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Premessa 49

Recital 49

(49) L-ipproċessar ta’ data personali sal-punt li huwa strettament meħtieġ u proporzjonat għall-finijiet li tiġi żgurata s-sigurtà tan-netwerk u tal-informazzjoni, jiġifieri l-kapaċità ta’ netwerk jew ta’ sistema ta’ informazzjoni li tirreżisti, b’ċertu livell ta’ fiduċja, avvenimenti aċċidentali jew azzjonijiet illegali jew malizzjużi li jikkompromettu d-disponibbiltà, l-awtentiċità, l-integrità u l-konfidenzjalità tad-data personali maħżuna jew trażmessa, u s-sigurtà tas-servizzi relatati offruti minn, jew aċċessibbli permezz ta’, dawk in-netwerks u s-sistemi, minn awtoritajiet pubbliċi, skwadri ta’ rispons f’emerġenza relatata mal-kompjuters — (CERTs), skwadri ta’ rispons għal inċidenti relatati mas-sigurtà tal-kompjuters (CSIRTs), minn fornituri ta’ netwerks u servizzi ta’ komunikazzjoni elettronika u minn fornituri ta’ teknoloġiji u servizzi għas-sigurtà, jikkostitwixxi interess leġittimu tal-kontrollur tad-data kkonċernat.

Dan jista’, pereżempju, jinkludi l-prevenzjoni ta’ aċċess mhux awtorizzat għal netwerks ta’ komunikazzjoni elettroniċi u d-distribuzzjoni ta’ kodiċi malizzjuż u l-waqfien ta’ attakki ta’ “ċaħda ta’ servizz” u d-danni lill-kompjuter u lil sistemi ta’ komunikazzjoni elettroniċi.

(49) The processing of personal data to the extent strictly necessary and proportionate for the purposes of ensuring network and information security, i.


the ability of a network or an information system to resist, at a given level of confidence, accidental events or unlawful or malicious actions that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal data, and the security of the related services offered by, or accessible via, those networks and systems, by public authorities, by computer emergency response teams (CERTs), computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs), by providers of electronic communications networks and services and by providers of security technologies and services, constitutes a legitimate interest of the data controller concerned.

This could, for example, include preventing unauthorised access to electronic communications networks and malicious code distribution and stopping ‘denial of service’ attacks and damage to computer and electronic communication systems.