GDPR > Člen 41. Spremljanje odobrenih kodeksov ravnanja
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Člen 41 SUVP (GDPR). Spremljanje odobrenih kodeksov ravnanja

Article 41 GDPR. Monitoring of approved codes of conduct

1. Brez poseganja v naloge in pooblastila pristojnega nadzornega organa iz členov 57 in 58 lahko spremljanje skladnosti s kodeksom ravnanja v skladu s členom 40 izvaja organ, ki ima ustrezno raven strokovnega znanja v zvezi z vsebino kodeksa in ga je v ta namen pooblastil pristojni nadzorni organ.

1. Without prejudice to the tasks and powers of the competent supervisory authority under Articles 57 and 58, the monitoring of compliance with a code of conduct pursuant to Article 40 may be carried out by a body which has an appropriate level of expertise in relation to the subject-matter of the code and is accredited for that purpose by the competent supervisory authority.

2. Organ iz odstavka 1 se lahko pooblasti za spremljanje skladnosti s kodeksom ravnanja, kadar je ta organ:

2. A body as referred to in paragraph 1 may be accredited to monitor compliance with a code of conduct where that body has:

(a) pristojnemu nadzornemu organu zadovoljivo dokazal neodvisnost in strokovno znanje v zvezi z vsebino kodeksa;

(a) demonstrated its independence and expertise in relation to the subject-matter of the code to the satisfaction of the competent supervisory authority;

(b) vzpostavil postopke, ki mu omogočajo, da oceni upravičenost zadevnih upravljavcev in obdelovalcev do uporabe kodeksa, da spremlja njihovo skladnost z določbami kodeksa ter da redno pregleduje njegovo delovanje;

(b) established procedures which allow it to assess the eligibility of controllers and processors concerned to apply the code, to monitor their compliance with its provisions and to periodically review its operation;

(c) vzpostavil postopke in strukture za obravnavanje pritožb zaradi kršitev kodeksa ali načina, kako je kodeks izvajal ali ga izvaja upravljavec ali obdelovalec, ter za omogočanje preglednosti teh postopkov in struktur za posameznike, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, in javnost, in

(c) established procedures and structures to handle complaints about infringements of the code or the manner in which the code has been, or is being, implemented by a controller or processor, and to make those procedures and structures transparent to data subjects and the public; and

(d) pristojnemu nadzornemu organu zadovoljivo dokazal, da zaradi njegovih nalog in dolžnosti ne pride do nasprotja interesov.

(d) demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent supervisory authority that its tasks and duties do not result in a conflict of interests.

3. Pristojni nadzorni organ osnutek meril za pooblastitev organa iz odstavka 1 tega člena v skladu z mehanizmom za skladnost iz člena 63 predloži odboru.

3. The competent supervisory authority shall submit the draft requirements for accreditation of a body as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to the Board pursuant to the consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63.

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4. Brez poseganja v naloge in pooblastila pristojnega nadzornega organa ter določbe poglavja VIII organ iz odstavka 1 tega člena ob ustreznih zaščitnih ukrepih v primerih kršitve kodeksa s strani upravljavca ali obdelovalca sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, vključno z začasno ali dokončno prepovedjo zadevnemu upravljavcu ali obdelovalcu, da uporablja kodeks. O takšnih ukrepih in razlogih zanje obvesti pristojni nadzorni organ.

4. Without prejudice to the tasks and powers of the competent supervisory authority and the provisions of Chapter VIII, a body as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall, subject to appropriate safeguards, take appropriate action in cases of infringement of the code by a controller or processor, including suspension or exclusion of the controller or processor concerned from the code. It shall inform the competent supervisory authority of such actions and the reasons for taking them.

5. Pristojni nadzorni organ organu iz odstavka 1 pooblastilo prekliče, če pogoji za pooblastitev niso ali niso več izpolnjeni ali kadar ukrepi, ki jih sprejme organ, kršijo to uredbo.

5. The competent supervisory authority shall revoke the accreditation of a body as referred to in paragraph 1 if the requirements for accreditation are not, or are no longer, met or where actions taken by the body infringe this Regulation.

6. Ta člen se ne uporablja za obdelavo, ki jo izvajajo javni organi in telesa.

6. This Article shall not apply to processing carried out by public authorities and bodies.

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Приводим соответствующий параграф к статье 41 GDPR:

5.2.1 Понимание организации и ее контекста

Организация включает в число своих заинтересованных сторон (см. ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 4.2) те стороны, которые имеют интересы или обязанности, связанные с обработкой ПИИ, включая субъектов ПИИ.

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