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Uvodna izjava 130

Recital 130

(130) Kadar nadzorni organ, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba, ni vodilni nadzorni organ, bi moral vodilni nadzorni organ z njim tesno sodelovati v skladu z določbami o sodelovanju in skladnosti iz te uredbe.

V takih primerih bi moral vodilni nadzorni organ pri sprejemanju ukrepov, katerih namen je doseči pravne učinke, vključno z upravnimi globami, kar najbolj upoštevati mnenje nadzornega organa, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba in ki bi moral ostati pristojen organ za izvedbo morebitnih preiskav na ozemlju njegove države članice v povezavi s pristojnim nadzornim organom.

(130) Where the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged is not the lead supervisory authority, the lead supervisory authority should closely cooperate with the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged in accordance with the provisions on cooperation and consistency laid down in this Regulation.

In such cases, the lead supervisory authority should, when taking measures intended to produce legal effects, including the imposition of administrative fines, take utmost account of the view of the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged and which should remain competent to carry out any investigation on the territory of its own Member State in liaison with the competent supervisory authority.