GDPR > Uvodna izjava 53
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Uvodna izjava 53

Recital 53

(53) Posebne vrste osebnih podatkov, ki potrebujejo višjo zaščito, bi se lahko obdelovale v namene, povezane z zdravjem, le kadar je to potrebno za doseganje teh namenov v korist posameznikov in družbe kot celote, zlasti v okviru upravljanja storitev in sistemov zdravstvenega ali socialnega varstva, vključno z obdelavo takšnih podatkov s strani uprave in osrednjih nacionalnih zdravstvenih organov zaradi nadzora kakovosti, upravljanja informacij ter splošnega nacionalnega in lokalnega nadzora sistema zdravstvenega ali socialnega varstva, ter zagotavljanja neprekinjenosti zdravstvenega ali socialnega varstva in čezmejnega zdravstvenega varstva ali zaradi zdravstvene varnosti, spremljanja in opozarjanja ali v namene arhiviranja v javnem interesu, znanstveno- ali zgodovinskoraziskovalne namene ali statistične namene na podlagi prava Unije ali prava držav članic, ki mora izpolnjevati cilj javnega interesa, pa tudi v okviru študij v javnem interesu, ki se izvajajo na področju javnega zdravja.

Zato bi bilo treba v tej uredbi ob upoštevanju posebnih potreb določiti usklajene pogoje za obdelavo posebnih vrst osebnih podatkov v zvezi z zdravjem, zlasti kadar take podatke v določene namene v zvezi z zdravjem obdelujejo osebe, za katere velja pravna obveznost varovanja poklicne skrivnosti.

V pravu Unije ali pravu držav članic bi bilo treba določiti posebne in ustrezne ukrepe za zaščito temeljnih pravic in osebnih podatkov posameznikov.

Države članice bi morale imeti možnost, da ohranijo ali uvedejo dodatne pogoje, tudi omejitve, glede obdelave genetskih podatkov, biometričnih podatkov ali podatkov o zdravstvenem stanju.

To pa ne bi smelo ovirati prostega pretoka osebnih podatkov v Uniji, kadar ti pogoji veljajo za čezmejno obdelavo takih podatkov.

(53) Special categories of personal data which merit higher protection should be processed for health-related purposes only where necessary to achieve those purposes for the benefit of natural persons and society as a whole, in particular in the context of the management of health or social care services and systems, including processing by the management and central national health authorities of such data for the purpose of quality control, management information and the general national and local supervision of the health or social care system, and ensuring continuity of health or social care and cross-border healthcare or health security, monitoring and alert purposes, or for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, based on Union or Member State law which has to meet an objective of public interest, as well as for studies conducted in the public interest in the area of public health.

Therefore, this Regulation should provide for harmonised conditions for the processing of special categories of personal data concerning health, in respect of specific needs, in particular where the processing of such data is carried out for certain health-related purposes by persons subject to a legal obligation of professional secrecy.

Union or Member State law should provide for specific and suitable measures so as to protect the fundamental rights and the personal data of natural persons.

Member States should be allowed to maintain or introduce further conditions, including limitations, with regard to the processing of genetic data, biometric data or data concerning health.

However, this should not hamper the free flow of personal data within the Union when those conditions apply to cross-border processing of such data.