GDPR > Artikel 28. Databehandler

Artikel 28 GDPR. Databehandler

Article 28 GDPR. Processor

1. Hvis en behandling skal foretages på vegne af en dataansvarlig, benytter den dataansvarlige udelukkende databehandlere, der kan stille de fornødne garantier for, at de vil gennemføre de passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger på en sådan måde, at behandling opfylder kravene i denne forordning og sikrer beskyttelse af den registreredes rettigheder.

1. Where processing is to be carried out on behalf of a controller, the controller shall use only processors providing sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that processing will meet the requirements of this Regulation and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject.

2. Databehandleren må ikke gøre brug af en anden databehandler uden forudgående specifik eller generel skriftligt godkendelse fra den dataansvarlige. I tilfælde af generel skriftlig godkendelse skal databehandleren underrette den dataansvarlige om eventuelle planlagte ændringer vedrørende tilføjelse eller erstatning af andre databehandlere og derved give den dataansvarlige mulighed for at gøre indsigelse mod sådanne ændringer.

2. The processor shall not engage another processor without prior specific or general written authorisation of the controller. In the case of general written authorisation, the processor shall inform the controller of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of other processors, thereby giving the controller the opportunity to object to such changes.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 28(2) GDPR:

8.5.6 Disclosure of subcontractors used to process PII


The organization should disclose any use of subcontractors to process PII to the customer before use.

Implementation guidance

Provisions for the use of subcontractors to process PII should be included in the customer contract.

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3. En databehandlers behandling skal være reguleret af en kontrakt eller et andet retligt dokument i henhold til EU-retten eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret, der er bindende for databehandleren med hensyn til den dataansvarlige, og der fastsætter genstanden for og varigheden af behandlingen, behandlingens karakter og formål, typen af personoplysninger og kategorierne af registrerede samt den dataansvarliges forpligtelser og rettigheder. Denne kontrakt eller dette andet retlige dokument fastsætter navnlig, at databehandleren:

3. Processing by a processor shall be governed by a contract or other legal act under Union or Member State law, that is binding on the processor with regard to the controller and that sets out the subject-matter and duration of the processing, the nature and purpose of the processing, the type of personal data and categories of data subjects and the obligations and rights of the controller. That contract or other legal act shall stipulate, in particular, that the processor:

a) kun må behandle personoplysninger efter dokumenteret instruks fra den dataansvarlige, herunder for så vidt angår overførsel af personoplysninger til et tredjeland eller en international organisation, medmindre det kræves i henhold til EU-ret eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret, som databehandleren er underlagt; i så fald underretter databehandleren den dataansvarlige om dette retlige krav inden behandling, medmindre den pågældende ret forbyder en sådan underretning af hensyn til vigtige samfundsmæssige interesser

(a) processes the personal data only on documented instructions from the controller, including with regard to transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation, unless required to do so by Union or Member State law to which the processor is subject; in such a case, the processor shall inform the controller of that legal requirement before processing, unless that law prohibits such information on important grounds of public interest;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(3)(a) GDPR:

8.2.2 Organization’s purposes


The organization should ensure that PII processed on behalf of a customer are only processed for the purposes expressed in the documented instructions of the customer.

Implementation guidance

The contract between the organization and the customer should include, but not be limited to, the objective and time frame to be achieved by the service.

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b) sikrer, at de personer, der er autoriseret til at behandle personoplysninger, har forpligtet sig til fortrolighed eller er underlagt en passende lovbestemt tavshedspligt

(b) ensures that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 13.2.4.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(3)(b) GDPR: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements

Implementation guidance

The organization should ensure that individuals operating under its control with access to PII are subject to a confidentiality obligation. The confidentiality agreement, whether part of a contract or separate, should specify the length of time the obligations should be adhered to.

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c) iværksætter alle foranstaltninger, som kræves i henhold til artikel 32

(c) takes all measures required pursuant to Article 32;


d) opfylder de betingelser, der er omhandlet i stk. 2 og 4, for at gøre brug af en anden databehandler

(d) respects the conditions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 for engaging another processor;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(3)(d) GDPR:

8.5.7 Engagement of a subcontractor to process PII


The organization should only engage a subcontractor to process PII according to the customer contract.

Implementation guidance

Where the organization subcontracts some or all of the processing of that PII to another organization, a written authorization from the customer is required prior to the PII processed by the subcontractor. This can be in the form of appropriate clauses in the customer contract, or can be a specific “one-off” agreement.


terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

e) under hensyntagen til behandlingens karakter, så vidt muligt bistår den dataansvarlige ved hjælp af passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger, med opfyldelse af den dataansvarliges forpligtelse til at besvare anmodninger om udøvelse af de registreredes rettigheder som fastlagt i kapitel III

(e) taking into account the nature of the processing, assists the controller by appropriate technical and organisational measures, insofar as this is possible, for the fulfilment of the controller’s obligation to respond to requests for exercising the data subject’s rights laid down in Chapter III;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(3)(e) GDPR:

8.3.1 Obligations to PII principals


The organization should provide the customer with the means to comply with its obligations related to PII principals.

Implementation guidance

A PII controller’s obligations can be defined by legislation, by regulation and/or by contract. These obligations can include matters where the customer uses the services of the organization for implementation of these obligations.

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

f) bistår den dataansvarlige med at sikre overholdelse af forpligtelserne i medfør af artikel 32-36 under hensyntagen til behandlingens karakter og de oplysninger, der er tilgængelige for databehandleren

(f) assists the controller in ensuring compliance with the obligations pursuant to Articles 32 to 36 taking into account the nature of processing and the information available to the processor;


g) efter den dataansvarliges valg sletter eller tilbageleverer alle personoplysninger til den dataansvarlige, efter at tjenesterne vedrørende behandling er ophørt, og sletter eksisterende kopier, medmindre EU-retten eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret foreskriver opbevaring af personoplysningerne

(g) at the choice of the controller, deletes or returns all the personal data to the controller after the end of the provision of services relating to processing, and deletes existing copies unless Union or Member State law requires storage of the personal data;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(3)(g) GDPR:

8.4.2 Return, transfer or disposal of PII


The organization should provide the ability to return, transfer and/or disposal of PII in a secure manner. It should also make its policy available to the customer.

Implementation guidance

At some point in time, PII can need to be disposed of in some manner. This can involve returning the PII to the customer, transferring it to another organization or to a PII controller (e.g. as a result of a merger), deleting or otherwise destroying it, de-identifying it or archiving it.

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

h) stiller alle oplysninger, der er nødvendige for at påvise overholdelse af kravene i denne artikel, til rådighed for den dataansvarlige og giver mulighed for og bidrager til revisioner, herunder inspektioner, der foretages af den dataansvarlige eller en anden revisor, som er bemyndiget af den dataansvarlige.

(h) makes available to the controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations laid down in this Article and allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections, conducted by the controller or another auditor mandated by the controller.

ISO 27701

For så vidt angår første afsnit, litra h), underretter databehandleren omgående den dataansvarlige, hvis en instruks efter vedkommendes mening er i strid med denne forordning eller databeskyttelsesbestemmelser i anden EU-ret eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret.

With regard to point (h) of the first subparagraph, the processor shall immediately inform the controller if, in its opinion, an instruction infringes this Regulation or other Union or Member State data protection provisions.

4. Gør en databehandler brug af en anden databehandler i forbindelse med udførelse af specifikke behandlingsaktiviteter på vegne af den dataansvarlige, pålægges denne anden databehandler de samme databeskyttelsesforpligtelser som dem, der er fastsat i kontrakten eller et andet retligt dokument mellem den dataansvarlige og databehandleren som omhandlet i stk. 3, gennem en kontrakt eller et andet retligt dokument i henhold til EU-retten eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret, hvorved der navnlig stilles de fornødne garantier for, at de vil gennemføre de passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger på en sådan måde, at behandlingen opfylder kravene i denne forordning. Hvis denne anden databehandler ikke opfylder sine databeskyttelsesforpligtelser, forbliver den oprindelige databehandler fuldt ansvarlig over for den dataansvarlige for opfyldelsen af denne anden databehandlers forpligtelser.

4. Where a processor engages another processor for carrying out specific processing activities on behalf of the controller, the same data protection obligations as set out in the contract or other legal act between the controller and the processor as referred to in paragraph 3 shall be imposed on that other processor by way of a contract or other legal act under Union or Member State law, in particular providing sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that the processing will meet the requirements of this Regulation. Where that other processor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations, the initial processor shall remain fully liable to the controller for the performance of that other processor’s obligations.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII processors.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 28(4) GDPR:

8.5.6 Disclosure of subcontractors used to process PII


The organization should disclose any use of subcontractors to process PII to the customer before use.

Implementation guidance

Provisions for the use of subcontractors to process PII should be included in the customer contract.

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

5. En databehandlers overholdelse af en godkendt adfærdskodeks som omhandlet i artikel 40 eller en godkendt certificeringsmekanisme som omhandlet i artikel 42 kan bruges som et element til at påvise fornødne garantier som omhandlet i nærværende artikels stk. 1 og 4.

5. Adherence of a processor to an approved code of conduct as referred to in Article 40 or an approved certification mechanism as referred to in Article 42 may be used as an element by which to demonstrate sufficient guarantees as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article.


6. Uden at det berører en individuel kontrakt mellem den dataansvarlige og databehandleren, kan kontrakten eller det andet retlige dokument, der er omhandlet i denne artikels stk. 3 og 4, helt eller delvis baseres på de standardkontraktbestemmelser, der er anført i denne artikels stk. 7 og 8, herunder når de indgår i en certificering, der er meddelt den dataansvarlige eller databehandleren i henhold til artikel 42 og 43.

6. Without prejudice to an individual contract between the controller and the processor, the contract or the other legal act referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article may be based, in whole or in part, on standard contractual clauses referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Article, including when they are part of a certification granted to the controller or processor pursuant to Articles 42 and 43.


7. Kommissionen kan fastsætte standardkontraktbestemmelser i de tilfælde, der er omhandlet i denne artikels stk. 3 og 4, og i overensstemmelse med undersøgelsesproceduren, der er omhandlet i artikel 93, stk. 2.

7. The Commission may lay down standard contractual clauses for the matters referred to in paragraph 3 and 4 of this Article and in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 93(2).


8. En tilsynsmyndighed kan vedtage standardkontraktbestemmelser i de tilfælde, der er omhandlet i denne artikels stk. 3 og 4, og i overensstemmelse med sammenhængsmekanismen, der er omhandlet i artikel 63.

8. A supervisory authority may adopt standard contractual clauses for the matters referred to in paragraph 3 and 4 of this Article and in accordance with the consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63.


9. Kontrakten eller det andet retlige dokument, der er omhandlet i stk. 3 og 4, skal foreligge skriftligt, herunder elektronisk.

9. The contract or the other legal act referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be in writing, including in electronic form.

10. Hvis en databehandler overtræder denne forordning ved at fastlægge formålene med og hjælpemidlerne til behandling, anses databehandleren for at være en dataansvarlig for så vidt angår den pågældende behandling, uden at dette berører artikel 82, 83 og 84.

10. Without prejudice to Articles 82, 83 and 84, if a processor infringes this Regulation by determining the purposes and means of processing, the processor shall be considered to be a controller in respect of that processing.

Ekspertide kommentaar ISO 27701 Põhjendustes Suunised & Case Law Jäta kommentaar
Ekspertide kommentaar

(EN) A processor is a person or an organization that processes personal data on behalf and under the authority of a controller [Articles 4(8) and 28(1)]. The term used in the English text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) remains difficult to apprehend by a non-legal audience, so it is useful to turn to other linguistic versions for a better understanding.

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks

(EN) Author
Louis-Philippe Gratton
(EN) Louis-Philippe Gratton PhD, LLM
(EN) Privacy Expert
ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 4.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to articles 28(5), 28(6), and 28(10) GDPR:

5.2.1 Understanding the organization and its context

The organization shall include among its interested parties (see ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 4.2), those parties having interests or responsibilities associated with the processing of PII, including the PII principals.

terviktekstile juurdepääsuks


(81) Med henblik på at sikre overholdelse af kravene i denne forordning i forbindelse med behandling, der foretages af en databehandler på vegne af den dataansvarlige, når databehandleren overdrages behandlingsaktiviteter, bør den dataansvarlige udelukkende benytte sig af databehandlere, der giver tilstrækkelige garantier, navnlig i form af ekspertise, pålidelighed og ressourcer, for implementering af tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger, der opfylder kravene i denne forordning, herunder med hensyn til behandlingssikkerhed. Databehandlerens overholdelse af en godkendt adfærdskodeks eller en godkendt certificeringsmekanisme kan bruges som et element til at påvise, at den dataansvarlige overholder sine forpligtelser. Bestemmelserne om behandling ved en databehandler bør fastsættes i en kontrakt eller et andet retligt dokument i henhold til EU-retten eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret, der binder databehandleren til den dataansvarlige, og hvori behandlingens genstand og varighed, behandlingens karakter og formål, typen af personoplysninger og kategorierne af registrerede er fastsat, idet der tages hensyn til databehandleres specifikke opgaver og ansvar i forbindelse med den behandling, der skal foretages, og risikoen for den registreredes rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder. Den dataansvarlige og databehandleren kan vælge at anvende en individuel kontrakt eller standardkontraktbestemmelser, der er vedtaget enten direkte af Kommissionen eller af en tilsynsmyndighed i henhold til sammenhængsmekanismen og derefter vedtaget af Kommissionen. Databehandleren bør efter den dataansvarliges valg tilbagelevere eller slette de pågældende personoplysninger efter afslutning af den behandling, der er foretaget på vegne af den dataansvarlige, medmindre der er et krav om at opbevare personoplysningerne i EU-ret eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret, som databehandleren er underlagt.

(81) To ensure compliance with the requirements of this Regulation in respect of the processing to be carried out by the processor on behalf of the controller, when entrusting a processor with processing activities, the controller should use only processors providing sufficient guarantees, in particular in terms of expert knowledge, reliability and resources, to implement technical and organisational measures which will meet the requirements of this Regulation, including for the security of processing. The adherence of the processor to an approved code of conduct or an approved certification mechanism may be used as an element to demonstrate compliance with the obligations of the controller. The carrying-out of processing by a processor should be governed by a contract or other legal act under Union or Member State law, binding the processor to the controller, setting out the subject-matter and duration of the processing, the nature and purposes of the processing, the type of personal data and categories of data subjects, taking into account the specific tasks and responsibilities of the processor in the context of the processing to be carried out and the risk to the rights and freedoms of the data subject. The controller and processor may choose to use an individual contract or standard contractual clauses which are adopted either directly by the Commission or by a supervisory authority in accordance with the consistency mechanism and then adopted by the Commission. After the completion of the processing on behalf of the controller, the processor should, at the choice of the controller, return or delete the personal data, unless there is a requirement to store the personal data under Union or Member State law to which the processor is subject.

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