GDPR > Uvodna izjava 104
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Uvodna izjava 104

Recital 104

(104) Komisija bi morala v skladu s temeljnimi vrednotami, na katerih temelji Unija, zlasti z varstvom človekovih pravic, v svoji oceni tretje države ali ozemlja ali določenega sektorja v tretji državi upoštevati, v kolikšni meri posamezna tretja država spoštuje načelo pravne države, dostop do pravnega varstva, pa tudi mednarodna pravila in standarde na področju človekovih pravic ter svojo splošno in področno zakonodajo, med drugim zakonodajo na področju javne varnosti, obrambe, nacionalne varnosti ter javnega reda in kazenskega prava.

Pri sprejetju sklepa o ustreznosti glede ozemlja ali določenega sektorja v tretji državi bi bilo treba upoštevati jasna in objektivna merila, kot so posebne dejavnosti obdelave ter področje uporabe veljavnih pravnih standardov in veljavne zakonodaje v tretji državi.

Tretja država bi morala nuditi jamstva, ki zagotavljajo ustrezno raven varstva, ki je v osnovi enakovredna tisti, zagotovljeni v Uniji, zlasti kadar se osebni podatki obdelujejo v enem ali več določenih sektorjih.

Zlasti bi morala zagotavljati učinkovit neodvisen nadzor varstva podatkov ter mehanizme sodelovanja z organi za varstvo podatkov držav članic, posamezniki, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, pa bi morali imeti učinkovite in izvršljive pravice ter dostop do učinkovitega upravnega in sodnega varstva.

(104) In line with the fundamental values on which the Union is founded, in particular the protection of human rights, the Commission should, in its assessment of the third country, or of a territory or specified sector within a third country, take into account how a particular third country respects the rule of law, access to justice as well as international human rights norms and standards and its general and sectoral law, including legislation concerning public security, defence and national security as well as public order and criminal law.

The adoption of an adequacy decision with regard to a territory or a specified sector in a third country should take into account clear and objective criteria, such as specific processing activities and the scope of applicable legal standards and legislation in force in the third country.

The third country should offer guarantees ensuring an adequate level of protection essentially equivalent to that ensured within the Union, in particular where personal data are processed in one or several specific sectors.

In particular, the third country should ensure effective independent data protection supervision and should provide for cooperation mechanisms with the Member States’ data protection authorities, and the data subjects should be provided with effective and enforceable rights and effective administrative and judicial redress.