RGPD > Airteagal 49. Maoluithe i gcásanna sonracha
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Airteagal 49 RGCS (GDPR). Maoluithe i gcásanna sonracha

Article 49 GDPR. Derogations for specific situations

1. In éagmais cinneadh leordhóthanachta de bhun Airteagal 45(3), nó in éagmais coimircí iomchuí de bhun Airteagal 46, lena n-áirítear rialacha ceangailteacha corparáideacha, ní dhéanfar aistriú sonraí pearsanta ná sraith d’aistrithe sonraí pearsanta chuig tríú tír ná chuig eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta ach amháin ar cheann amháin de na coinníollacha seo a leanas:

1. In the absence of an adequacy decision pursuant to Article 45(3), or of appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46, including binding corporate rules, a transfer or a set of transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation shall take place only on one of the following conditions:

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(a) gur thoiligh an t-ábhar sonraí go follasach leis an aistriú atá beartaithe, tar éis é a bheith curtha ar an eolas go bhféadfaidh rioscaí bheith ag baint le haistrithe den sórt sin don ábhar sonraí in éagmais cinneadh leordhóthanachta agus in éagmais coimircí iomchuí;

(a) the data subject has explicitly consented to the proposed transfer, after having been informed of the possible risks of such transfers for the data subject due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards;

(b) gur gá an t-aistriú a dhéanamh chun conradh idir an t-ábhar sonraí agus an rialaitheoir a chomhlíonadh nó chun bearta réamhchonarthacha a chur chun feidhme arna iarraidh sin don ábhar sonraí;

(b) the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between the data subject and the controller or the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject’s request;

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(c) gur gá an t-aistriú a dhéanamh chun conradh, arna dhéanamh chun leasa an ábhair sonraí, idir an rialaitheoir agus duine nádúrtha nó dlítheanach eile a thabhairt i gcrích nó a chomhlíonadh;

(c) the transfer is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract concluded in the interest of the data subject between the controller and another natural or legal person;

(d) gur gá an t-aistriú a dhéanamh ar fhorais thábhachtacha leasa phoiblí;

(d) the transfer is necessary for important reasons of public interest;

(e) gur gá an t-aistriú a dhéanamh chun éilimh dhlíthiúla a bhunú, a fheidhmiú nó a chosaint;

(e) the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

(f) gur gá an t-aistriú a dhéanamh chun leasanna ríthábhachtacha an ábhair sonraí nó daoine eile a chosaint, i gcás nach féidir leis an ábhar sonraí toiliú a thabhairt go fisiciúil nó go dlíthiúil; nó

(f) the transfer is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of other persons, where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent;

(g) go ndéantar an t-aistriú ó chlár arna cheapadh, de réir dhlí an Aontais nó dlí Ballstáit, chun faisnéis a chur ar fáil don phobal, ar clár é a fhéadfaidh an pobal i gcoitinne a cheadú nó a fhéadfaidh aon duine a thaispeánann leas dlisteanach a cheadú, ar choinníoll go bhfuil na coinníollacha maidir le comhairliúchán atá leagtha síos le dlí an Aontais nó le dlí Ballstáit comhlíonta sa chás áirithe.

(g) the transfer is made from a register which according to Union or Member State law is intended to provide information to the public and which is open to consultation either by the public in general or by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest, but only to the extent that the conditions laid down by Union or Member State law for consultation are fulfilled in the particular case.

I gcás nach bhféadfaí aistriú a bhunú ar fhoráil in Airteagal 45 nó in Airteagal 46, lena n-áirítear forálacha rialacha ceangailteacha corparáideacha, agus nach bhfuil aon cheann de na maoluithe do chásanna sonracha dá dtagraítear sa chéad fhomhír den mhír seo infheidhme mura aistriú atarlaitheach é, mura mbaineann sé ach le líon teoranta ábhar sonraí, más gá é chun críocha na leasanna dlisteanacha tathantacha atá á saothrú ag an rialaitheoir agus nach bhfuil sáraíocht ag leasanna, cearta nó saoirsí bunúsacha an ábhair sonraí orthu, agus measúnú déanta ag an rialaitheoir ar na himthosca ar fad a bhaineann le haistriú na sonraí pearsanta agus, ar bhonn an mheasúnaithe sin go bhfuil coimircí oiriúnacha soláthraithe aige i ndáil le cosaint sonraí pearsanta. Maidir le pointe (h) den chéad fhomhír, cuirfidh an rialaitheoir an t-údarás maoirseachta ar an eolas faoin aistriú. Chomh maith leis an fhaisnéis dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 13 agus Airteagal 14, cuirfidh an rialaitheoir an t-ábhar sonraí ar an eolas maidir leis an aistriú agus maidir leis na leasanna dlisteanacha tathantacha atá á saothrú

Where a transfer could not be based on a provision in Article 45 or 46, including the provisions on binding corporate rules, and none of the derogations for a specific situation referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph is applicable, a transfer to a third country or an international organisation may take place only if the transfer is not repetitive, concerns only a limited number of data subjects, is necessary for the purposes of compelling legitimate interests pursued by the controller which are not overridden by the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject, and the controller has assessed all the circumstances surrounding the data transfer and has on the basis of that assessment provided suitable safeguards with regard to the protection of personal data. The controller shall inform the supervisory authority of the transfer. The controller shall, in addition to providing the information referred to in Articles 13 and 14, inform the data subject of the transfer and on the compelling legitimate interests pursued.

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2. Ní áireofar na sonraí pearsanta ar fad ná na catagóirí sonraí pearsanta ar fad atá sa chlár i gcás aistrithe de bhun phointe (g) den chéad fhomhír de mhír 1. I gcás ina bhfuil sé beartaithe go bhféadfaidh daoine a bhfuil leas dlisteanach acu an clár a cheadú, ní dhéanfar an t-aistriú ach ar iarraidh ó na daoine sin nó má tá siad le bheith ina bhfaighteoirí.

2. A transfer pursuant to point (g) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not involve the entirety of the personal data or entire categories of the personal data contained in the register. Where the register is intended for consultation by persons having a legitimate interest, the transfer shall be made only at the request of those persons or if they are to be the recipients.

3. Ní bheidh feidhm ag pointí (a), (b), (c) den chéad fhomhír de mhír 1 ná ag an dara fomhír de mhír 1 maidir le gníomhaíochtaí a dhéanann údaráis phoiblí i bhfeidhmiú a gcumhachtaí poiblí.

3. Points (a), (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 and the second subparagraph thereof shall not apply to activities carried out by public authorities in the exercise of their public powers.

4. Déanfar an leas poiblí dá dtagraítear i bpointe (d) den chéad fhomhír de mhír 1 a bheith aitheanta i ndlí an Aontais nó i ndlí an Bhallstáit a bhfuil an rialaitheoir faoina réir.

4. The public interest referred to in point (d) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall be recognised in Union law or in the law of the Member State to which the controller is subject.

5. In éagmais cinneadh leordhóthanachta, féadfaidh dlí an Aontais nó dlí Ballstáit, ar chúiseanna tábhachtacha leasa phoiblí, teorannacha a leagan síos go sainráite ar aistriú catagóirí sonracha sonraí pearsanta chuig tríú tír nó chuig eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta. Cuirfidh na Ballstáit forálacha den sórt sin in iúl don Choimisiún.

5. In the absence of an adequacy decision, Union or Member State law may, for important reasons of public interest, expressly set limits to the transfer of specific categories of personal data to a third country or an international organisation. Member States shall notify such provisions to the Commission.

6. Déanfaidh an rialaitheoir nó an próiseálaí an measúnú agus na coimircí oiriúnacha dá dtagraítear sa dara fomhír de mhír 1 den Airteagal seo a dhoiciméadú sna taifid dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 30.

6. The controller or processor shall document the assessment as well as the suitable safeguards referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article in the records referred to in Article 30.

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ISO 27701 Considerando Linee guida e Giurisprudenza lascia un commento
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 49 GDPR:

7.5.1 Identify basis for PII transfer between jurisdictions


The organization should identify and document the relevant basis for transfers of PII between jurisdictions.

Implementation guidance

PII transfer can be subject to legislation and/or regulation depending on the jurisdiction or international organization to which data is to be transferred (and from where it originates).

per accedere al testo completo


(111) Ba cheart foráil a dhéanamh go bhféadfaí sonraí a aistriú i gcúinsí áirithe i gcás ina bhfuil toiliú sainráite tugtha ag an ábhar sonraí, i gcás ina bhfuil an t-aistriú ócáideach agus riachtanach i ndáil le conradh nó le héileamh dlíthiúil, bíodh sin i nós imeachta breithiúnach nó ná bíodh, nó bíodh sé i nós imeachta riaracháin nó in aon nós imeachta lasmuigh den chúirt nó ná bíodh, lena n-áirítear nósanna imeachta os comhair comhlachtaí rialála. Ba cheart foráil a dhéanamh freisin go bhféadfaí sonraí a aistriú i gcás ina gceanglaítear amhlaidh le forais thábhachtacha leasa phoiblí a leagtar síos le dlí an Aontais nó le dlí Ballstáit nó i gcás ina ndéantar an t-aistriú ó chlár arna bhunú le dlí agus a bheartaítear chun go bhféadfaidh an pobal nó daoine a bhfuil leas dlisteanach acu é a cheadú. Sa chás deireanach sin, níor cheart aistriú den sórt sin a bheith ag baint leis na sonraí pearsanta ina n-iomláine ná le catagóirí iomlána na sonraí atá sa chlár agus, i gcás ina mbeartaítear go bhféadfaidh daoine a bhfuil leas dlisteanach acu an clár a cheadú, níor cheart an t-aistriú a dhéanamh ach arna iarraidh sin do na daoine sin nó más iad siúd atá le bheith ina bhfaighteoirí, agus lán-aird á tabhairt ar leasanna agus ar chearta bunúsacha an ábhair sonraí.

(111) Provisions should be made for the possibility for transfers in certain circumstances where the data subject has given his or her explicit consent, where the transfer is occasional and necessary in relation to a contract or a legal claim, regardless of whether in a judicial procedure or whether in an administrative or any out-of-court procedure, including procedures before regulatory bodies. Provision should also be made for the possibility for transfers where important grounds of public interest laid down by Union or Member State law so require or where the transfer is made from a register established by law and intended for consultation by the public or persons having a legitimate interest. In the latter case, such a transfer should not involve the entirety of the personal data or entire categories of the data contained in the register and, when the register is intended for consultation by persons having a legitimate interest, the transfer should be made only at the request of those persons or, if they are to be the recipients, taking into full account the interests and fundamental rights of the data subject.

(112) Ba cheart feidhm a bheith ag na maoluithe sin, go háirithe maidir le haistrithe sonraí a bhfuil gá leo agus atá riachtanach ar fhorais thábhachtacha leasa phoiblí, mar shampla i gcásanna malartaithe idirnáisiúnta sonraí idir údaráis iomaíochta, idir riaracháin chánach nó idir riaracháin chustaim, idir údaráis mhaoirseachta airgeadais, idir seirbhísí atá inniúil ar ábhair maidir leis an tslándáil shóisialta, nó maidir leis an tsláinte phoiblí, mar shampla i gcás rianú teagmhála maidir le galair thógálacha nó chun dópáil sa spórt a laghdú agus/nó a dhíothú. Ba cheart a mheas go bhfuil aistriú sonraí pearsanta dleathach freisin i gcás inar gá é a dhéanamh chun leas a chosaint ar leas é atá riachtanach do leasanna ríthábhachtacha an ábhair sonraí nó duine eile, lena n-áirítear sláine fhisiciúil nó saol, mura bhféadfaidh an t-ábhar sonraí toiliú a thabhairt. In éagmais cinneadh leordhóthanachta, féadfaidh dlí an Aontais nó dlí Ballstáit, ar fhorais thábhachtacha leasa phoiblí, teorannacha a leagan síos go sainráite ar aistriú catagóirí sonracha sonraí chuig tríú tír nó chuig eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta. Ba cheart do na Ballstáit fógra a thabhairt don Choimisiún faoi fhorálacha den sórt sin. Aon aistriú chuig eagraíocht dhaonnúil idirnáisiúnta a dhéantar maidir le sonraí pearsanta ábhair sonraí nach bhfuil ar a chumas nó ar a cumas, ó thaobh fisiciúil nó dlíthiúil, toiliú a thabhairt, d'fhonn tasc atá riachtanach faoi Choinbhinsiúin na Ginéive a chomhlíonadh nó d'fhonn an dlí daonnúil idirnáisiúnta is infheidhme i gcoinbhleachtaí armtha a chomhlíonadh, d'fhéadfaí a mheas go bhfuil an t-aistriú sin riachtanach ar chúis thábhachtach a bhaineann le leas an phobail nó mar go bhfuil sé ríthábhachtach ó thaobh leas an ábhair sonraí.

(112) Those derogations should in particular apply to data transfers required and necessary for important reasons of public interest, for example in cases of international data exchange between competition authorities, tax or customs administrations, between financial supervisory authorities, between services competent for social security matters, or for public health, for example in the case of contact tracing for contagious diseases or in order to reduce and/or eliminate doping in sport. A transfer of personal data should also be regarded as lawful where it is necessary to protect an interest which is essential for the data subject's or another person's vital interests, including physical integrity or life, if the data subject is incapable of giving consent. In the absence of an adequacy decision, Union or Member State law may, for important reasons of public interest, expressly set limits to the transfer of specific categories of data to a third country or an international organisation. Member States should notify such provisions to the Commission. Any transfer to an international humanitarian organisation of personal data of a data subject who is physically or legally incapable of giving consent, with a view to accomplishing a task incumbent under the Geneva Conventions or to complying with international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts, could be considered to be necessary for an important reason of public interest or because it is in the vital interest of the data subject.

(113) Maidir le haistrithe is féidir a cháiliú mar aistrithe neamhatriallacha agus nach mbaineann ach le líon teoranta ábhar sonraí, d'fhéadfaí iad a dhéanamh freisin chun críocha na leasanna dlisteanacha tathantacha atá á saothrú ag an rialaitheoir, nuair nach bhfuil sáraíocht ag leasanna nó ag cearta agus ag saoirsí an ábhair sonraí ar na leasanna sin agus nuair atá measúnú déanta ag an rialaitheoir ar na himthosca ar fad a bhaineann le haistriú na sonraí. Ba cheart don rialaitheoir aird ar leith a thabhairt ar chineál na sonraí pearsanta, ar chuspóir agus ar ré na hoibríochta próiseála a bheartaítear nó na n-oibríochtaí próiseála a bheartaítear, agus freisin ar an staid sa tír thionscnaimh, sa tríú tír agus i dtír an chinn scríbe, agus ba cheart dó coimircí oiriúnacha a chur ar fáil chun cearta bunúsacha agus saoirsí bunúsacha daoine nádúrtha a chosaint i ndáil lena sonraí pearsanta a chosaint. Níor cheart a bheith in ann aistrithe den sórt sin a dhéanamh ach amháin i gcásanna iarmharacha nuair nach bhfuil feidhm ag aon cheann de na forais eile maidir le haistriú. Chun críocha taighde eolaíoch nó stairiúil nó chun críocha staidrimh, ba cheart ionchais dhlisteanacha na sochaí a chur san áireamh maidir le heolas a mhéadú. Ba cheart don rialaitheoir an t-údarás maoirseachta agus an t-ábhar sonraí a chur ar an eolas maidir leis an aistriú.

(113) Transfers which can be qualified as not repetitive and that only concern a limited number of data subjects, could also be possible for the purposes of the compelling legitimate interests pursued by the controller, when those interests are not overridden by the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject and when the controller has assessed all the circumstances surrounding the data transfer. The controller should give particular consideration to the nature of the personal data, the purpose and duration of the proposed processing operation or operations, as well as the situation in the country of origin, the third country and the country of final destination, and should provide suitable safeguards to protect fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data. Such transfers should be possible only in residual cases where none of the other grounds for transfer are applicable. For scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, the legitimate expectations of society for an increase of knowledge should be taken into consideration. The controller should inform the supervisory authority and the data subject about the transfer.

(114) Ar aon chaoi, i gcás nach bhfuil aon chinneadh glactha ag an gCoimisiún maidir leis an leibhéal leordhóthanach cosanta sonraí i dtríú tír, ba cheart don rialaitheoir nó don phróiseálaí úsáid a bhaint as réitigh lena gcuirtear cearta in-fhorfheidhmithe éifeachtacha ar fáil do na hábhair sonraí i ndáil leis an bpróiseáil a dhéantar ar a gcuid sonraí san Aontas a luaithe a ndéantar na sonraí sin a aistriú le go leanfaidh siad de leas a bhaint as cearta bunúsacha agus as coimircí.

(114) In any case, where the Commission has taken no decision on the adequate level of data protection in a third country, the controller or processor should make use of solutions that provide data subjects with enforceable and effective rights as regards the processing of their data in the Union once those data have been transferred so that that they will continue to benefit from fundamental rights and safeguards.

(115) Glacann roinnt tríú tíortha dlíthe, rialacháin agus gníomhartha dlí eile a cheaptar le gníomhaíochtaí próiseála sonraí daoine nádúrtha agus daoine dlítheanacha a rialáil go díreach faoi dhlínse na mBallstát. D'fhéadfaí a áireamh leis sin breithiúnais ó chúirteanna nó ó bhinsí nó cinntí ó údaráis riaracháin i dtríú tíortha lena gceanglaítear ar rialaitheoir nó ar phróiseálaí sonraí pearsanta a aistriú nó a nochtadh, agus nach bhfuil bunaithe ar chomhaontú idirnáisiúnta, amhail conradh ar chúnamh dlíthiúil frithpháirteach, i bhfeidhm idir an tríú tír iarrthach agus an tAontas nó Ballstát. D'fhéadfadh sé go sárófaí dlí idirnáisiúnta dá gcuirfí na dlíthe, na rialacháin agus na gníomhartha dlí eile sin i bhfeidhm lasmuigh de dhlínse na dtíortha sin agus d'fhéadfadh sé cur isteach ar an gcosaint do dhaoine nádúrtha a áirithítear san Aontas leis an Rialachán seo. Níor cheart aistrithe a cheadú ach i gcás ina gcomhlíontar coinníollacha an Rialacháin seo maidir le haistrithe chuig tríú tíortha. Féadfaidh an cás a bheith amhlaidh, inter alia, má tá gá leis an nochtadh ar fhoras tábhachtach leasa phoiblí a aithnítear i ndlí an Aontais nó i ndlí Ballstáit a bhfuil an rialaitheoir faoina réir.

(115) Some third countries adopt laws, regulations and other legal acts which purport to directly regulate the processing activities of natural and legal persons under the jurisdiction of the Member States. This may include judgments of courts or tribunals or decisions of administrative authorities in third countries requiring a controller or processor to transfer or disclose personal data, and which are not based on an international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty, in force between the requesting third country and the Union or a Member State. The extraterritorial application of those laws, regulations and other legal acts may be in breach of international law and may impede the attainment of the protection of natural persons ensured in the Union by this Regulation. Transfers should only be allowed where the conditions of this Regulation for a transfer to third countries are met. This may be the case, inter alia, where disclosure is necessary for an important ground of public interest recognised in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.

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