RGPD > Člen 68. Evropski odbor za varstvo podatkov
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Člen 68 SUVP (GDPR). Evropski odbor za varstvo podatkov

Article 68 GDPR. European Data Protection Board

1. Evropski odbor za varstvo podatkov (v nadaljnjem besedilu: odbor) se ustanovi kot organ Unije in je pravna oseba.

1. The European Data Protection Board (the ‘Board’) is hereby established as a body of the Union and shall have legal personality.

2. Odbor zastopa njegov predsednik.

2. The Board shall be represented by its Chair.

3. Odbor sestavljajo vodje enega nadzornega organa iz vsake države članice in Evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov ali njihovi predstavniki.

3. The Board shall be composed of the head of one supervisory authority of each Member State and of the European Data Protection Supervisor, or their respective representatives.

4. Kadar je v državi članici za spremljanje uporabe določb na podlagi te uredbe pristojnih več nadzornih organov, se v skladu s pravom te države članice imenuje skupni predstavnik.

4. Where in a Member State more than one supervisory authority is responsible for monitoring the application of the provisions pursuant to this Regulation, a joint representative shall be appointed in accordance with that Member State’s law.

5. Komisija ima pravico, da sodeluje pri dejavnostih in na sestankih odbora, nima pa glasovalne pravice. Komisija imenuje svojega predstavnika. Predsednik odbora obvesti Komisijo o dejavnostih odbora.

5. The Commission shall have the right to participate in the activities and meetings of the Board without voting right. The Commission shall designate a representative. The Chair of the Board shall communicate to the Commission the activities of the Board.

6. V primerih iz člena 65 ima Evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov glasovalno pravico le pri odločitvah v zvezi z načeli in pravili, ki se uporabljajo za institucije, organe, urade in agencije Unije ter po vsebini ustrezajo načelom in pravilom iz te uredbe.

6. In the cases referred to in Article 65, the European Data Protection Supervisor shall have voting rights only on decisions which concern principles and rules applicable to the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies which correspond in substance to those of this Regulation.

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(139) Za spodbujanje dosledne uporabe te uredbe bi bilo treba odbor ustanoviti kot neodvisen organ Unije. Odbor bi moral biti zaradi doseganja svojih ciljev pravna oseba. Zastopati bi ga moral njegov predsednik. Moral bi nadomestiti Delovno skupino za varstvo posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov, ustanovljeno z Direktivo 95/46/ES. Sestavljati bi ga morali vodje nadzornega organa vsake države članice in Evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov ali njihovi predstavniki. Komisija bi morala pri dejavnostih odbora sodelovati brez glasovalnih pravic, Evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov pa bi moral imeti posebne glasovalne pravice. Odbor bi moral prispevati k dosledni uporabi te uredbe v vsej Uniji, vključno s svetovanjem Komisiji, zlasti o ravni varstva v tretjih državah ali mednarodnih organizacijah, in spodbujanjem sodelovanja nadzornih organov v vsej Uniji. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog bi moral delovati neodvisno.

(139) In order to promote the consistent application of this Regulation, the Board should be set up as an independent body of the Union. To fulfil its objectives, the Board should have legal personality. The Board should be represented by its Chair. It should replace the Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data established by Directive 95/46/EC. It should consist of the head of a supervisory authority of each Member State and the European Data Protection Supervisor or their respective representatives. The Commission should participate in the Board's activities without voting rights and the European Data Protection Supervisor should have specific voting rights. The Board should contribute to the consistent application of this Regulation throughout the Union, including by advising the Commission, in particular on the level of protection in third countries or international organisations, and promoting cooperation of the supervisory authorities throughout the Union. The Board should act independently when performing its tasks.

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