RODO > Premessa 68
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Premessa 68

Recital 68

(68) Sabiex isaħħu aktar il-kontroll fuq id-data tagħhom stess, fejn l-ipproċessar ta’ data personali titwettaq b’mezzi awtomatizzati, is-suġġett tad-data għandu jitħalla wkoll jirċievi data personali li tikkonċernah, li huwa pprovda lil kontrollur, f’format strutturat, li jintuża komunement, li jista’ jinqara b’magna u li jkun interoperabbli, u jittrażmettih lil kontrollur ieħor.

Kontrolluri tad-data għandhom jiġu inkoraġġuti jiżviluppaw formati interoperabbli li jippermettu l-portabbiltà tad-data.

Dak id-dritt għandu japplika fejn is-suġġett tad-data jkun ipprovda d-data personali abbażi tal-kunsens tiegħu jew l-ipproċessar ikun neċessarju għall-eżekuzzjoni ta’ kuntratt.

Ma għandux japplika fejn l-ipproċessar huwa bbażat fuq raġuni legali oħra għajr il-kunsens jew kuntratt.

Min-natura proprja tiegħu dak id-dritt ma għandux jiġi eżerċitat kontra l-kontrolluri li jipproċessaw id-data personali fl-eżerċizzju tad-dmirijiet pubbliċi tagħhom.

Għalhekk m’għandux japplika fejn l-ipproċessar tad-data personali huwa meħtieġ għall-konformità ma’ obbligu legali li għalih il-kontrollur huwa soġġett jew għat-twettiq ta’ kompitu mwettaq fl-interess pubbliku jew fl-eżerċizzju ta’ awtorità uffiċjali mogħtija lill-kontrollur.

Id-dritt tas-suġġett tad-data li jittrażmetti jew jirċievi data personali dwaru ma għandhux joħloq obbligu għall-kontrolluri li jadottaw jew iżommu sistemi tal-ipproċessar li huma teknikament kompatibbli.

Fejn, f’ċertu sett ta’ data personali, ikun ikkonċernat aktar minn suġġett wieħed tad-data, id-dritt ta’ riċezzjoni tad-data personali għandu jkun mingħajr preġudizzju għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet ta’ suġġetti tad-data oħrajn f’konformità ma’ dan ir-Regolament.

Barra minn hekk, dak id-dritt ma għandux jippreġudika d-dritt tas-suġġett tad-data li jikseb it-tħassir ta’ data personali u l-limitazzjonijiet ta’ dak id-dritt kif stabbilit f’dan ir-Regolament u, b’mod partikolari, ma għandux jimplika t-tħassir ta’ data personali li tikkonċerna s-suġġett tad-data li jkunu ġew ipprovduti minnu għall-eżekuzzjoni ta’ kuntratt, safejn u sakemm id-data personali hija meħtieġa għall-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dak il-kuntratt.

Fejn ikun teknikament fattibbli, is-suġġett tad-data għandu jkollu d-dritt li jkollu d-data personali trażmessa direttament minn kontrollur għal ieħor.

(68) To further strengthen the control over his or her own data, where the processing of personal data is carried out by automated means, the data subject should also be allowed to receive personal data concerning him or her which he or she has provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format, and to transmit it to another controller.

Data controllers should be encouraged to develop interoperable formats that enable data portability.

That right should apply where the data subject provided the personal data on the basis of his or her consent or the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract.

It should not apply where processing is based on a legal ground other than consent or contract.

By its very nature, that right should not be exercised against controllers processing personal data in the exercise of their public duties.

It should therefore not apply where the processing of the personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the controller.

The data subject’s right to transmit or receive personal data concerning him or her should not create an obligation for the controllers to adopt or maintain processing systems which are technically compatible.

Where, in a certain set of personal data, more than one data subject is concerned, the right to receive the personal data should be without prejudice to the rights and freedoms of other data subjects in accordance with this Regulation.

Furthermore, that right should not prejudice the right of the data subject to obtain the erasure of personal data and the limitations of that right as set out in this Regulation and should, in particular, not imply the erasure of personal data concerning the data subject which have been provided by him or her for the performance of a contract to the extent that and for as long as the personal data are necessary for the performance of that contract.

Where technically feasible, the data subject should have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another.