RGPD (GDPR) > Uvodna izjava 149
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Uvodna izjava 149

Recital 149

(149) Države članice bi morale imeti možnost, da določijo pravila o kazenskih sankcijah za kršitve te uredbe, tudi za kršitve nacionalnih pravil, sprejetih v skladu s to uredbo in v mejah te uredbe.

Te kazenske sankcije lahko določajo tudi odvzem dobička, pridobljenega s kršenjem te uredbe.

Naložitev kazenskih sankcij zaradi kršitev takšnih nacionalnih pravil in upravnih kazni pa ne bi smela voditi h kršitvi načela ne bis in idem, kakor ga razlaga Sodišče.

(149) Member States should be able to lay down the rules on criminal penalties for infringements of this Regulation, including for infringements of national rules adopted pursuant to and within the limits of this Regulation.

Those criminal penalties may also allow for the deprivation of the profits obtained through infringements of this Regulation.

However, the imposition of criminal penalties for infringements of such national rules and of administrative penalties should not lead to a breach of the principle of ne bis in idem, as interpreted by the Court of Justice.