RGPD > Člen 32. Varnost obdelave
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Člen 32 SUVP (GDPR). Varnost obdelave

Article 32 GDPR. Security of processing

1. Ob upoštevanju najnovejšega tehnološkega razvoja in stroškov izvajanja ter narave, obsega, okoliščin in namenov obdelave, pa tudi tveganj za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, ki se razlikujejo po verjetnosti in resnosti, upravljavec in obdelovalec z izvajanjem ustreznih tehničnih in organizacijskimi ukrepov zagotovita ustrezno raven varnosti glede na tveganje, vključno med drugim z naslednjimi ukrepi, kot je ustrezno:

1. Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia as appropriate:

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(a) psevdonimizacijo in šifriranjem osebnih podatkov;

(a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 32(1)(a) GDPR:

7.4.5 PII de-identification and deletion at the end of processing


The organization should either delete PII or render it in a form which does not permit identification or re-identification of PII principals, as soon as the original PII is no longer necessary for the identified purpose(s).

Implementation guidance

The organization should have mechanisms to erase the PII when no further processing is anticipated.

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(b) zmožnostjo zagotoviti stalno zaupnost, celovitost, dostopnost in odpornost sistemov in storitev za obdelavo;

(b) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 6.1.2.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 32(1)(b) GDPR: Information security risk assessment

6.1.2 c) 1) is refined as follows:

The organization shall apply the information security risk assessment process to identify risks associated with the loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability, within the scope of the PIMS.

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(c) zmožnostjo pravočasno povrniti razpoložljivost in dostop do osebnih podatkov v primeru fizičnega ali tehničnega incidenta;

(c) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident;

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 12.3.1.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 32(1)(c) GDPR: Information backup

Implementation guidance

The organization should have a policy which addresses the requirements for backup, recovery and restoration of PII (which can be part of an overall information backup policy) and any further requirements (e.g. contractual and/or legal requirements) for the erasure of PII contained in information held for backup requirements.

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(d) postopkom rednega testiranja, ocenjevanja in vrednotenja učinkovitosti tehničnih in organizacijskih ukrepov za zagotavljanje varnostni obdelave.

(d) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27002, section 18.2.1.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 32(1)(d) GDPR: Independent review of information security

Implementation guidance

Where an organization is acting as a PII processor, and where individual customer audits are impractical or can increase risks to security, the organization should make available to customers, prior to entering into, and for the duration of, a contract, independent evidence that information security is implemented and operated in accordance with the organization’s policies and procedures.

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2. Pri določanju ustrezne ravni varnosti se upoštevajo zlasti tveganja, ki jih pomeni obdelava, zlasti zaradi nenamernega ali nezakonitega uničenja, izgube, spremembe, nepooblaščenega razkritja ali dostopa do osebnih podatkov, ki so poslani, shranjeni ali kako drugače obdelani.

2. In assessing the appropriate level of security account shall be taken in particular of the risks that are presented by processing, in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 4.3.

Here is the relevant paragraphs to article 32(2) GDPR:

5.2.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system

When determining the scope of the PIMS, the organization shall include the processing of PII.

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(83) Za ohranitev varnosti in preprečitev obdelave, ki bi pomenila kršitev te uredbe, bi moral upravljavec ali obdelovalec oceniti tveganje, povezano z obdelavo, in izvesti ukrepe za ublažitev tega tveganja, na primer šifriranje. Ti ukrepi bi morali zagotavljati ustrezno raven varnosti, vključno z zaupnostjo, ob upoštevanju najnovejšega tehnološkega razvoja in stroškov izvajanja glede na tveganja in naravo osebnih podatkov, ki jih je treba varovati. Pri oceni tveganja v zvezi z varstvom podatkov bi bilo treba pozornost posvetiti tveganjem, ki jih pomeni obdelava osebnih podatkov, kot so nenamerno ali nezakonito uničenje, izguba, sprememba, nepooblaščeno razkritje ali dostop do osebnih podatkov, ki so poslani, shranjeni ali kako drugače obdelani, kar lahko zlasti povzroči fizično, premoženjsko ali nepremoženjsko škodo.

(83) In order to maintain security and to prevent processing in infringement of this Regulation, the controller or processor should evaluate the risks inherent in the processing and implement measures to mitigate those risks, such as encryption. Those measures should ensure an appropriate level of security, including confidentiality, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation in relation to the risks and the nature of the personal data to be protected. In assessing data security risk, consideration should be given to the risks that are presented by personal data processing, such as accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed which may in particular lead to physical, material or non-material damage.

3. Zavezanost k odobrenemu kodeksu ravnanja iz člena 40 ali izvajanje odobrenega mehanizma potrjevanja iz člena 42 se lahko uporabi za dokazovanje izpolnjevanja zahtev iz odstavka 1 tega člena.

3. Adherence to an approved code of conduct as referred to in Article 40 or an approved certification mechanism as referred to in Article 42 may be used as an element by which to demonstrate compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of this Article.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added a requirement additional to ISO/IEC 27001, section 4.1.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 32(3) GDPR:

5.2.1 Understanding the organization and its context

The organization shall include among its interested parties (see ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 4.2), those parties having interests or responsibilities associated with the processing of PII, including the PII principals.

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4. Upravljavec in obdelovalec zagotovita, da katera koli fizična oseba, ki ukrepa pod vodstvom upravljavca ali obdelovalca, ki ima dostop do osebnih podatkov, slednjih ne sme obdelati brez navodil upravljavca, razen če to od nje zahteva pravo Unije ali pravo države članice.

4. The controller and processor shall take steps to ensure that any natural person acting under the authority of the controller or the processor who has access to personal data does not process them except on instructions from the controller, unless he or she is required to do so by Union or Member State law.

ISO 27701

(EN) ISO/IEC 27701, adopted in 2019, added additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII controllers.

Here is the relevant paragraph to article 32(4) GDPR:

7.2.1 Identify and document purpose


The organization should identify and document the specific purposes for which the PII will be processed.

Implementation guidance

The organization should ensure that PII principals understand the purpose for which their PII is processed. It is the responsibility of the organization to clearly document and communicate this to PII principals.

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(83) Za ohranitev varnosti in preprečitev obdelave, ki bi pomenila kršitev te uredbe, bi moral upravljavec ali obdelovalec oceniti tveganje, povezano z obdelavo, in izvesti ukrepe za ublažitev tega tveganja, na primer šifriranje. Ti ukrepi bi morali zagotavljati ustrezno raven varnosti, vključno z zaupnostjo, ob upoštevanju najnovejšega tehnološkega razvoja in stroškov izvajanja glede na tveganja in naravo osebnih podatkov, ki jih je treba varovati. Pri oceni tveganja v zvezi z varstvom podatkov bi bilo treba pozornost posvetiti tveganjem, ki jih pomeni obdelava osebnih podatkov, kot so nenamerno ali nezakonito uničenje, izguba, sprememba, nepooblaščeno razkritje ali dostop do osebnih podatkov, ki so poslani, shranjeni ali kako drugače obdelani, kar lahko zlasti povzroči fizično, premoženjsko ali nepremoženjsko škodo.

(83) In order to maintain security and to prevent processing in infringement of this Regulation, the controller or processor should evaluate the risks inherent in the processing and implement measures to mitigate those risks, such as encryption. Those measures should ensure an appropriate level of security, including confidentiality, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation in relation to the risks and the nature of the personal data to be protected. In assessing data security risk, consideration should be given to the risks that are presented by personal data processing, such as accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed which may in particular lead to physical, material or non-material damage.

(74) Uvesti bi bilo treba pristojnost in odgovornost upravljavca glede vsake obdelave osebnih podatkov, ki jo izvede upravljavec ali je izvedena v njegovem imenu. Upravljavec bi moral zlasti izvajati ustrezne in učinkovite ukrepe ter biti zmožen dokazati skladnost dejavnosti obdelave s to direktivo, vključno z učinkovitostjo ukrepov. Ti ukrepi bi morali upoštevati naravo, obseg, okoliščine in namene obdelave ter tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov.

(74) The responsibility and liability of the controller for any processing of personal data carried out by the controller or on the controller's behalf should be established. In particular, the controller should be obliged to implement appropriate and effective measures and be able to demonstrate the compliance of processing activities with this Regulation, including the effectiveness of the measures. Those measures should take into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing and the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

(75) Tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznika, ki se razlikuje po verjetnosti in resnosti, je lahko posledica obdelave osebnih podatkov, ki bi lahko povzročila fizično, premoženjsko in ali nepremoženjsko škodo, zlasti: kadar obdelava lahko privede do diskriminacije, kraje ali zlorabe identitete, finančne izgube, okrnitve ugleda, izgube zaupnosti osebnih podatkov, zaščitenih s poklicno molčečnostjo, neodobrene reverzije psevdonimizacije ali katere koli druge znatne gospodarske ali socialne škode; kadar bi bile posameznikom, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, lahko odvzete pravice in svoboščine ali bi jim bilo preprečeno izvajanje nadzora nad njihovimi osebnimi podatki; kadar se obdelujejo osebni podatki, ki razkrivajo rasno ali etnično poreklo, politična mnenja, veroizpoved ali filozofsko prepričanje ali članstvo v sindikatu, ter obdelovanje genetskih podatkov ali podatkov v zvezi z zdravjem ali podatkov v zvezi s spolnim življenjem ali kazenskimi obsodbami in prekrški ali s tem povezanimi varnostnimi ukrepi, kadar se vrednotijo osebni vidiki, zlasti analiziranje ali predvidevanje vidikov, ki zadevajo uspešnost pri delu, ekonomski položaj, zdravje, osebni okus ali interese, zanesljivost ali vedenje, lokacijo ali gibanje, da bi se ustvarili ali uporabljali osebni profili, kadar se obdelujejo osebni podatki ranljivih posameznikov, zlasti otrok; ali kadar obdelava vključuje veliko število osebnih podatkov in zadeva veliko število posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki.

(75) The risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, of varying likelihood and severity, may result from personal data processing which could lead to physical, material or non-material damage, in particular: where the processing may give rise to discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, damage to the reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, or any other significant economic or social disadvantage; where data subjects might be deprived of their rights and freedoms or prevented from exercising control over their personal data; where personal data are processed which reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, data concerning health or data concerning sex life or criminal convictions and offences or related security measures; where personal aspects are evaluated, in particular analysing or predicting aspects concerning performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behaviour, location or movements, in order to create or use personal profiles; where personal data of vulnerable natural persons, in particular of children, are processed; or where processing involves a large amount of personal data and affects a large number of data subjects.

(76) Verjetnost in resnost tveganja za pravice in svoboščine posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, bi bilo treba ugotavljati glede na vrsto, obseg, okoliščine in namene obdelave. Tveganje bi bilo treba oceniti na podlagi objektivne ocene, s katero se določi, ali dejanja obdelave podatkov pomenijo tveganje ali veliko tveganje.

(76) The likelihood and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of the data subject should be determined by reference to the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing. Risk should be evaluated on the basis of an objective assessment, by which it is established whether data processing operations involve a risk or a high risk.

(77) Usmerjanje izvajanja ustreznih ukrepov in dokazovanja skladnosti s strani upravljavca ali obdelovalca, zlasti kar zadeva opredelitev tveganja, povezanega z obdelavo, njegovo oceno v smislu izvora, narave, verjetnosti in resnosti ter opredelitev najboljših praks za ublažitev tveganja, bi se lahko zagotovilo zlasti z odobrenimi kodeksi ravnanja, odobrenimi postopki potrjevanja, smernicami, ki bi jih zagotovil odbor, ali navodili pooblaščene osebe za varstvo podatkov. Odbor lahko izda tudi smernice za dejanja obdelave, za katere ni verjetno, da bi povzročila veliko tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, in navede, kateri ukrepi bi v takih primerih morda zadostovali za obravnavanje takega tveganja.

(77) Guidance on the implementation of appropriate measures and on the demonstration of compliance by the controller or the processor, especially as regards the identification of the risk related to the processing, their assessment in terms of origin, nature, likelihood and severity, and the identification of best practices to mitigate the risk, could be provided in particular by means of approved codes of conduct, approved certifications, guidelines provided by the Board or indications provided by a data protection officer. The Board may also issue guidelines on processing operations that are considered to be unlikely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons and indicate what measures may be sufficient in such cases to address such risk.

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