RODO > Člen 65. Reševanje sporov s strani odbora
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Člen 65 SUVP (GDPR). Reševanje sporov s strani odbora

Article 65 GDPR. Dispute resolution by the Board

1. Da se zagotovi pravilna in dosledna uporaba te uredbe v posameznih primerih, odbor sprejme zavezujočo odločitev v naslednjih primerih:

1. In order to ensure the correct and consistent application of this Regulation in individual cases, the Board shall adopt a binding decision in the following cases:

(a) kadar je, v primeru iz člena 60(4), zadevni nadzorni organ dal ustrezen in utemeljen ugovor osnutku odločitve vodilnega organa ali če je vodilni organ zavrnil tak ugovor kot neustrezen ali neutemeljen. Zavezujoča odločitev velja za vse zadeve, na katere se nanaša ustrezen in utemeljen ugovor, zlasti kadar gre za kršitev te uredbe;

(a) where, in a case referred to in Article 60(4), a supervisory authority concerned has raised a relevant and reasoned objection to a draft decision of the lead supervisory authority and the lead supervisory authority has not followed the objection or has rejected such an objection as being not relevant or reasoned. The binding decision shall concern all the matters which are the subject of the relevant and reasoned objection, in particular whether there is an infringement of this Regulation;

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(b) kadar obstajajo nasprotujoča si stališča o tem, kateri zadevni nadzorni organ je pristojen za glavni sedež;

(b) where there are conflicting views on which of the supervisory authorities concerned is competent for the main establishment;

(c) kadar pristojni nadzorni organ ne zaprosi za mnenje odbora v primerih iz člena 64(1) ali ne upošteva mnenja odbora, izdanega na podlagi člena 64. V tem primeru lahko kateri koli zadevni nadzorni organ ali Komisija zadevo posreduje odboru.

(c) where a competent supervisory authority does not request the opinion of the Board in the cases referred to in Article 64(1), or does not follow the opinion of the Board issued under Article 64. In that case, any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission may communicate the matter to the Board.

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2. Odločitev iz odstavka 1 se sprejme v enem mesecu od predložitve vsebine z dvotretjinsko večino članov odbora. To obdobje se lahko zaradi kompleksnosti vsebine podaljša za en mesec. Odločitev iz odstavka 1 se utemelji ter naslovi na vodilni nadzorni organ in vse zadevne nadzorne organe ter je za vse zavezujoča.

2. The decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall be adopted within one month from the referral of the subject-matter by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board. That period may be extended by a further month on account of the complexity of the subject-matter. The decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall be reasoned and addressed to the lead supervisory authority and all the supervisory authorities concerned and binding on them.

3. Kadar odboru v obdobjih iz odstavka 2 ne uspe sprejeti odločitve, sprejme odločitev v dveh tednih po izteku drugega meseca iz odstavka 2, in sicer z navadno večino članov odbora. Kadar so glasovi članov odbora izenačeni, se odločitev sprejme z glasovanjem predsednika odbora.

3. Where the Board has been unable to adopt a decision within the periods referred to in paragraph 2, it shall adopt its decision within two weeks following the expiration of the second month referred to in paragraph 2 by a simple majority of the members of the Board. Where the members of the Board are split, the decision shall by adopted by the vote of its Chair.

4. Zadevni nadzorni organi ne sprejmejo odločitve o vsebini, predloženi odboru v skladu z odstavkom 1, v obdobjih iz odstavkov 2 in 3.

4. The supervisory authorities concerned shall not adopt a decision on the subject matter submitted to the Board under paragraph 1 during the periods referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3.

5. Predsednik odbora zadevne nadzorne organe brez nepotrebnega odlašanja uradno obvesti o odločitvi iz odstavka 1. O tem obvesti Komisijo. Odločitev se brez odlašanja objavi na spletnem mestu odbora, potem ko nadzorni organ uradno sporoči končno odločitev iz odstavka 6.

5. The Chair of the Board shall notify, without undue delay, the decision referred to in paragraph 1 to the supervisory authorities concerned. It shall inform the Commission thereof. The decision shall be published on the website of the Board without delay after the supervisory authority has notified the final decision referred to in paragraph 6.

6. Vodilni nadzorni organ oziroma nadzorni organ, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba, končno odločitev sprejme na podlagi odločitve iz odstavka 1 tega člena, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja in najpozneje en mesec po uradnem posredovanju odločitve odbora. Vodilni nadzorni organ oziroma nadzorni organ, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba, obvesti odbor o datumu, ko so upravljavec ali obdelovalec in posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, uradno obveščeni o njegovi končni odločitvi. Končna odločitev zadevnih nadzornih organov se sprejme pod pogoji iz člena 60(7), (8) in (9). Končna odločitev se nanaša na odločitev iz odstavka 1 tega člena, v njej pa je navedeno, da se odločitev iz odstavka 1 objavi na spletnem mestu odbora v skladu z odstavkom 5 tega člena. Končni odločitvi je priložena odločitev iz odstavka 1 tega člena.

6. The lead supervisory authority or, as the case may be, the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged shall adopt its final decision on the basis of the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, without undue delay and at the latest by one month after the Board has notified its decision. The lead supervisory authority or, as the case may be, the supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged, shall inform the Board of the date when its final decision is notified respectively to the controller or the processor and to the data subject. The final decision of the supervisory authorities concerned shall be adopted under the terms of Article 60(7), (8) and (9). The final decision shall refer to the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and shall specify that the decision referred to in that paragraph will be published on the website of the Board in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article. The final decision shall attach the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

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(136) Pri uporabi mehanizma za skladnost bi moral odbor v določenem roku podati mnenje, če tako odloči večina članov ali če to zahteva kateri koli zadevni nadzorni organ ali Komisija. Odbor bi moral biti tudi pooblaščen za sprejemanje pravno zavezujočih odločitev v primeru sporov med nadzornimi organi. V ta namen bi moral načeloma z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov izdajati pravno zavezujoče odločitve v jasno določenih primerih, ko pride med nadzornimi organi, zlasti v mehanizmu sodelovanja med vodilnim nadzornim organom in zadevnimi nadzornimi organi, do nasprotujočih si stališč glede vsebine zadeve, predvsem glede tega, ali je bila uredba kršena.

(136) In applying the consistency mechanism, the Board should, within a determined period of time, issue an opinion, if a majority of its members so decides or if so requested by any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission. The Board should also be empowered to adopt legally binding decisions where there are disputes between supervisory authorities. For that purpose, it should issue, in principle by a two-thirds majority of its members, legally binding decisions in clearly specified cases where there are conflicting views among supervisory authorities, in particular in the cooperation mechanism between the lead supervisory authority and supervisory authorities concerned on the merits of the case, in particular whether there is an infringement of this Regulation.

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