GDPR > Premessa 127
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Premessa 127

Recital 127

(127) Kull awtorità superviżorja li ma tkunx qed taġixxi bħala l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija għandha tkun kompetenti li tittratta każijiet lokali fejn il-kontrollur jew il-proċessur ikun stabbilit f’aktar minn Stat Membru wieħed, iżda s-suġġett tal-ipproċessar speċifiku jikkonċerna biss l-ipproċessar li jsir fi Stat Membru uniku u jinvolvi biss is-suġġetti tad-data f’dak l-Istat Membru uniku, pereżempju, fejn is-suġġett jikkonċerna l-ipproċessar ta’ data personali tal-impjegati fil-kuntest speċifiku tal-impjiegi ta’ Stat Membru partikolari.

F’tali każijiet, l-awtorità superviżorja għandha tgħarraf lill-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija mingħajr dewmien dwar il-kwistjoni.

Wara li tiġi infurmata, l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija għandha tiddeċiedi jekk hijiex ser tittratta l-każ skont id-dispożizzjoni dwar il-kooperazzjoni bejn l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija u awtoritajiet superviżorja oħra kkonċernati (“il-mekkaniżmu ta’ punt uniku ta’ servizz”), jew jekk l-awtorità superviżorja li infurmatha għandhiex tittratta l-każ fil-livell lokali.

Meta tkun qed tiddeċiedi jekk hijiex ser tittratta l-każ, l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija għandha tqis jekk hemmx stabbiliment tal-kontrollur jew il-proċessur fl-Istat Membru tal-awtorità superviżorja li informatha sabiex tiżgura l-infurzar effettiv ta’ deċiżjoni vis-à-vis il-kontrollur jew il-proċessur.

Fejn l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija tiddeċiedi li tittratta l-każ, l-awtorità superviżorja li tkun infurmatha għandu jkollha l-possibbiltà li tippreżenta abbozz għal deċiżjoni, li l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija għandha tqis bl-akbar reqqa meta tkun qed tħejji l-abbozz ta’ deċiżjoni tagħha f’dak il-mekkaniżmu ta’ punt uniku ta’ servizz.

(127) Each supervisory authority not acting as the lead supervisory authority should be competent to handle local cases where the controller or processor is established in more than one Member State, but the subject matter of the specific processing concerns only processing carried out in a single Member State and involves only data subjects in that single Member State, for example, where the subject matter concerns the processing of employees’ personal data in the specific employment context of a Member State.

In such cases, the supervisory authority should inform the lead supervisory authority without delay about the matter.

After being informed, the lead supervisory authority should decide, whether it will handle the case pursuant to the provision on cooperation between the lead supervisory authority and other supervisory authorities concerned (‘one-stop-shop mechanism’), or whether the supervisory authority which informed it should handle the case at local level.

When deciding whether it will handle the case, the lead supervisory authority should take into account whether there is an establishment of the controller or processor in the Member State of the supervisory authority which informed it in order to ensure effective enforcement of a decision vis-à-vis the controller or processor.

Where the lead supervisory authority decides to handle the case, the supervisory authority which informed it should have the possibility to submit a draft for a decision, of which the lead supervisory authority should take utmost account when preparing its draft decision in that one-stop-shop mechanism.