GDPR > Premessa 11
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Premessa 11

Recital 11

(11) Il-protezzjoni effettiva tad-data personali fl-Unjoni kollha teħtieġ it-tisħiħ u l-ispeċifikar fid-dettall tad-drittijiet tas-suġġetti tad-data u l-obbligi ta’ dawk li jipproċessaw u jiddeterminaw l-ipproċessar ta’ data personali, kif ukoll ta’ setgħat ekwivalenti għall-monitoraġġ u l-iżgurar tal-konformità mar-regoli għall-protezzjoni tad-data personali u sanzjonijiet ekwivalenti għall-ksur fl-Istati Membri.

(11) Effective protection of personal data throughout the Union requires the strengthening and setting out in detail of the rights of data subjects and the obligations of those who process and determine the processing of personal data, as well as equivalent powers for monitoring and ensuring compliance with the rules for the protection of personal data and equivalent sanctions for infringements in the Member States.