RGPD > Člen 94. Razveljavitev Direktive 95/46/ES
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Člen 94 SUVP (GDPR). Razveljavitev Direktive 95/46/ES

Article 94 GDPR. Repeal of Directive 95/46/EC

1. Direktiva 95/46/ES se razveljavi z učinkom od 25. maja 2018.

1. Directive 95/46/EC is repealed with effect from 25 May 2018.

2. Sklicevanja na razveljavljeno direktivo se štejejo kot sklicevanja na to uredbo. Sklicevanja na Delovno skupino za varstvo posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov, ustanovljeno s členom 29 Direktive 95/46/ES, se štejejo kot sklicevanja na Evropski odbor za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljen s to uredbo.

2. References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Regulation. References to the Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data established by Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC shall be construed as references to the European Data Protection Board established by this Regulation.

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(171) S to uredbo bi bilo treba razveljaviti Direktivo 95/46/ES. Obdelavo, ki se že izvaja na dan uporabe te uredbe, bi bilo treba uskladiti s to uredbo v roku dveh let po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe. Kadar obdelava temelji na privolitvi v skladu z Direktivo 95/46/ES, posamezniku, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ni treba ponovno dati privolitve, če je bila privolitev dana na način, ki je v skladu s pogoji iz te uredbe, s čimer se upravljavcu dovoli, da takšno obdelavo še naprej izvaja po datumu začetka uporabe te uredbe. Odločitve, ki jih je na podlagi Direktive 95/46/ES sprejela Komisija, in dovoljenja s strani nadzornih organov so veljavni, dokler se ne spremenijo, nadomestijo ali prekličejo.

(171) Directive 95/46/EC should be repealed by this Regulation. Processing already under way on the date of application of this Regulation should be brought into conformity with this Regulation within the period of two years after which this Regulation enters into force. Where processing is based on consent pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC, it is not necessary for the data subject to give his or her consent again if the manner in which the consent has been given is in line with the conditions of this Regulation, so as to allow the controller to continue such processing after the date of application of this Regulation. Commission decisions adopted and authorisations by supervisory authorities based on Directive 95/46/EC remain in force until amended, replaced or repealed.

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