GDPR > Premessa 129
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Premessa 129

Recital 129

(129) Sabiex jiġu żgurati monitoraġġ u infurzar konsistenti ta’ dan ir-Regolament kullimkien fl-Unjoni, f’kull wieħed mill-Istati Membri, l-awtoritajiet superviżorji għandu jkollhom l-istess kompiti u setgħat effettivi, inklużi setgħat investigattivi, setgħat korrettivi u sanzjonijiet, u setgħat ta’ awtorizzazzjoni u konsultattivi, b’mod partikolari f’każijiet ta’ ilmenti minn persuni fiżiċi, u mingħajr preġudizzju għas-setgħat tal-awtoritajiet tal-prosekuzzjoni taħt il-liġi tal-Istat Membru, biex iressqu l-ksur ta’ dispożizzjonijiet f’dan ir-Regolament għall-attenzjoni tal-awtoritajiet ġudizzjarji u jidħlu fi proċedimenti legali.

Dawn is-setgħat għandhom jinkludu wkoll is-setgħa li tiġi imposta limitazzjoni temporanja jew definittiva, inkluża projbizzjoni, fuq l-ipproċessar.

L-Istati Membri jistgħu jispeċifikaw kompiti oħra relatati mal-protezzjoni ta’ data personali skont dan ir-Regolament.

Is-setgħat tal-awtoritajiet superviżorji għandhom jiġu eżerċitati f’konformità ma’ salvagwardji proċedurali xierqa stabbiliti fil-liġi tal-Unjoni u fil-liġijiet tal-Istati Membri, b’mod imparzjali, ġust u fil-mument opportun.

B’mod partikolari, kull miżura għandha tkun xierqa, meħtieġa u proporzjonata sabiex tiġi żgurata l-konformità ma’ dan ir-Regolament, b’kont meħud taċ-ċirkostanzi ta’ kull każ individwali, ir-rispett tad-dritt ta’ kull persuna li tinstema’ qabel ma tittieħed kwalunkwe miżura individwali li tolqotha ħażin u biex jiġu evitati spejjeż żejda u inkonvenjenzi eċċessivi għall-persuni kkonċernati.

Is-setgħat investigattivi rigward l-aċċess għall-bini għandhom jitħaddmu f’konformità ma’ rekwiżiti speċifiċi fil-liġi proċedurali tal-Istat Membru, bħalma huwa r-rekwiżit li tinkiseb awtorizzazzjoni ġudizzjarja minn qabel.

Kull miżura legalment vinkolanti tal-awtorità superviżorja għandha tkun bil-miktub, ċara u mhux ambigwa, għandha tindika l-awtorità superviżorja li tkun ħarġet l-miżura, id-data tal-ħruġ tal-miżura, għandha tkun iffirmata mill-kap, jew membru tal-awtorità superviżorja awtorizzata minnu jew minnha, għandha tagħti r-raġunijiet għall-miżura, u tirreferi għad-dritt għal rimedju effettiv.

Dan ma għandux jipprekludi rekwiżiti addizzjonali skont il-liġi proċedurali tal-Istat Membru.

L-adozzjoni ta’ deċiżjoni legalment vinkolanti timplika li din tista’ tagħti lok għal stħarriġ ġudizzjarju fl-Istat Membru tal-awtorità superviżorja li adottat id-deċiżjoni.

(129) In order to ensure consistent monitoring and enforcement of this Regulation throughout the Union, the supervisory authorities should have in each Member State the same tasks and effective powers, including powers of investigation, corrective powers and sanctions, and authorisation and advisory powers, in particular in cases of complaints from natural persons, and without prejudice to the powers of prosecutorial authorities under Member State law, to bring infringements of this Regulation to the attention of the judicial authorities and engage in legal proceedings.

Such powers should also include the power to impose a temporary or definitive limitation, including a ban, on processing.

Member States may specify other tasks related to the protection of personal data under this Regulation.

The powers of supervisory authorities should be exercised in accordance with appropriate procedural safeguards set out in Union and Member State law, impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time.

In particular each measure should be appropriate, necessary and proportionate in view of ensuring compliance with this Regulation, taking into account the circumstances of each individual case, respect the right of every person to be heard before any individual measure which would affect him or her adversely is taken and avoid superfluous costs and excessive inconveniences for the persons concerned.

Investigatory powers as regards access to premises should be exercised in accordance with specific requirements in Member State procedural law, such as the requirement to obtain a prior judicial authorisation.

Each legally binding measure of the supervisory authority should be in writing, be clear and unambiguous, indicate the supervisory authority which has issued the measure, the date of issue of the measure, bear the signature of the head, or a member of the supervisory authority authorised by him or her, give the reasons for the measure, and refer to the right of an effective remedy.

This should not preclude additional requirements pursuant to Member State procedural law.

The adoption of a legally binding decision implies that it may give rise to judicial review in the Member State of the supervisory authority that adopted the decision.