RODO > Recital 123
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Recital 123

Recital 123

(123) 監管機關應依照本規則監督各條款之適用,並致力於確保本規 則在全歐盟適用之一致性,以保護當事人關於其個人資料處理,並促 進個人資料在歐洲市場之自由流通。為達該目的,監管機關相互間及 其與執委會間應彼此合作,無須會員國間簽訂互助或該等合作條款之 任何協議。

(123) The supervisory authorities should monitor the application of the provisions pursuant to this Regulation and contribute to its consistent application throughout the Union, in order to protect natural persons in relation to the processing of their personal data and to facilitate the free flow of personal data within the internal market.

For that purpose, the supervisory authorities should cooperate with each other and with the Commission, without the need for any agreement between Member States on the provision of mutual assistance or on such cooperation.