之機會。在不影響第 76 條之情況下,委員會應公布諮詢程序 之結果。

4. The Board shall, where appropriate, consult interested parties and give them the opportunity to comment within a reasonable period. The Board shall, without prejudice to Article 76, make the results of the consultation procedure publicly available.

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