VDAR (GDPR) > Airteagal 58. Cumhachtaí
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Airteagal 58 RGCS (GDPR). Cumhachtaí

Article 58 GDPR. Powers

1. Beidh na cumhachtaí imscrúdaitheacha uile seo a leanas ag gach údarás maoirseachta:

1. Each supervisory authority shall have all of the following investigative powers:

(a) ordú a thabhairt don rialaitheoir agus don phróiseálaí agus, i gcás inarb infheidhme, d’ionadaí an rialaitheora nó an phróiseálaí, aon fhaisnéis a éilíonn sé ar mhaithe lena chúraimí a chomhlíonadh a chur ar fáil dó;

(a) to order the controller and the processor, and, where applicable, the controller’s or the processor’s representative to provide any information it requires for the performance of its tasks;

(b) imscrúduithe a dhéanamh i bhfoirm iniúchtaí ar chosaint sonraí;

(b) to carry out investigations in the form of data protection audits;

(c) athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar dheimhnithe a eisíodh de bhun Airteagal 42(7);

(c) to carry out a review on certifications issued pursuant to Article 42(7);


(d) fógra a thabhairt don rialaitheoir nó don phróiseálaí faoi shárú a líomhnaítear a bheith déanta ar an Rialachán seo;

(d) to notify the controller or the processor of an alleged infringement of this Regulation;

(e) rochtain a fháil, ón rialaitheoir agus ón bpróiseálaí, ar na sonraí pearsanta ar fad agus ar gach faisnéis is gá chun a chúraimí a chomhlíonadh; agus

(e) to obtain, from the controller and the processor, access to all personal data and to all information necessary for the performance of its tasks;

(f) rochtain a fháil ar aon áitreabh de chuid an rialaitheora agus an phróiseálaí, lena n-áirítear ar aon trealamh agus ar aon mhodh próiseála sonraí, i gcomhréir le dlí an Aontais nó le dlí nós imeachta náisiúnta Ballstáit.

(f) to obtain access to any premises of the controller and the processor, including to any data processing equipment and means, in accordance with Union or Member State procedural law.

2. Beidh na cumhachtaí ceartaitheacha uile seo a leanas ag gach údarás maoirseachta:

2. Each supervisory authority shall have all of the following corrective powers:

(a) fógraí rabhaidh a thabhairt do rialaitheoir nó do phróiseálaí ina gcuirtear in iúl gur dóchúil go sárófar forálacha an Rialacháin seo leis na hoibríochtaí próiseála a bheartaítear;

(a) to issue warnings to a controller or processor that intended processing operations are likely to infringe provisions of this Regulation;

(b) iomarduithe a eisiúint do rialaitheoir nó do phróiseálaí i gcás ina bhfuil oibríochtaí próiseála tar éis forálacha an Rialacháin seo a shárú;

(b) to issue reprimands to a controller or a processor where processing operations have infringed provisions of this Regulation;

(c) ordú a thabhairt don rialaitheoir nó don phróiseálaí iarrataí an ábhair sonraí a chomhlíonadh maidir lena chearta a fheidhmiú de bhun an Rialacháin seo;

(c) to order the controller or the processor to comply with the data subject’s requests to exercise his or her rights pursuant to this Regulation;

(d) ordú a thabhairt don rialaitheoir nó don phróiseálaí oibríochtaí próiseála a chur i gcomhréir le forálacha an Rialacháin seo agus, nuair is iomchuí, ar bhealach sonraithe agus laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe;

(d) to order the controller or processor to bring processing operations into compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, where appropriate, in a specified manner and within a specified period;

(e) ordú a thabhairt don rialaitheoir sárú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a chur in iúl don ábhar sonraí;

(e) to order the controller to communicate a personal data breach to the data subject;

(f) teorainn shealadach nó bhuan a fhorchur lena n-áirítear cosc ar phróiseáil;

(f) to impose a temporary or definitive limitation including a ban on processing;

(g) ordú a thabhairt go ndéanfaí sonraí pearsanta a cheartú nó a léirscriosadh nó go ndéanfaí próiseáil a shrianadh de bhun Airteagal 16, Airteagal 17 agus Airteagal 18 agus go gcuirfí na faighteoirí ar nochtadh na sonraí pearsanta sin dóibh ar an eolas faoi na gníomhaíochtaí sin de bhun Airteagal 17(2) agus Airteagal 19;

(g) to order the rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing pursuant to Articles 16, 17 and 18 and the notification of such actions to recipients to whom the personal data have been disclosed pursuant to Article 17(2) and Article 19;


(h) deimhniú a tharraingt siar nó ordú a thabhairt don chomhlacht deimhniúcháin deimhniú a tharraingt siar ar deimhniú é a eisíodh de bhun Airteagal 42 agus Airteagal 43, nó ordú a thabhairt don chomhlacht deimhniúcháin gan deimhniú a eisiúint mura bhfuil na ceanglais don deimhniú á gcomhlíonadh nó mura bhfuil siad á gcomhlíonadh a thuilleadh;

(h) to withdraw a certification or to order the certification body to withdraw a certification issued pursuant to Articles 42 and 43, or to order the certification body not to issue certification if the requirements for the certification are not or are no longer met;


(i) fíneáil riaracháin a ghearradh de bhun Airteagal 83, de bhreis ar na bearta dá dtagraítear sa mhír seo nó ina n-ionad, ag brath ar dhálaí gach cáis faoi leith; agus

(i) to impose an administrative fine pursuant to Article 83, in addition to, or instead of measures referred to in this paragraph, depending on the circumstances of each individual case;

(j) ordú a thabhairt sreabha sonraí chuig faighteoir i dtríú tír nó chuig eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta a fhionraí.

(j) to order the suspension of data flows to a recipient in a third country or to an international organisation.

3. Beidh na cumhachtaí údaraithe agus comhairleacha uile seo a leanas ag gach údarás maoirseachta:

3. Each supervisory authority shall have all of the following authorisation and advisory powers:

(a) comhairle a thabhairt don rialaitheoir i gcomhréir leis an nós imeachta réamhchomhairliúcháin dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 36;

(a) to advise the controller in accordance with the prior consultation procedure referred to in Article 36;


(b) tuairimí a thabhairt, ar a thionscnamh féin nó arna iarraidh sin air, don pharlaimint náisiúnta, do rialtas an Bhallstáit nó, i gcomhréir lei dlí Ballstáit, do na hinstitiúidí agus na comhlachtaí eile agus don phobal, maidir le haon saincheist a bhaineann le cosaint sonraí pearsanta;

(b) to issue, on its own initiative or on request, opinions to the national parliament, the Member State government or, in accordance with Member State law, to other institutions and bodies as well as to the public on any issue related to the protection of personal data;

(c) próiseáil dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 36(5) a údarú, má tá réamhúdarú den sórt sin riachtanach i ndlí an Bhallstáit;

(c) to authorise processing referred to in Article 36(5), if the law of the Member State requires such prior authorisation;


(d) tuairim a thabhairt agus dréachtchóid iompair a fhormheas de bhun Airteagal 40(5);

(d) to issue an opinion and approve draft codes of conduct pursuant to Article 40(5);


(e) comhlachtaí deimhniúcháin a chreidiúnú de bhun Airteagal 43;

(e) to accredit certification bodies pursuant to Article 43;


(f) deimhnithe a eisiúint agus critéir deimhniúcháin a fhormheas i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 42(5);

(f) to issue certifications and approve criteria of certification in accordance with Article 42(5);


(g) clásail chaighdeánacha maidir le cosaint sonraí dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 28(8) agus i bpointe (d) d’Airteagal 46(2) a ghlacadh;

(g) to adopt standard data protection clauses referred to in Article 28(8) and in point (d) of Article 46(2);


(h) clásail chonarthacha dá dtagraítear i bpointe (a) d’Airteagal 46(3) a údarú;

(h) to authorise contractual clauses referred to in point (a) of Article 46(3);


(i) socruithe riaracháin dá dtagraítear i bpointe (b) d’Airteagal 46(3) a údarú;

(i) to authorise administrative arrangements referred to in point (b) of Article 46(3);


(j) rialacha ceangailteacha corparáideacha a fhormheas de bhun Airteagal 47.

(j) to approve binding corporate rules pursuant to Article 47.


4. Beidh feidhmiú na gcumhachtaí a thabharfar don údarás maoirseachta de bhun an Airteagail seo faoi réir coimircí iomchuí, lena n-áirítear leigheas breithiúnach éifeachtach agus próis chuí, atá leagtha síos i ndlí an Aontais agus i ndlí Ballstáit i gcomhréir leis an gCairt.

4. The exercise of the powers conferred on the supervisory authority pursuant to this Article shall be subject to appropriate safeguards, including effective judicial remedy and due process, set out in Union and Member State law in accordance with the Charter.

5. Forálfaidh gach Ballstát le dlí go mbeidh de chumhacht ag a údarás maoirseachta sáruithe ar an Rialachán seo a thabahirt os comhair na n-údarás breithiúnach agus, i gcás inarb iomchuí, imeachtaí dlíthiúla a thosú nó dul ina mbun ar bhealach eile d’fhonn forálacha an Rialacháin seo a fhorfheidhmiú.

5. Each Member State shall provide by law that its supervisory authority shall have the power to bring infringements of this Regulation to the attention of the judicial authorities and where appropriate, to commence or engage otherwise in legal proceedings, in order to enforce the provisions of this Regulation.

6. Féadfaidh gach Ballstát a fhoráil le dlí go mbeidh cumhachtaí breise ag a údarás maoirseachta chomh maith leo siúd dá dtagraítear i mír 1, 2 agus 3. Ní chuirfidh oibriú na gcumhachtaí sin isteach ar fheidhmiú éifeachtach Chaibidil VII.

6. Each Member State may provide by law that its supervisory authority shall have additional powers to those referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. The exercise of those powers shall not impair the effective operation of Chapter VII.

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(129) D'fhonn faireachán agus forfheidhmiú comhsheasmhach an Rialacháin seo a áirithiú ar fud an Aontais, ba cheart na cúraimí céanna agus na cumhachtaí éifeachtacha céanna a bheith ag na húdaráis mhaoirseachta i ngach Ballstát, lena n-áirítear cumhachtaí imscrúdaithe, cumhachtaí ceartaitheacha agus pionóis, agus cumhachtaí údaraithe agus comhairliúcháin, go háirithe i gcásanna gearán ó dhaoine nádúrtha, agus gan dochar do chumhachtaí na n-údarás ionchúisimh faoi dhlí Ballstáit, chun na húdaráis bhreithiúnacha a chur ar an eolas faoi aon sárú a dhéantar ar an Rialachán seo agus chun imeachtaí dlíthiúla a thionscnamh. Ba cheart a áireamh ar chumhachtaí den sórt sin freisin an chumhacht teorainn shealadach nó teorainn bhuan, lena n-áirítear toirmeasc, a fhorchur ar phróiseáil. Féadfaidh na Ballstáit cúraimí eile a shonrú a bhaineann le cosaint sonraí pearsanta faoin Rialachán seo. Maidir leis na cumhachtaí sin atá ag na húdaráis mhaoirseachta, ba cheart iad a fheidhmiú i gcomhréir le coimircí iomchuí nós imeachta a leagtar amach i ndlí an Aontais agus i ndlí Ballstáit, ar bhealach atá neamhchlaon agus cóir agus laistigh de thréimhse réasúnach ama. Ba cheart, go háirithe, gach beart a bheith iomchuí, riachtanach agus comhréireach d'fhonn a áirithiú go gcomhlíontar an Rialacháin seo, agus aird á tabhairt ar dhálaí gach cáis faoi leith, an ceart atá gach duine chun éisteacht a fháil a urramú sula nglactar aon bheart aonair a dhéanfadh dochar dó nó di agus costais iomarcacha agus míchaoithiúlachtaí thar meán a sheachaint do na daoine lena mbaineann. Ba cheart cumhachtaí imscrúdaithe a bhaineann le rochtain ar áitreabh a fheidhmiú i gcomhréir le ceanglais shonracha i ndlí nós imeachta Ballstáit, amhail an ceanglas maidir le réamhúdarú breithiúnach a fháil. Maidir le gach beart a dhéanann an t-údarás maoirseachta atá ceangailteach de réir dlí, ba cheart dó a bheith i scríbhinn agus a bheith soiléir agus gan athbhrí, ba cheart a shonrú leis an t-údarás maoirseachta a d'eisigh an beart agus dáta eisiúna an bhirt, ba cheart é a bheith sínithe ag ceannaire an údaráis mhaoirseachta nó ag comhalta de chuid an údaráis mhaoirseachta arna údarú ag an gceannaire, ba cheart na cúiseanna leis an mbeart a thabhairt, agus ba cheart freisin tagairt a dhéanamh don cheart chun leigheas éifeachtach a fháil. Níor cheart, leis an méid sin, cosc a chur ar cheanglais bhreise de bhun dlí nós imeachta Ballstáit. Le cinneadh ceangailteach de réir dlí a ghlacadh, tugtar le tuiscint go bhféadfadh sé a bheith ina chúis le hathbhreithniú breithiúnach i mBallstát an údaráis mhaoirseachta a ghlac an cinneadh.

(129) In order to ensure consistent monitoring and enforcement of this Regulation throughout the Union, the supervisory authorities should have in each Member State the same tasks and effective powers, including powers of investigation, corrective powers and sanctions, and authorisation and advisory powers, in particular in cases of complaints from natural persons, and without prejudice to the powers of prosecutorial authorities under Member State law, to bring infringements of this Regulation to the attention of the judicial authorities and engage in legal proceedings. Such powers should also include the power to impose a temporary or definitive limitation, including a ban, on processing. Member States may specify other tasks related to the protection of personal data under this Regulation. The powers of supervisory authorities should be exercised in accordance with appropriate procedural safeguards set out in Union and Member State law, impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time. In particular each measure should be appropriate, necessary and proportionate in view of ensuring compliance with this Regulation, taking into account the circumstances of each individual case, respect the right of every person to be heard before any individual measure which would affect him or her adversely is taken and avoid superfluous costs and excessive inconveniences for the persons concerned. Investigatory powers as regards access to premises should be exercised in accordance with specific requirements in Member State procedural law, such as the requirement to obtain a prior judicial authorisation. Each legally binding measure of the supervisory authority should be in writing, be clear and unambiguous, indicate the supervisory authority which has issued the measure, the date of issue of the measure, bear the signature of the head, or a member of the supervisory authority authorised by him or her, give the reasons for the measure, and refer to the right of an effective remedy. This should not preclude additional requirements pursuant to Member State procedural law. The adoption of a legally binding decision implies that it may give rise to judicial review in the Member State of the supervisory authority that adopted the decision.

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