GDPR > Artikel 20. Ret til dataportabilitet
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Artikel 20 GDPR. Ret til dataportabilitet

Article 20 GDPR. Right to data portability

1. Den registrerede har ret til i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt og maskinlæsbart format at modtage personoplysninger om sig selv, som vedkommende har givet til en dataansvarlig, og har ret til at transmittere disse oplysninger til en anden dataansvarlig uden hindring fra den dataansvarlige, som personoplysningerne er blevet givet til, når:

1. The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided, where:

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(EN) Author
Siarhei Varankevich
(EN) Siarhei Varankevich CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, MBA, FIP
(EN) Co-Founder & CEO of Data Privacy Office LLC. Data Protection Trainer and Principal Consultant

a) behandlingen er baseret på samtykke, jf. artikel 6, stk. 1, litra a), eller artikel 9, stk. 2, litra a), eller på en kontrakt, jf. artikel 6, stk. 1, litra b), og

(a) the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) or point (a) of Article 9(2) or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1); and

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b) behandlingen foretages automatisk.

(b) the processing is carried out by automated means.

2. Når den registrerede udøver sin ret til dataportabilitet i henhold til stk. 1, har den registrerede ret til at få transmitteret personoplysningerne direkte fra en dataansvarlig til en anden, hvis det er teknisk muligt.

2. In exercising his or her right to data portability pursuant to paragraph 1, the data subject shall have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible.

3. Udøvelsen af den ret, der er omhandlet i denne artikels stk. 1, berører ikke artikel 17. Den nævnte ret finder ikke anvendelse på behandling, der er nødvendig for udførelse af en opgave i samfundets interesse eller som henhører under offentlig myndighedsudøvelse, som den dataansvarlige har fået pålagt.

3. The exercise of the right referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be without prejudice to Article 17. That right shall not apply to processing necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

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4. Den ret, der er omhandlet i stk. 1, må ikke krænke andres rettigheder eller frihedsrettigheder.

4. The right referred to in paragraph 1 shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

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(EN) The right to data portability is presented primarily as a way to support “user choice, user control, and user empowerment” (Guidelines on the Right to Data Portability), as it aims at reinforcing an individual’s control over her/his personal information (recital 68). Data portability allows users to receive a copy of their personal data and can be seen in that sense as an extension of the right of access (article 15). It can also help them to switch services without losing their data, enabling users to transfer their information from one service to a potentially better one.

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(EN) Author
Louis-Philippe Gratton
(EN) Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
(EN) Privacy Expert


Data Subject Request Letter Sample

Concern: Exercise my right to data portability

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

I would like to exercise my right to data portability under Article 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)…

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(EN) Author
Louis-Philippe Gratton
(EN) Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
(EN) Privacy Expert
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 20 GDPR:

7.3.8 Providing copy of PII processed


The organization should be able to provide a copy of the PII that is processed when requested by the PII principal.

Implementation guidance

The organization should provide a copy of the PII that is processed in a structured, commonly used, format accessible by the PII principal.

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(68) For at give den registrerede øget kontrol over sine personoplysninger bør vedkommende, når behandling af personoplysninger foretages automatisk, også kunne modtage personoplysninger vedrørende vedkommende, som vedkommende har givet til en dataansvarlig, i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt, maskinlæsbart og indbyrdes kompatibelt format og kunne transmittere dem til en anden dataansvarlig. Dataansvarlige bør opfordres til at udvikle indbyrdes kompatible formater, der muliggør dataportabilitet. Denne ret bør gælde, hvis den registrerede har givet personoplysningerne på grundlag af sit samtykke, eller hvis behandlingen er nødvendig for opfyldelsen af en kontrakt. Den bør ikke gælde, hvis behandlingen er baseret på et andet retsgrundlag end samtykke eller kontrakt. Denne ret bør på grund af selve sin karakter ikke udøves over for dataansvarlige, der behandler personoplysninger under udøvelsen af deres offentlige opgaver. Derfor bør den ikke gælde, hvis behandlingen af personoplysninger er nødvendig for at overholde en retlig forpligtelse, som påhviler den dataansvarlige, eller for at udføre en opgave i samfundets interesse eller som henhører under offentlig myndighedsudøvelse, som den dataansvarlige har fået pålagt. Den registreredes ret til at transmittere eller modtage personoplysninger vedrørende vedkommende bør ikke skabe en forpligtelse for dataansvarlige til at indføre eller opretholde behandlingssystemer, som er teknisk kompatible. Såfremt et sæt personoplysninger vedrører mere end én registreret, bør retten til at modtage personoplysningerne ikke berøre andre registreredes rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder i overensstemmelse med denne forordning. Denne ret bør endvidere ikke berøre den registreredes ret til at få slettet personoplysninger og begrænsningerne i denne ret som fastsat i denne forordning og bør navnlig ikke indebære, at personoplysninger, som den registrerede har givet til opfyldelse af en kontrakt, slettes, i det omfang og så længe personoplysningerne er nødvendige for opfyldelse af kontrakten. Hvis det er teknisk muligt, bør den registrerede have ret til at få personoplysningerne transmitteret direkte fra en dataansvarlig til en anden.

(68) To further strengthen the control over his or her own data, where the processing of personal data is carried out by automated means, the data subject should also be allowed to receive personal data concerning him or her which he or she has provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format, and to transmit it to another controller. Data controllers should be encouraged to develop interoperable formats that enable data portability. That right should apply where the data subject provided the personal data on the basis of his or her consent or the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract. It should not apply where processing is based on a legal ground other than consent or contract. By its very nature, that right should not be exercised against controllers processing personal data in the exercise of their public duties. It should therefore not apply where the processing of the personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the controller. The data subject's right to transmit or receive personal data concerning him or her should not create an obligation for the controllers to adopt or maintain processing systems which are technically compatible. Where, in a certain set of personal data, more than one data subject is concerned, the right to receive the personal data should be without prejudice to the rights and freedoms of other data subjects in accordance with this Regulation. Furthermore, that right should not prejudice the right of the data subject to obtain the erasure of personal data and the limitations of that right as set out in this Regulation and should, in particular, not imply the erasure of personal data concerning the data subject which have been provided by him or her for the performance of a contract to the extent that and for as long as the personal data are necessary for the performance of that contract. Where technically feasible, the data subject should have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another.

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