RODO > Artikel 11. Behandling, der ikke kræver identifikation
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Artikel 11 GDPR. Behandling, der ikke kræver identifikation

Article 11 GDPR. Processing which does not require identification

1. Hvis formålene med en dataansvarligs behandling af personoplysninger ikke kræver eller ikke længere kræver, at den registrerede kan identificeres af den dataansvarlige, er den dataansvarlige ikke forpligtet til at beholde, indhente eller behandle yderligere oplysninger for at kunne identificere den registrerede alene med det formål at overholde denne forordning.

1. If the purposes for which a controller processes personal data do not or do no longer require the identification of a data subject by the controller, the controller shall not be obliged to maintain, acquire or process additional information in order to identify the data subject for the sole purpose of complying with this Regulation.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 11(1) GDPR:

7.4.5 PII de-identification and deletion at the end of processing


The organization should either delete PII or render it in a form which does not permit identification or re-identification of PII principals, as soon as the original PII is no longer necessary for the identified purpose(s).

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2. Hvis den dataansvarlige i tilfælde, der er omhandlet i denne artikels stk. 1, kan påvise, at vedkommende ikke kan identificere den registrerede, underretter den dataansvarlige den registrerede herom, hvis det er muligt. I sådanne tilfælde finder artikel 15-20 ikke anvendelse, medmindre den registrerede for at udøve sine rettigheder i henhold til disse artikler giver yderligere oplysninger, der gør det muligt at identificere den pågældende.

2. Where, in cases referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the controller is able to demonstrate that it is not in a position to identify the data subject, the controller shall inform the data subject accordingly, if possible. In such cases, Articles 15 to 20 shall not apply except where the data subject, for the purpose of exercising his or her rights under those articles, provides additional information enabling his or her identification.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 11(2) GDPR:

7.3.2 Determining information for PII principals


The organization should determine and document the information to be provided to PII principals regarding the processing of their PII and the timing of such a provision.

Implementation guidance

The organization should determine the legal, regulatory and/or business requirements for when information is to be provided to the PII principal (e.g. prior to processing, within a certain time from when it is requested, etc.) and for the type of information to be provided.

Depending on the requirements, the information can take the form of a notice. Examples of types of information that can be provided to PII principals are:


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(57) Hvis de personoplysninger, der behandles af en dataansvarlig, ikke sætter den dataansvarlige i stand til at identificere en fysisk person, bør den dataansvarlige ikke være forpligtet til at indhente yderligere oplysninger for at identificere den registrerede udelukkende med det formål at overholde bestemmelserne i denne forordning. Den dataansvarlige bør dog ikke nægte at tage imod yderligere oplysninger fra den registrerede, som han eller hun giver med henblik på udøvelsen af sine rettigheder. Identifikation bør omfatte digital identifikation af en registreret, for eksempel gennem en autentifikationsmekanisme, såsom de samme legitimationsoplysninger, som den registrerede anvender til at logge på den onlinetjeneste, der tilbydes af den dataansvarlige.

(57) If the personal data processed by a controller do not permit the controller to identify a natural person, the data controller should not be obliged to acquire additional information in order to identify the data subject for the sole purpose of complying with any provision of this Regulation. However, the controller should not refuse to take additional information provided by the data subject in order to support the exercise of his or her rights. Identification should include the digital identification of a data subject, for example through authentication mechanism such as the same credentials, used by the data subject to log-in to the on-line service offered by the data controller.

(64) Den dataansvarlige bør træffe alle rimelige foranstaltninger for at bekræfte identiteten af en registreret, som anmoder om indsigt, navnlig i forbindelse med onlinetjenester og onlineidentifikatorer. En dataansvarlig bør ikke opbevare personoplysninger alene for at kunne reagere på mulige anmodninger.

(64) The controller should use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of a data subject who requests access, in particular in the context of online services and online identifiers. A controller should not retain personal data for the sole purpose of being able to react to potential requests.

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