RGPD > Airteagal 2. Raon feidhme ábhartha
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Airteagal 2 RGCS (GDPR). Raon feidhme ábhartha

Article 2 GDPR. Material scope

1. Tá feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil go hiomlán nó go páirteach trí mhodhanna uathoibrithe, agus maidir le sonraí pearsanta, ar cuid de chóras comhdúcháin iad nó atá beartaithe a bheith ina gcuid de chóras comhdúcháin, a phróiseáil trí mhodhanna eile seachas modhanna uathoibrithe.

1. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by automated means and to the processing other than by automated means of personal data which form part of a filing system or are intended to form part of a filing system.

Commento dell'esperto

(EN) This article limits the scope of the GDPR. The European legislators have decided not to burden the majority of the population with numerous rules in the household and private life. They removed from the Regulation the processes of processing that do not pose a big threat (not automated processing where personal data is not collected in the system).

The combination “automated means” covers primarily…

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(EN) Author
Siarhei Varankevich
(EN) Siarhei Varankevich CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, MBA, FIP
(EN) Co-Founder & CEO of Data Privacy Office LLC. Data Protection Trainer and Principal Consultant
Linee guida e Giurisprudenza Considerando

(15) Chun nach gcruthófaí riosca tromchúiseach go dtarlódh imchéimniú, ba cheart daoine nádúrtha a chosaint ar bhealach atá neodrach ó thaobh na teicneolaíochta de agus níor cheart don chosaint sin a bheith ag brath ar na teicníochtaí atá in úsáid; dá ndéanfaí a mhalairt,. Ba cheart daoine nádúrtha a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil trí mhodhanna uathoibrithe agus de láimh, sa chás ina bhfuil na sonraí pearsanta á gcoinneáil i gcóras comhdúcháin nó má tá sé i gceist na sonraí a choinneáil i gcóras den sórt sin. Níor cheart do chomhaid nó do shraitheanna de chomhaid mar aon lena leathanaigh chumhdaigh, nach bhfuil struchtúraithe de réir critéir shonracha, teacht faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo.

(15) In order to prevent creating a serious risk of circumvention, the protection of natural persons should be technologically neutral and should not depend on the techniques used. The protection of natural persons should apply to the processing of personal data by automated means, as well as to manual processing, if the personal data are contained or are intended to be contained in a filing system. Files or sets of files, as well as their cover pages, which are not structured according to specific criteria should not fall within the scope of this Regulation.

2. Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil sna cásanna seo a leanas:

2. This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data:

(a) má dhéantar an phróiseáil mar chuid de ghníomhaíocht nach dtagann faoi raon feidhme dhlí an Aontais;

(a) in the course of an activity which falls outside the scope of Union law;


(16) Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir le saincheisteanna i ndáil le cearta bunúsacha agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint ná ar shaorshreabhadh sonraí pearsanta a bhaineann le gníomhaíochtaí nach dtagann faoi raon feidhme dhlí an Aontais, amhail gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann leis an tslándáil náisiúnta. Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir leis an bpróiseáil a dhéanann na Ballstáit ar shonraí pearsanta agus iad i mbun gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le comhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála an Aontais.

(16) This Regulation does not apply to issues of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms or the free flow of personal data related to activities which fall outside the scope of Union law, such as activities concerning national security. This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by the Member States when carrying out activities in relation to the common foreign and security policy of the Union.

(b) má dhéanann na Ballstáit an phróiseáil agus iad i mbun gníomhaíochtaí a thagann faoi raon feidhme Chaibidil 2 de Theideal V CAE;

(b) by the Member States when carrying out activities which fall within the scope of Chapter 2 of Title V of the TEU;

(c) má dhéanann duine nádúrtha an phróiseáil agus an duine sin i mbun gníomhaíocht atá de chineál pearsanta nó de chineál tís amháin;

(c) by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity;

Linee guida e Giurisprudenza Considerando

(18) Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir leis an bpróiseáil a dhéanann duine nádúrtha ar shonraí pearsanta le linn gníomhaíocht de chineál pearsanta nó de chineál tís amháin, is é sin próiseáil nach bhfuil aon nasc aici le gníomhaíocht ghairmiúil ná le gníomhaíocht tráchtála. D'fhéadfaí a áireamh ar ghníomhaíochtaí pearsanta nó ar ghníomhaíochtaí tís comhfhreagras agus coinneáil seoltaí, nó líonrú sóisialta agus gníomhaíocht ar líne a dhéantar i gcomhthéacs gníomhaíochtaí den sórt sin. Tá feidhm ag an Rialachán seo, áfach, maidir le rialaitheoirí nó próiseálaithe a sholáthraíonn an modh chun sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil le haghaidh gníomhaíochtaí pearsanta nó gníomhaíochtaí tís den sórt sin.

(18) This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity and thus with no connection to a professional or commercial activity. Personal or household activities could include correspondence and the holding of addresses, or social networking and online activity undertaken within the context of such activities. However, this Regulation applies to controllers or processors which provide the means for processing personal data for such personal or household activities.

(d) má dhéanann údaráis inniúla an phróiseáil ar mhaithe le cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó ar mhaithe le pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-áirítear coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí don tslándáil phoiblí agus cosc a dhéanamh ar na bagairtí sin.

(d) by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security.


(19) Maidir le daoine nádúrtha a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag údaráis inniúla chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-áirítear coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc, agus saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin, tá an chosaint sin agus an tsaorghluaiseacht sin faoi réir gníomh dlí sonrach de chuid an Aontais. Dá bhrí sin, níor cheart feidhm a bheith ag an Rialachán seo maidir le gníomhaíochtaí próiseála a dhéantar chun na gcríoch sin. Mar sin féin, aon sonraí pearsanta a phróiseálann údaráis phoiblí faoin Rialachán seo, nuair a úsáidtear iad chun na gcríoch sin, ba cheart iad a rialú le gníomh dlí is sonraí de chuid an Aontais, eadhon Treoir (AE) 2016/680 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (7). Féadfaidh na Ballstáit cúraimí eile a thabhairt d'údaráis inniúla de réir bhrí Threoir (AE) 2016/680, ar cúraimí iad nach gá a chur i gcrích chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-airítear chun coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc, ionas go mbeidh na sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáiltear chun na gcríoch eile sin, sa mhéid go bhfuil sí faoi raon feidhme dhlí an Aontais, faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo.

(19) The protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security and the free movement of such data, is the subject of a specific Union legal act. This Regulation should not, therefore, apply to processing activities for those purposes. However, personal data processed by public authorities under this Regulation should, when used for those purposes, be governed by a more specific Union legal act, namely Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council [7]. Member States may entrust competent authorities within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/680 with tasks which are not necessarily carried out for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and prevention of threats to public security, so that the processing of personal data for those other purposes, in so far as it is within the scope of Union law, falls within the scope of this Regulation.

I gcás na próiseála a dhéanann na húdaráis inniúla sin ar shonraí pearsanta chun críocha a thagann faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo, Ba cheart na Ballstáit a bheith in ann forálacha níos sonraí a choimeád nó a thabhairt isteach chun cur i bhfeidhm na rialacha a bhaineann leis an Rialachán seo a chur in oiriúint. Féadfar ceanglais níos cruinne agus níos sonraí a chinneadh le forálacha den sórt sin don phróiseáil a dhéanann na húdaráis inniúla sin ar shonraí pearsanta chun na gcríoch eile sin, agus struchtúr bunreachtúil, eagraíochtúil agus riaracháin an Bhallstáit faoi leith á chur san áireamh. I gcás ina dtagann an phróiseáil a dhéanann comhlachtaí príobháideacha ar shonraí pearsanta faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo, ba cheart foráil a dhéanamh leis an Rialachán seo go bhféadfaidh na Ballstáit, faoi choinníollacha sonracha, srian a chur, de réir dlí, le hoibleagáidí áirithe agus le cearta áirithe nuair is beart riachtanach, comhréireach é srian den sórt sin, i sochaí dhaonlathach, chun leasanna sonracha tábhachtacha, lena n-áirítear an tslándáil phoiblí, a choimirciú, agus chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-áirítear coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc. Tá an méid sin ábhartha, cuir i gcás, i gcreat an chomhraic i gcoinne sciúradh airgid nó i gcomhthéacs gníomhaíochtaí saotharlann fóiréinseach.

With regard to the processing of personal data by those competent authorities for purposes falling within scope of this Regulation, Member States should be able to maintain or introduce more specific provisions to adapt the application of the rules of this Regulation. Such provisions may determine more precisely specific requirements for the processing of personal data by those competent authorities for those other purposes, taking into account the constitutional, organisational and administrative structure of the respective Member State. When the processing of personal data by private bodies falls within the scope of this Regulation, this Regulation should provide for the possibility for Member States under specific conditions to restrict by law certain obligations and rights when such a restriction constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure in a democratic society to safeguard specific important interests including public security and the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security. This is relevant for instance in the framework of anti-money laundering or the activities of forensic laboratories.

(7) Treoir (AE) 2016/680 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 27 Aibreán 2016 i ndáil le cosaint daoine nádúrtha maidir le próiseáil sonraí pearsanta ag údaráis inniúla chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghnoimhú, agus saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh Réime 2008/977/CGB ón gComhairle (féach leathanach 89 den Iris Oifigiúil seo)

[7] Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such data and repealing Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA (see page 89 of this Official Journal).

3. Maidir le próiseáil sonraí pearsanta ag institiúidí, ag comhlachtaí, ag oifigí agus ag gníomhaireachtaí de chuid an Aontais, tá feidhm ag Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001. Maidir le Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 agus le gníomhartha dlí eile de chuid an Aontais atá infheidhme maidir leis an bpróiseáil sin, déanfar iad a chur in oiriúint do phrionsabail agus do rialacha an Rialacháin seo i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 98.

3. For the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 applies. Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and other Union legal acts applicable to such processing of personal data shall be adapted to the principles and rules of this Regulation in accordance with Article 98.


(17) Tá feidhm ag Rialachán (CE) Uimh 45/2001 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (6) maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag institiúidí, comhlachtaí, oifigí agus gníomhaireachtaí an Aontais. Ba cheart Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 agus na gníomhartha dlí eile de chuid an Aontais is infheidhme maidir leis an bpróiseáil sin ar shonraí pearsanta a chur in oiriúint do na prionsabail agus do na rialacha a bhunaítear sa Rialachán seo agus a chur i bhfeidhm i bhfianaise an Rialacháin seo. D'fhonn creat láidir, comhtháite cosanta sonraí a chur ar fáil san Aontas, ba cheart na hoiriúnuithe riachtanacha ar Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 a dhéanamh tar éis an Rialachán seo a ghlacadh, d'fhonn go bhféadfar iad a chur i bhfeidhm i gcomhthráth leis an Rialachán seo.

(17) Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council [6] applies to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and other Union legal acts applicable to such processing of personal data should be adapted to the principles and rules established in this Regulation and applied in the light of this Regulation. In order to provide a strong and coherent data protection framework in the Union, the necessary adaptations of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 should follow after the adoption of this Regulation, in order to allow application at the same time as this Regulation.

(6) Rialachán (CE) Uimh.45/2001 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 18 Nollaig 2000 maidir le daoine aonair a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag institiúidí agus ag comhlachtaí an Chomhphobail agus maidir le saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin (IO L 8, 12.1.2001, lch. 1).

[6] Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1).

(172) Chuathas i gcomhairle leis an Maoirseoir Eorpach ar Chosaint Sonraí i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 28(2) de Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 agus thug sé tuairim an 7 Márta 2012 (17).

(172) The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 28(2) of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and delivered an opinion on 7 March 2012 [17].

4. Is gan dochar an Rialachán seo do chur i bhfeidhm Threoir 2000/31/CE, go háirithe maidir leis na rialacha dliteanais a bhaineann le soláthraithe idirmheánacha seirbhíse in Airteagal 12 go hAirteagal 15 den Treoir sin.

4. This Regulation shall be without prejudice to the application of Directive 2000/31/EC, in particular of the liability rules of intermediary service providers in Articles 12 to 15 of that Directive.


(21) Is gan dochar do chur i bhfeidhm Threoir 2000/31/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (8) an Rialachán seo, go háirithe maidir le rialacha dliteanais na soláthraithe seirbhíse idirmheánacha in Airteagal 12 go hAirteagal 15 den Treoir sin. Féachtar leis an Treoir sin cur le feidhmiú cuí an mhargaidh inmheánaigh trí shaorghluaiseacht sheirbhísí na Sochaí Faisnéise a áirithiú idir Ballstáit.

(21) This Regulation is without prejudice to the application of Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council [8], in particular of the liability rules of intermediary service providers in Articles 12 to 15 of that Directive. That Directive seeks to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by ensuring the free movement of information society services between Member States.

(8) Treoir 2000/31/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 8 Meitheamh 2000 maidir le gnéithe áirithe dlí de sheirbhísí na sochaí faisnéise, an trádáil leictreonach, go háirithe, sa Mhargadh Inmheánach (“an Treoir um thrádáil leictreonach”) (IO L 178, 17.7.2000, lch. 1).

[8] Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (‘Directive on electronic commerce’) (OJ L 178, 17.7.2000, p. 1).

Commento dell'esperto Considerando Linee guida e Giurisprudenza lascia un commento
Commento dell'esperto


Article 2 of the GDPR limits its scope and excludes many common situations from the obligation to comply with the law. European legislators decided not to impose numerous rules on most individuals within their household and private lives. They excluded …

per accedere al testo completo

Siarhei Varankevich
(EN) Siarhei Varankevich CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, MBA, FIP
(EN) Co-Founder & CEO of Data Privacy Office LLC. Data Protection Trainer and Principal Consultant

(14) Ba cheart feidhm a bheith ag an gcosaint a bhfuil foráil déanta ina leith sa Rialachán seo maidir le daoine nádúrtha, is cuma cén náisiúntacht atá acu nó cén áit a bhfuil cónaí orthu, i ndáil leis an bpróiseáil a dhéantar ar a sonraí pearsanta. Ní chumhdaítear leis an Rialachán seo an phróiseáil a dhéantar ar shonraí pearsanta a bhaineann le daoine dlítheanacha agus go háirithe le gnóthais a bhfuil pearsantacht dhlíthiúil acu, lena n-áirítear ainm agus foirm an duine dhlítheanaigh agus sonraí teagmhála an duine dhlítheanaigh.

(14) The protection afforded by this Regulation should apply to natural persons, whatever their nationality or place of residence, in relation to the processing of their personal data. This Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person.

(15) Chun nach gcruthófaí riosca tromchúiseach go dtarlódh imchéimniú, ba cheart daoine nádúrtha a chosaint ar bhealach atá neodrach ó thaobh na teicneolaíochta de agus níor cheart don chosaint sin a bheith ag brath ar na teicníochtaí atá in úsáid; dá ndéanfaí a mhalairt,. Ba cheart daoine nádúrtha a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil trí mhodhanna uathoibrithe agus de láimh, sa chás ina bhfuil na sonraí pearsanta á gcoinneáil i gcóras comhdúcháin nó má tá sé i gceist na sonraí a choinneáil i gcóras den sórt sin. Níor cheart do chomhaid nó do shraitheanna de chomhaid mar aon lena leathanaigh chumhdaigh, nach bhfuil struchtúraithe de réir critéir shonracha, teacht faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo.

(15) In order to prevent creating a serious risk of circumvention, the protection of natural persons should be technologically neutral and should not depend on the techniques used. The protection of natural persons should apply to the processing of personal data by automated means, as well as to manual processing, if the personal data are contained or are intended to be contained in a filing system. Files or sets of files, as well as their cover pages, which are not structured according to specific criteria should not fall within the scope of this Regulation.

(16) Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir le saincheisteanna i ndáil le cearta bunúsacha agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint ná ar shaorshreabhadh sonraí pearsanta a bhaineann le gníomhaíochtaí nach dtagann faoi raon feidhme dhlí an Aontais, amhail gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann leis an tslándáil náisiúnta. Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir leis an bpróiseáil a dhéanann na Ballstáit ar shonraí pearsanta agus iad i mbun gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le comhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála an Aontais.

(16) This Regulation does not apply to issues of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms or the free flow of personal data related to activities which fall outside the scope of Union law, such as activities concerning national security. This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by the Member States when carrying out activities in relation to the common foreign and security policy of the Union.

(17) Tá feidhm ag Rialachán (CE) Uimh 45/2001 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (6) maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag institiúidí, comhlachtaí, oifigí agus gníomhaireachtaí an Aontais. Ba cheart Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 agus na gníomhartha dlí eile de chuid an Aontais is infheidhme maidir leis an bpróiseáil sin ar shonraí pearsanta a chur in oiriúint do na prionsabail agus do na rialacha a bhunaítear sa Rialachán seo agus a chur i bhfeidhm i bhfianaise an Rialacháin seo. D'fhonn creat láidir, comhtháite cosanta sonraí a chur ar fáil san Aontas, ba cheart na hoiriúnuithe riachtanacha ar Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 45/2001 a dhéanamh tar éis an Rialachán seo a ghlacadh, d'fhonn go bhféadfar iad a chur i bhfeidhm i gcomhthráth leis an Rialachán seo.

(17) Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council [6] applies to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and other Union legal acts applicable to such processing of personal data should be adapted to the principles and rules established in this Regulation and applied in the light of this Regulation. In order to provide a strong and coherent data protection framework in the Union, the necessary adaptations of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 should follow after the adoption of this Regulation, in order to allow application at the same time as this Regulation.

(6) Rialachán (CE) Uimh.45/2001 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 18 Nollaig 2000 maidir le daoine aonair a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag institiúidí agus ag comhlachtaí an Chomhphobail agus maidir le saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin (IO L 8, 12.1.2001, lch. 1).

[6] Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1).

(18) Níl feidhm ag an Rialachán seo maidir leis an bpróiseáil a dhéanann duine nádúrtha ar shonraí pearsanta le linn gníomhaíocht de chineál pearsanta nó de chineál tís amháin, is é sin próiseáil nach bhfuil aon nasc aici le gníomhaíocht ghairmiúil ná le gníomhaíocht tráchtála. D'fhéadfaí a áireamh ar ghníomhaíochtaí pearsanta nó ar ghníomhaíochtaí tís comhfhreagras agus coinneáil seoltaí, nó líonrú sóisialta agus gníomhaíocht ar líne a dhéantar i gcomhthéacs gníomhaíochtaí den sórt sin. Tá feidhm ag an Rialachán seo, áfach, maidir le rialaitheoirí nó próiseálaithe a sholáthraíonn an modh chun sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil le haghaidh gníomhaíochtaí pearsanta nó gníomhaíochtaí tís den sórt sin.

(18) This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity and thus with no connection to a professional or commercial activity. Personal or household activities could include correspondence and the holding of addresses, or social networking and online activity undertaken within the context of such activities. However, this Regulation applies to controllers or processors which provide the means for processing personal data for such personal or household activities.

(19) Maidir le daoine nádúrtha a chosaint i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag údaráis inniúla chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-áirítear coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc, agus saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin, tá an chosaint sin agus an tsaorghluaiseacht sin faoi réir gníomh dlí sonrach de chuid an Aontais. Dá bhrí sin, níor cheart feidhm a bheith ag an Rialachán seo maidir le gníomhaíochtaí próiseála a dhéantar chun na gcríoch sin. Mar sin féin, aon sonraí pearsanta a phróiseálann údaráis phoiblí faoin Rialachán seo, nuair a úsáidtear iad chun na gcríoch sin, ba cheart iad a rialú le gníomh dlí is sonraí de chuid an Aontais, eadhon Treoir (AE) 2016/680 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (7). Féadfaidh na Ballstáit cúraimí eile a thabhairt d'údaráis inniúla de réir bhrí Threoir (AE) 2016/680, ar cúraimí iad nach gá a chur i gcrích chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-airítear chun coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc, ionas go mbeidh na sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáiltear chun na gcríoch eile sin, sa mhéid go bhfuil sí faoi raon feidhme dhlí an Aontais, faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo.

(19) The protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security and the free movement of such data, is the subject of a specific Union legal act. This Regulation should not, therefore, apply to processing activities for those purposes. However, personal data processed by public authorities under this Regulation should, when used for those purposes, be governed by a more specific Union legal act, namely Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council [7]. Member States may entrust competent authorities within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/680 with tasks which are not necessarily carried out for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and prevention of threats to public security, so that the processing of personal data for those other purposes, in so far as it is within the scope of Union law, falls within the scope of this Regulation.

I gcás na próiseála a dhéanann na húdaráis inniúla sin ar shonraí pearsanta chun críocha a thagann faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo, Ba cheart na Ballstáit a bheith in ann forálacha níos sonraí a choimeád nó a thabhairt isteach chun cur i bhfeidhm na rialacha a bhaineann leis an Rialachán seo a chur in oiriúint. Féadfar ceanglais níos cruinne agus níos sonraí a chinneadh le forálacha den sórt sin don phróiseáil a dhéanann na húdaráis inniúla sin ar shonraí pearsanta chun na gcríoch eile sin, agus struchtúr bunreachtúil, eagraíochtúil agus riaracháin an Bhallstáit faoi leith á chur san áireamh. I gcás ina dtagann an phróiseáil a dhéanann comhlachtaí príobháideacha ar shonraí pearsanta faoi raon feidhme an Rialacháin seo, ba cheart foráil a dhéanamh leis an Rialachán seo go bhféadfaidh na Ballstáit, faoi choinníollacha sonracha, srian a chur, de réir dlí, le hoibleagáidí áirithe agus le cearta áirithe nuair is beart riachtanach, comhréireach é srian den sórt sin, i sochaí dhaonlathach, chun leasanna sonracha tábhachtacha, lena n-áirítear an tslándáil phoiblí, a choimirciú, agus chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghníomhú, lena n-áirítear coimirciú a dhéanamh in aghaidh bagairtí ar an tslándáil phoiblí agus na bagairtí sin a chosc. Tá an méid sin ábhartha, cuir i gcás, i gcreat an chomhraic i gcoinne sciúradh airgid nó i gcomhthéacs gníomhaíochtaí saotharlann fóiréinseach.

With regard to the processing of personal data by those competent authorities for purposes falling within scope of this Regulation, Member States should be able to maintain or introduce more specific provisions to adapt the application of the rules of this Regulation. Such provisions may determine more precisely specific requirements for the processing of personal data by those competent authorities for those other purposes, taking into account the constitutional, organisational and administrative structure of the respective Member State. When the processing of personal data by private bodies falls within the scope of this Regulation, this Regulation should provide for the possibility for Member States under specific conditions to restrict by law certain obligations and rights when such a restriction constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure in a democratic society to safeguard specific important interests including public security and the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security. This is relevant for instance in the framework of anti-money laundering or the activities of forensic laboratories.

(7) Treoir (AE) 2016/680 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 27 Aibreán 2016 i ndáil le cosaint daoine nádúrtha maidir le próiseáil sonraí pearsanta ag údaráis inniúla chun cionta coiriúla a chosc, a imscrúdú, a bhrath nó a ionchúiseamh nó chun pionóis choiriúla a fhorghnoimhú, agus saorghluaiseacht sonraí den sórt sin agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh Réime 2008/977/CGB ón gComhairle (féach leathanach 89 den Iris Oifigiúil seo)

[7] Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such data and repealing Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA (see page 89 of this Official Journal).

(20) Cé go bhfuil feidhm ag an Rialachán seo, inter alia, maidir le gníomhaíochtaí cúirteanna agus údarás breithiúnach eile, d'fhéadfaí, le dlí an Aontais nó le dlí Ballstáit, na hoibríochtaí próiseála agus na nósanna imeachta próiseála a shonrú i ndáil le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil ag cúirteanna agus ag údaráis bhreithiúnacha eile. Níor cheart, le hinniúlacht na n-údarás maoirseachta, an phróiseáil ar shonraí pearsanta a chumhdach nuair a bhíonn na cúirteanna ag gníomhú faoina gcumas breithiúnach féin, d'fhonn neamhspleáchas na mbreithiúna a choimirciú i gcomhlíonadh a gcúraimí breithiúnacha, lena n-áirítear le linn dóibh a gcuid cinntí a dhéanamh. Ba cheart é a bheith indéanta maoirseacht ar oibríochtaí próiseála sonraí den sórt sin a chur de chúram ar chomhlachtaí sonracha laistigh de chóras breithiúnach an Bhallstáit, córas lenar cheart, go háirithe, comhlíonadh rialacha an Rialacháin seo a áirithiú, feasacht chomhaltaí na mbreithiúnachta maidir lena n-oibleagáidí faoin Rialachán seo a fheabhsú agus gearáin maidir le hoibríochtaí próiseála sonraí den sórt sin a láimhseáil.

(20) While this Regulation applies, inter alia, to the activities of courts and other judicial authorities, Union or Member State law could specify the processing operations and processing procedures in relation to the processing of personal data by courts and other judicial authorities. The competence of the supervisory authorities should not cover the processing of personal data when courts are acting in their judicial capacity, in order to safeguard the independence of the judiciary in the performance of its judicial tasks, including decision-making. It should be possible to entrust supervision of such data processing operations to specific bodies within the judicial system of the Member State, which should, in particular ensure compliance with the rules of this Regulation, enhance awareness among members of the judiciary of their obligations under this Regulation and handle complaints in relation to such data processing operations.

(21) Is gan dochar do chur i bhfeidhm Threoir 2000/31/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle (8) an Rialachán seo, go háirithe maidir le rialacha dliteanais na soláthraithe seirbhíse idirmheánacha in Airteagal 12 go hAirteagal 15 den Treoir sin. Féachtar leis an Treoir sin cur le feidhmiú cuí an mhargaidh inmheánaigh trí shaorghluaiseacht sheirbhísí na Sochaí Faisnéise a áirithiú idir Ballstáit.

(21) This Regulation is without prejudice to the application of Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council [8], in particular of the liability rules of intermediary service providers in Articles 12 to 15 of that Directive. That Directive seeks to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by ensuring the free movement of information society services between Member States.

(8) Treoir 2000/31/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 8 Meitheamh 2000 maidir le gnéithe áirithe dlí de sheirbhísí na sochaí faisnéise, an trádáil leictreonach, go háirithe, sa Mhargadh Inmheánach (“an Treoir um thrádáil leictreonach”) (IO L 178, 17.7.2000, lch. 1).

[8] Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (‘Directive on electronic commerce’) (OJ L 178, 17.7.2000, p. 1).

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