GDPR > Artikolu 24. Suġġett u objettivi
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Artikolu 24 RĠPD (GDPR). Suġġett u objettivi

Article 24 GDPR. Subject-matter and objectives

1. B’kont meħud tan-natura, l-ambitu, il-kuntest, u l-għanijiet tal-ipproċessar kif ukoll ir-riskji ta’ probabbiltà u gravità li jvarjaw għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tal-persuni fiżiċi, il-kontrollur għandu jimplimenta miżuri tekniċi u organizzattivi adatti biex jiżgura u jkun jista’ juri li l-ipproċessar isir f’konformità ma’ dan ir-Regolament. Dawk il-miżuri għandhom jiġu rieżaminati u aġġornati fejn meħtieġ.

1. Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that processing is performed in accordance with this Regulation. Those measures shall be reviewed and updated where necessary.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 24(1) GDPR:

7.2.8 Records related to processing PII


The organization should determine and securely maintain the necessary records in support of its obligations for the processing of PII.

Implementation guidance

A way to maintain records of the processing of PII is to have an inventory or list of the PII processing activities that the organization performs.

(EN) […]

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Пов'язані норми

2. Fejn dawn ikunu proporzjonati fir-rigward ta’ attivitajiet ta’ pproċessar, il-miżuri msemmija fil-paragrafu 1 għandhom jinkludu l-implimentazzjoni ta’ politiki adatti dwar il-protezzjoni tad-data mill-kontrollur.

2. Where proportionate in relation to processing activities, the measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall include the implementation of appropriate data protection policies by the controller.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 5.1.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 24(2) GDPR: Policies for information security

Implementation guidance

Either by the development of separate privacy policies, or by the augmentation of information security policies, the organization should produce a statement concerning support for and commitment to achieving compliance with applicable PII protection legislation and/or regulation and with the contractual terms agreed between the organization and its partners, its subcontractors and its applicable third parties (customers, suppliers etc.), which should clearly allocate responsibilities between them.

(EN) […]

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3. Il-konformità mal-kodiċijiet tal-kondotta kif imsemmi fl-Artikolu 40 jew mekkaniżmi ta’ ċertifikazzjoni approvati kif imsemmi fl-Artikolu 42 jistgħu jintużaw bħala element li bih tintwera l-konformità mal-obbligi tal-kontrollur.

3. Adherence to approved codes of conduct as referred to in Article 40 or approved certification mechanisms as referred to in Article 42 may be used as an element by which to demonstrate compliance with the obligations of the controller.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 4.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 24(3) GDPR:

5.2.1 Understanding the organization and its context

The organization shall include among its interested parties (see ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 4.2), those parties having interests or responsibilities associated with the processing of PII, including the PII principals.

(EN) […]

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(EN) A controller is a person or an organization that determines the personal data to process and the purposes and means of the processing (Article 4(7)). The definition rightly points to the decision-making capacity of the entity that “decides why and how data will be processed” (ULD Schleswig-Holstein/Wirtschaftsakademie, Opinion of Advocate General).

(EN) […]

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(EN) Author
Louis-Philippe Gratton
(EN) Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
(EN) Privacy Expert

(74) Ir-responsabbiltà tal-kontrollur għal kwalunkwe pproċessar ta' data personali li jitwettaq mill-kontrollur jew f'isem il-kontrollur għandha tiġi stabbilita. B'mod partikolari, il-kontrollur għandu jkun obbligat jimplimenta miżuri adatti u effettivi u jkun jista' juri l-konformità tal-attivitajiet ta' pproċessar ma' dan ir-Regolament, inkluża l-effettività tal-miżuri. Dawk il-miżuri għandhom jikkunsidraw in-natura, l-ambitu, il-kuntest u l-għanijiet tal-ipproċessar u r-riskju għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tal-persuni fiżiċi.

(74) The responsibility and liability of the controller for any processing of personal data carried out by the controller or on the controller's behalf should be established. In particular, the controller should be obliged to implement appropriate and effective measures and be able to demonstrate the compliance of processing activities with this Regulation, including the effectiveness of the measures. Those measures should take into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing and the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

(75) Ir-riskji għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tal-persuni fiżiċi, bi probabbiltà u gravità li jvarjaw, jistgħu jirriżultaw mill-ipproċessar ta’ data personali li tista’ twassal għal dannu fiżiku, materjali jew mhux materjali, b’mod partikolari fejn l-ipproċessar jista’ jagħti lok għal diskriminazzjoni, serq ta’ identità jew frodi, telf finanzjarju, dannu għar-reputazzjoni, telf ta’ kunfidenzjalità ta’ data personali protetta mis-segretezza professjonali, it-treġġigħ lura mhux awtorizzat tal-psewdonimizzazzjoni, jew kwalunkwe żvantaġġ ekonomiku jew soċjali sinifikanti ieħor; jew fejn is-suġġetti tad-data jistgħu jiġu mċaħħda mid-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tagħhom jew impediti milli jeżerċitaw kontroll fuq id-data personali tagħhom; fejn tiġi pproċessata data personali li tiżvela l-oriġini razzjali jew etnika, l-opinjonijiet politiċi, it-twemmin reliġjuż jew filosofiku, is-sħubija fi trade union, u l-ipproċessar ta’ data ġenetika, data dwar is-saħħa jew data dwar il-ħajja sesswali jew kundanni kriminali u reati jew miżuri ta’ sigurtà relatati; fejn l-aspetti personali jiġu evalwati, b’mod partikolari l-analiżi jew it-tbassir ta’ aspetti rigward il-prestazzjoni fuq ix-xogħol, is-sitwazzjoni ekonomika, is-saħħa, il-preferenzi jew l-interessi personali, l-affidabbiltà jew l-imġiba, il-lokalizzazzjoni jew il-movimenti, sabiex jinħolqu jew jintużaw profili personali; fejn tiġi proċessata data personali ta’ persuni fiżiċi vulnerabbli, b’mod partikolari ta’ tfal; jew fejn l-ipproċessar jinvolvi ammont kbir ta’ data personali u jaffettwa numru kbir ta’ suġġetti tad-data.

(75) The risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, of varying likelihood and severity, may result from personal data processing which could lead to physical, material or non-material damage, in particular: where the processing may give rise to discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, damage to the reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, or any other significant economic or social disadvantage; where data subjects might be deprived of their rights and freedoms or prevented from exercising control over their personal data; where personal data are processed which reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, data concerning health or data concerning sex life or criminal convictions and offences or related security measures; where personal aspects are evaluated, in particular analysing or predicting aspects concerning performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behaviour, location or movements, in order to create or use personal profiles; where personal data of vulnerable natural persons, in particular of children, are processed; or where processing involves a large amount of personal data and affects a large number of data subjects.

(76) Il-probabbiltà u l-gravità tar-riskju għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tas-suġġett tad-data għandhom jiġu ddeterminati b'referenza għan-natura, l-ambitu, il-kuntest u l-għanijiet tal-ipproċessar tad-data. Ir-riskju għandu jiġi evalwat abbażi ta' valutazzjoni oġġettiva, li permezz tagħha jiġi stabbilit jekk l-operazzjonijiet tal-ipproċessar tad-data jinvolvux riskju jew riskju għoli.

(76) The likelihood and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of the data subject should be determined by reference to the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing. Risk should be evaluated on the basis of an objective assessment, by which it is established whether data processing operations involve a risk or a high risk.

(77) Il-gwida dwar l-implimentazzjoni ta' miżuri xierqa u dwar kif tintwera l-konformità mill-kontrollur jew il-proċessur, speċjalment fir-rigward tal-identifikazzjoni tar-riskju relatat mal-ipproċessar, il-valutazzjoni tagħhom f'termini ta' oriġini, natura, probabbiltà u gravità, u l-identifikazzjoni tal-aħjar prattiki biex jittaffa r-riskju, tista' tingħata, b'mod partikolari, permezz ta' kodiċijiet approvati tal-kondotta, ċertifikazzjonijiet approvati, linji gwida tal-Bord jew indikazzjonijiet mogħtija minn uffiċjal għall-protezzjoni tad-data. Il-Bord jista' wkoll joħroġ linji gwida dwar operazzjonijiet ta' pproċessar li huma kkunsidrati bħala li probabbli ma jirriżultawx f'riskju għoli għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet ta' persuni fiżiċi u jindikaw liema miżuri jistgħu jkunu biżżejjed f'dawn il-każijiet biex jindirizzaw tali riskju.

(77) Guidance on the implementation of appropriate measures and on the demonstration of compliance by the controller or the processor, especially as regards the identification of the risk related to the processing, their assessment in terms of origin, nature, likelihood and severity, and the identification of best practices to mitigate the risk, could be provided in particular by means of approved codes of conduct, approved certifications, guidelines provided by the Board or indications provided by a data protection officer. The Board may also issue guidelines on processing operations that are considered to be unlikely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons and indicate what measures may be sufficient in such cases to address such risk.

(83) Sabiex iżomm is-sigurtà u jipprevjeni l-ipproċessar li jikser dan ir-Regolament, il-kontrollur jew il-proċessur għandu jevalwa r-riskji inerenti fl-ipproċessar u jimplimenta miżuri sabiex itaffi dawk ir-riskji, bħall-kriptaġġ. Dawn il-miżuri għandhom jiżguraw livell adatt ta' sigurtà, inkluża kunfidenzjalità, filwaqt li jikkunsidraw l-ogħla livell ta' żvilupp tekniku u l-ispejjeż tal-implimentazzjoni b'rabta mar-riskji u n-natura tad-data personali li għandha tkun protetta. Fil-valutazzjoni tar-riskju tas-sigurtà tad-data, għandha tingħata konsiderazzjoni lir-riskji li huma ppreżentati mill-ipproċessar tad-data personali, bħall-qerda, telf, bidla, żvelar mhux awtorizzat ta', jew aċċess għal data personali trażmessa, maħżuna jew ipproċessata b'xi mod ieħor, li jkun aċċidentali jew illegali, li jista' b'mod partikolari jwassal għal dannu fiżika, materjali jew mhux materjali.

(83) In order to maintain security and to prevent processing in infringement of this Regulation, the controller or processor should evaluate the risks inherent in the processing and implement measures to mitigate those risks, such as encryption. Those measures should ensure an appropriate level of security, including confidentiality, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation in relation to the risks and the nature of the personal data to be protected. In assessing data security risk, consideration should be given to the risks that are presented by personal data processing, such as accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed which may in particular lead to physical, material or non-material damage.

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