GDPR > Artikolu 52. Indipendenza

Artikolu 52 RĠPD (GDPR). Indipendenza

Article 52 GDPR. Independence

1. Kull awtorità superviżorja għandha taġixxi b’indipendenza sħiħa fit-twettiq tal-kompiti tagħha u fl-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat tagħha f’konformità ma’ dan ir-Regolament.

1. Each supervisory authority shall act with complete independence in performing its tasks and exercising its powers in accordance with this Regulation.

2. Il-membru jew il-membri ta’ kull awtorità superviżorja għandhom, fit-twettiq tal-kompiti tagħhom u l-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat tagħhom f’konformità ma’ dan ir-Regolament, jibqgħu ħielsa minn influwenza esterna, sew jekk tkun diretta jew indiretta, u m’għandhomx ifittxu u jieħdu istruzzjonijiet mingħand ħadd.

2. The member or members of each supervisory authority shall, in the performance of their tasks and exercise of their powers in accordance with this Regulation, remain free from external influence, whether direct or indirect, and shall neither seek nor take instructions from anybody.

3. Membru jew membri ta’ kull awtorità superviżorja għandhom iżommu lura minn kwalunkwe azzjoni inkompatibbli mad-dmirijiet tagħhom u ma għandhomx, matul il-mandat tagħhom, jinvolvu ruħhom fi kwalunkwe okkupazzjoni inkompatibbli, sew jekk bi qligħ jew le.

3. Member or members of each supervisory authority shall refrain from any action incompatible with their duties and shall not, during their term of office, engage in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not.

4. Kull Stat Membru għandu jiżgura li kull awtorità superviżorja tiġi pprovduta bir-riżorsi umani, tekniċi u finanzjarji, il-bini u l-infrastruttura meħtieġa għat-twettiq effettiv tal-kompiti tagħha u l-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat tagħha, inklużi dawk li għandhom jitwettqu fil-kuntest ta’ assistenza, kooperazzjoni u parteċipazzjoni reċiproki fil-Bord.

4. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority is provided with the human, technical and financial resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of its tasks and exercise of its powers, including those to be carried out in the context of mutual assistance, cooperation and participation in the Board.

5. Kull Stat Membru għandu jiżgura li kull awtorità superviżorja tagħżel u jkollha l-persunal tagħha stess li għandu jkun soġġett għad-direzzjoni esklużiva tal-membru jew il-membri tal-awtorità superviżorja konċernata.

5. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority chooses and has its own staff which shall be subject to the exclusive direction of the member or members of the supervisory authority concerned.

6. Kull Stat Membru għandu jiżgura li kull awtorità superviżorja tkun soġġetta għal kontroll finanzjarju li ma jaffettwax l-indipendenza tagħha u li jkollha baġits annwali separati u pubbliċi, li jistgħu jkunu parti mill-baġit globali tal-istat jew nazzjonali.

6. Each Member State shall ensure that each supervisory authority is subject to financial control which does not affect its independence and that it has separate, public annual budgets, which may be part of the overall state or national budget.

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(118) L-indipendenza tal-awtoritajiet superviżorji ma għandhiex tfisser li l-awtoritajiet superviżorji ma jistgħux ikunu soġġetti għal mekkaniżmi ta' kontroll jew monitoraġġ rigward l-infiq finanzjarju tagħhom jew għal kontroll ġudizzjarju.

(118) The independence of supervisory authorities should not mean that the supervisory authorities cannot be subject to control or monitoring mechanisms regarding their financial expenditure or to judicial review.

(120) Kull awtorità superviżorja għandha tingħata r-riżorsi finanzjarji u umani, bini u infrastruttura li jkunu meħtieġa għat-twettiq effettiv tal-kompiti tagħha, inklużi dawk relatati mal-assistenza reċiproka u l-kooperazzjoni ma' awtoritajiet superviżorji oħrajn fl-Unjoni kollha. Kull awtorità superviżorja għandu jkollha baġit annwali pubbliku separat, li jista' jagħmel parti mill-baġit globali tal-istat jew nazzjonali.

(120) Each supervisory authority should be provided with the financial and human resources, premises and infrastructure necessary for the effective performance of their tasks, including those related to mutual assistance and cooperation with other supervisory authorities throughout the Union. Each supervisory authority should have a separate, public annual budget, which may be part of the overall state or national budget.

(121) Il-kondizzjonijiet ġenerali għall-membru jew il-membri tal-awtorità superviżorja għandhom jiġu stabbiliti bil-liġi f'kull Stat Membru u għandhom b'mod partikolari jipprovdu sabiex dawk il-membri jinħatru, permezz ta' proċedura trasparenti, jew mill-parlament, jew mill-gvern jew mill-Kap tal-Istat tal-Istat Membru abbażi ta' proposta mill-gvern, jew minn membru tal-gvern, jew mill-parlament jew minn kamra tal-parlament, jew minn korp indipendenti inkarigat taħt il-liġi ta' Stat Membru. Sabiex tiġi żgurata l-indipendenza tal-awtorità superviżorja, il-membru jew il-membri għandhom jaġixxu b'integrità, jibqgħu lura minn kwalunkwe azzjoni li ma tkunx kompatibbli ma' dmirijiethom u matul il-mandat tagħhom, ma għandhom jinvolvu ruħhom fl-ebda xogħol li ma jkunx kompatibbli, sew jekk bi qligħ sew jekk le. L-awtorità superviżorja għandu jkollha l-persunal tagħha stess, magħżul mill-awtorità superviżorja jew korp indipendenti stabbilit bil-liġi ta' Stat Membru, li għandu jkun suġġett għat-tmexxija esklużiva tal-membru jew tal-membri tal-awtorità superviżorja.

(121) The general conditions for the member or members of the supervisory authority should be laid down by law in each Member State and should in particular provide that those members are to be appointed, by means of a transparent procedure, either by the parliament, government or the head of State of the Member State on the basis of a proposal from the government, a member of the government, the parliament or a chamber of the parliament, or by an independent body entrusted under Member State law. In order to ensure the independence of the supervisory authority, the member or members should act with integrity, refrain from any action that is incompatible with their duties and should not, during their term of office, engage in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not. The supervisory authority should have its own staff, chosen by the supervisory authority or an independent body established by Member State law, which should be subject to the exclusive direction of the member or members of the supervisory authority.

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