GDPR > Premessa 38
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Premessa 38

Recital 38

(38) Il-minorenni jixirqilhom protezzjoni speċifika fir-rigward tad-data personali tagħhom, minħabba li dawn jistgħu jkunu inqas konxji tar-riskji, il-konsegwenzi u s-salvagwardji u d-drittijiet tagħhom fir-rigward tal-ipproċessar ta’ data personali.

Tali protezzjoni speċifika għandha, b’mod partikolari, tapplika għall-użu ta’ data personali tal-minorenni għall-finijiet ta’ kummerċjalizzazzjoni jew biex jinħolqu profili ta’ personalità jew ta’ utent u l-ġbir ta’ data personali fir-rigward tal-minorenni meta jsir użu minn servizzi offruti direttament lill-minorenni.

Il-kunsens ta’ min ikollu r-responsabbiltà ta’ ġenitur m’għandux ikun meħtieġ fil-kuntest ta’ servizzi preventivi jew ta’ pariri offruti direttament lill-minorenni.

(38) Children merit specific protection with regard to their personal data, as they may be less aware of the risks, consequences and safeguards concerned and their rights in relation to the processing of personal data.

Such specific protection should, in particular, apply to the use of personal data of children for the purposes of marketing or creating personality or user profiles and the collection of personal data with regard to children when using services offered directly to a child.

The consent of the holder of parental responsibility should not be necessary in the context of preventive or counselling services offered directly to a child.