
Premessa 136

Recital 136

(136) Fl-applikazzjoni tal-mekkaniżmu ta’ konsistenza, il-Bord għandu joħroġ opinjoni, f’perijodu ta’ żmien stabbilit, jekk dan jiġi deċiż mill-maġġoranza tal-membri tiegħu jew jekk jintalab jagħmel dan minn kwalunkwe awtorità superviżorja kkonċernata jew mill-Kummissjoni.

Il-Bord għandu jkollu wkoll is-setgħa li jadotta deċiżjonijiet legalment vinkolanti fejn ikun hemm tilwim bejn l-awtoritajiet superviżorji.

Għal dak il-għan, huwa għandu joħroġ, fil-prinċipju b’maġġoranza ta’ żewġ terzi tal-membri tiegħu, deċiżjonijiet legalment vinkolanti f’każijiet speċifikati b’mod ċar fejn ikun hemm fehmiet konfliġġenti fost l-awtoritajiet superviżorji, b’mod partikolari fil-mekkaniżmu ta’ kooperazzjoni bejn l-awtorità superviżorja ewlenija u l-awtoritajiet superviżorji kkonċernati dwar il-merti tal-każ, b’mod partikolari jekk kienx hemm ksur ta’ dan ir-Regolament.

(136) In applying the consistency mechanism, the Board should, within a determined period of time, issue an opinion, if a majority of its members so decides or if so requested by any supervisory authority concerned or the Commission.

The Board should also be empowered to adopt legally binding decisions where there are disputes between supervisory authorities.

For that purpose, it should issue, in principle by a two-thirds majority of its members, legally binding decisions in clearly specified cases where there are conflicting views among supervisory authorities, in particular in the cooperation mechanism between the lead supervisory authority and supervisory authorities concerned on the merits of the case, in particular whether there is an infringement of this Regulation.