GDPR > Premessa 120
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Premessa 120

Recital 120

(120) Kull awtorità superviżorja għandha tingħata r-riżorsi finanzjarji u umani, bini u infrastruttura li jkunu meħtieġa għat-twettiq effettiv tal-kompiti tagħha, inklużi dawk relatati mal-assistenza reċiproka u l-kooperazzjoni ma’ awtoritajiet superviżorji oħrajn fl-Unjoni kollha.

Kull awtorità superviżorja għandu jkollha baġit annwali pubbliku separat, li jista’ jagħmel parti mill-baġit globali tal-istat jew nazzjonali.

(120) Each supervisory authority should be provided with the financial and human resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of their tasks, including those related to mutual assistance and cooperation with other supervisory authorities throughout the Union.

Each supervisory authority should have a separate, public annual budget, which may be part of the overall state or national budget.