RGPD (GDPR) > Člen 54. Pravila o ustanovitvi nadzornega organa
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Člen 54 SUVP (GDPR). Pravila o ustanovitvi nadzornega organa

Article 54 GDPR. Rules on the establishment of the supervisory authority

1. Vsaka država članica z zakonom določi vse naslednje:

1. Each Member State shall provide by law for all of the following:

(a) ustanovitev posameznega nadzornega organa;

(a) the establishment of each supervisory authority;

(b) kvalifikacije in pogoje za upravičenost, ki se zahtevajo za imenovanje na mesto člana posameznega nadzornega organa;

(b) the qualifications and eligibility conditions required to be appointed as member of each supervisory authority;

(c) pravila in postopke za imenovanje člana ali članov posameznega nadzornega organa;

(c) the rules and procedures for the appointment of the member or members of each supervisory authority;

(d) trajanje mandata člana oziroma članov posameznega nadzornega organa, ki ni krajši od štirih let, razen pri prvem imenovanju po 24. maju 2016, del katerega je lahko krajši, če je to potrebno zaradi zaščite neodvisnosti nadzornega organa s postopnim postopkom imenovanja;

(d) the duration of the term of the member or members of each supervisory authority of no less than four years, except for the first appointment after 24 May 2016, part of which may take place for a shorter period where that is necessary to protect the independence of the supervisory authority by means of a staggered appointment procedure;

(e) ali se lahko član oziroma člani posameznega nadzornega organa ponovno imenujejo, in če je tako, za koliko mandatov;

(e) whether and, if so, for how many terms the member or members of each supervisory authority is eligible for reappointment;

(f) pogoje, ki urejajo obveznosti člana oziroma članov in osebja posameznega nadzornega organa, prepovedi ukrepanja, delovanja in ugodnosti, ki so nezdružljivi s temi pogoji, med mandatom in po njem, ter pravila o prenehanju zaposlitve.

(f) the conditions governing the obligations of the member or members and staff of each supervisory authority, prohibitions on actions, occupations and benefits incompatible therewith during and after the term of office and rules governing the cessation of employment.

2. Član oziroma člani in osebje posameznega nadzornega organa so v skladu s pravom Unije ali pravom države članice tako med svojim mandatom kot po njem dolžni varovati poklicne skrivnosti v zvezi z vsemi zaupnimi informacijami, s katerimi so se seznanili med opravljanjem svojih nalog ali izvajanjem svojih pooblastil. V času njihovega mandata ta dolžnost varovanja poklicne skrivnosti velja zlasti za poročanje posameznikov o kršitvah te uredbe.

2. The member or members and the staff of each supervisory authority shall, in accordance with Union or Member State law, be subject to a duty of professional secrecy both during and after their term of office, with regard to any confidential information which has come to their knowledge in the course of the performance of their tasks or exercise of their powers. During their term of office, that duty of professional secrecy shall in particular apply to reporting by natural persons of infringements of this Regulation.

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(121) Vsaka država članica bi morala z zakonom predpisati splošne pogoje za člana ali člane nadzornega organa, ki bi morali zlasti zagotoviti, da te člane v preglednem postopku imenuje bodisi parlament, vlada ali voditelj države članice na podlagi predloga vlade, člana vlade, parlamenta ali njegovega dela ali pa neodvisno telo, pooblaščeno v skladu s pravom države članice. Da bi zagotovili neodvisnost nadzornega organa, bi morali član ali člani delovati neoporečno, se vzdržati vsakega delovanja, ki ni združljivo z njihovimi nalogami, in se v času svojega mandata ne bi smeli ukvarjati z nobenim nezdružljivim delom, bodisi profitnim bodisi neprofitnim. Nadzorni organ bi moral imeti svoje osebje, ki ga izbere nadzorni organ ali neodvisno telo, ustanovljeno s pravom države članice, in ki bi ga morali usmerjati izključno član oziroma člani nadzornega organa.

(121) The general conditions for the member or members of the supervisory authority should be laid down by law in each Member State and should in particular provide that those members are to be appointed, by means of a transparent procedure, either by the parliament, government or the head of State of the Member State on the basis of a proposal from the government, a member of the government, the parliament or a chamber of the parliament, or by an independent body entrusted under Member State law. In order to ensure the independence of the supervisory authority, the member or members should act with integrity, refrain from any action that is incompatible with their duties and should not, during their term of office, engage in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not. The supervisory authority should have its own staff, chosen by the supervisory authority or an independent body established by Member State law, which should be subject to the exclusive direction of the member or members of the supervisory authority.

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