GDPR > Premessa 106
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Premessa 106

Recital 106

(106) Il-Kummissjoni għandha tissorvelja l-funzjonament ta‘ deċiżjonijiet fil-livell tal-protezzjoni f’pajjiż terz, territorju jew settur speċifikat f’pajjiż terz, jew organizzazzjoni internazzjonali, u tissorvelja l-funzjonament ta‘ deċiżjonijiet adottati abbażi tal-Artikolu 25(6) jew l-Artikolu 26 (4) tad-Direttiva 95/46/KE.

Fid-deċiżjonijiet ta‘ adegwatezza tagħha, il-Kummissjoni għandha tipprovdi mekkaniżmu ta‘ rieżami perjodiku tal-funzjonament tagħhom.

Dak ir-rieżami perjodiku għandu jitwettaq b’konsultazzjoni mal-pajjiż terz jew organizzazzjoni internazzjonali inkwistjoni u jieħu kont tal-iżviluppi rilevanti kollha fil-pajjiż terz jew l-organizzazzjoni internazzjonali.

Għall-iskopijiet ta‘ monitoraġġ u twettiq tar-rieżamijiet perjodiċi, il-Kummissjoni għandha tqis il-fehmiet u l-konklużjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill kif ukoll ta‘ korpi rilevanti u sorsi oħra.

Il-Kummissjoni għandha tevalwa, fi żmien raġonevoli, il-funzjonament ta‘ dawn id-deċiżjonijiet tal-aħħar u tirrapporta kwalunkwe konklużjoni rilevanti lill-Kumitat fis-sens tar-Regolament (UE) Nru 182/2011 tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill (12) kif stabbilit taħt dan ir-Regolament, lill-Parlament Ewropew u lill-Kunsill.

(106) The Commission should monitor the functioning of decisions on the level of protection in a third country, a territory or specified sector within a third country, or an international organisation, and monitor the functioning of decisions adopted on the basis of Article 25(6) or Article 26(4) of Directive 95/46/EC.

In its adequacy decisions, the Commission should provide for a periodic review mechanism of their functioning.

That periodic review should be conducted in consultation with the third country or international organisation in question and take into account all relevant developments in the third country or international organisation.

For the purposes of monitoring and of carrying out the periodic reviews, the Commission should take into consideration the views and findings of the European Parliament and of the Council as well as of other relevant bodies and sources.

The Commission should evaluate, within a reasonable time, the functioning of the latter decisions and report any relevant findings to the Committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council [12] as established under this Regulation, to the European Parliament and to the Council.

(12) Regolament (UE) Nru 182/2011 tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tas-16 ta‘ Frar 2011 li jistabbilixxi r-regoli u l-prinċipji ġenerali dwar il-modalitajiet ta‘ kontroll mill-Istati Membri tal-eżerċizzju mill-Kummissjoni tas-setgħat ta‘ implimentazzjoni (ĠU L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).

[12] Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).