GDPR > Premessa 96
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Premessa 96

Recital 96

(96) Għandha ssir ukoll konsultazzjoni mal-awtorità superviżorja matul it-tħejjija ta‘ miżura leġiżlattiva jew regolatorja li tipprevedi l-ipproċessar ta‘ data personali, sabiex tiġi żgurata konformità tal-ipproċessar maħsub ma‘ dan ir-Regolament u b’mod partikolari sabiex jittaffa r-riskju involut għas-suġġett tad-data.

(96) A consultation of the supervisory authority should also take place in the course of the preparation of a legislative or regulatory measure which provides for the processing of personal data, in order to ensure compliance of the intended processing with this Regulation and in particular to mitigate the risk involved for the data subject.