RGPD (GDPR) > Artikolu 38. Pożizzjoni tal-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data
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Artikolu 38 RĠPD (GDPR). Pożizzjoni tal-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data

Article 38 GDPR. Position of the data protection officer

1. Il-kontrollur u l-proċessur għandhom jiżguraw li l-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data jkun involut kif dovut u mingħajr dewmien fil-kwistjonijiet kollha li jikkonċernaw il-protezzjoni tad-data personali.

1. The controller and the processor shall ensure that the data protection officer is involved, properly and in a timely manner, in all issues which relate to the protection of personal data.

2. Il-kontrollur u l-proċessur għandhom jappoġġaw lill-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data fit-twettiq tal-kompiti msemmija fl-Artikolu 39 billi jipprovdu r-riżorsi meħtieġa biex iwettaq dawk il-kompiti u aċċess għad-data personali u l-attivitajiet ta’ pproċessar, u jsostnu l-għarfien espert tiegħu.

2. The controller and processor shall support the data protection officer in performing the tasks referred to in Article 39 by providing resources necessary to carry out those tasks and access to personal data and processing operations, and to maintain his or her expert knowledge.

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3. Il-kontrollur u l-proċessur għandhom jiżguraw li l-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data ma jirċievi l-ebda istruzzjoni dwar l-eżerċizzju ta’ dawk il-kompiti. Ma għandux jitkeċċa jew ikun penalizzat mill-kontrollur jew mill-proċessur minħabba t-twettiq tal-kompiti tiegħu. L-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data għandu jirrapporta b’mod dirett lill-ogħla livell ta’ maniġment tal-kontrollur jew tal-proċessur.

3. The controller and processor shall ensure that the data protection officer does not receive any instructions regarding the exercise of those tasks. He or she shall not be dismissed or penalised by the controller or the processor for performing his tasks. The data protection officer shall directly report to the highest management level of the controller or the processor.

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4. Is-suġġetti tad-data jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lill-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data fir-rigward tal-kwistjonijiet kollha marbuta mal-ipproċessar tad-data personali tagħhom u għall-eżerċitar tad-drittijiet tagħhom taħt dan ir-Regolament.

4. Data subjects may contact the data protection officer with regard to all issues related to processing of their personal data and to the exercise of their rights under this Regulation.

5. L-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data għandu jkunu marbut b’segretezza jew b’kunfidenzjalità dwar il-qadi ta’ dmirijietu, skont il-liġi tal-Unjoni jew ta’ Stat Membru.

5. The data protection officer shall be bound by secrecy or confidentiality concerning the performance of his or her tasks, in accordance with Union or Member State law.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 13.2.4.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 5(1)(f) GDPR: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements

Implementation guidance

The organization should ensure that individuals operating under its control with access to PII are subject to a confidentiality obligation. The confidentiality agreement, whether part of a contract or separate, should specify the length of time the obligations should be adhered to.


(EN) […]

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6. L-uffiċjal tal-protezzjoni tad-data jista’ jwettaq kompiti u dmirijiet oħra. Il-kontrollur jew il-proċessur għandu jiżgura li kwalunkwe minn dawn il-kompiti u dmirijiet ma jirriżultawx f’konflitt ta’ interessi.

6. The data protection officer may fulfil other tasks and duties. The controller or processor shall ensure that any such tasks and duties do not result in a conflict of interests.

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(EN) Article 38 describes the specifics of the position of the Data Protection Officer (DPO). In particular, the emphasis is on the fact that DPO performs its work independently, while the responsibility for their timely and quality performance lies partly with the company itself (the controller or processor). Therefore, the text emphasizes that the company provides DPO with the necessary resources and access on the one hand, and is responsible for the independence of the DPO, not having the right to give them any instructions on the other.

In order to provide DPO with support, the company is recommended to ensure the following:

  • DPO is actively and timely involved in all data protection issues; DPO is invited to participate regularly in senior and middle management meetings when decisions with data protection implications are being made

(EN) […]

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ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 6.1.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 38 GDPR: Information security roles and responsibilities

Implementation guidance

The organization should designate a point of contact for use by the customer regarding the processing of PII. When the organization is a PII controller, designate a point of contact for PII principals regarding the processing of their PII (see 7.3.2).

(EN) […]

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(97) Fejn l-ipproċessar jitwettaq minn awtorità pubblika, minbarra l-qrati jew l-awtoritajiet ġudizzjarji indipendenti meta jaġixxu fil-kapaċità ġudizzjarja tagħhom, fejn, fis-settur privat, l-ipproċessar jitwettaq minn kontrollur li l-attivitajiet prinċipali tiegħu jikkonsistu minn operazzjonijiet ta' pproċessar li jeħtieġu monitoraġġ regolari u sistematiku tas-suġġetti tad-data fuq skala kbira, jew fejn l-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-kontrollur jew tal-proċessur jikkonsistu fl-ipproċessar ta' skala kbira ta' kategoriji speċjali ta' data personali u data relatata ma' kundanni kriminali u reati, persuna b'għarfien espert tal-liġi u l-prattiki dwar il-protezzjoni tad-data għandha tgħin lill-kontrollur jew lill-proċessur jissorvelja l-konformità interna ma' dan ir-Regolament. Fis-settur privat, l-attivitajiet prinċipali ta' kontrollur għandhom rabta mal-attivitajiet primarji tiegħu u m'għandhomx rabta mal-ipproċessar ta' data personali bħala attivitajiet anċillari. Il-livell meħtieġ ta' għarfien espert għandu jkun stabbilit b'mod partikolari skont l-operazzjonijiet ta' pproċessar tad-data li jsiru u l-protezzjoni meħtieġa għad-data personali pproċessata mill-kontrollur jew mill-proċessur. Tali uffiċjali tal-protezzjoni tad-data, kemm jekk ikunu impjegati tal-kontrollur kif ukoll jekk ma jkunux, għandhom ikunu f'pożizzjoni li jwettqu d-dmirijiet u l-kompiti tagħhom b'mod indipendenti.

(97) Where the processing is carried out by a public authority, except for courts or independent judicial authorities when acting in their judicial capacity, where, in the private sector, processing is carried out by a controller whose core activities consist of processing operations that require regular and systematic monitoring of the data subjects on a large scale, or where the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing on a large scale of special categories of personal data and data relating to criminal convictions and offences, a person with expert knowledge of data protection law and practices should assist the controller or processor to monitor internal compliance with this Regulation. In the private sector, the core activities of a controller relate to its primary activities and do not relate to the processing of personal data as ancillary activities. The necessary level of expert knowledge should be determined in particular according to the data processing operations carried out and the protection required for the personal data processed by the controller or the processor. Such data protection officers, whether or not they are an employee of the controller, should be in a position to perform their duties and tasks in an independent manner.

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