GDPR > Uvodna izjava 168
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Uvodna izjava 168

Recital 168

(168) Postopek pregleda bi se moral uporabiti za sprejetje izvedbenih aktov o standardnih pogodbenih določilih med upravljavci in obdelovalci ter med obdelovalci, kodeksov ravnanja; tehničnih standardov in mehanizmov potrjevanja; ustrezne ravni varstva, ki jo zagotavlja tretja država, ozemlje ali določen sektor v navedeni tretji državi ali mednarodna organizacija; standardnih zaščitnih določil; določitev oblik in postopkov za izmenjavo informacij z elektronskimi sredstvi med upravljavci, obdelovalci in nadzornimi organi za zavezujoča poslovna pravila; medsebojne pomoči; in ureditve za izmenjavo informacij z elektronskimi sredstvi med nadzornimi organi ter med nadzornimi organi in odborom.

(168) The examination procedure should be used for the adoption of implementing acts on standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors and between processors; codes of conduct; technical standards and mechanisms for certification; the adequate level of protection afforded by a third country, a territory or a specified sector within that third country, or an international organisation; standard protection clauses; formats and procedures for the exchange of information by electronic means between controllers, processors and supervisory authorities for binding corporate rules; mutual assistance; and arrangements for the exchange of information by electronic means between supervisory authorities, and between supervisory authorities and the Board.